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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Ya gotta wonder how out of shape OBJ was if the Cowboys and Bills both went and got other players. Sheeesh
  2. You could be right and that’s why I say KC is sitting there in a nice spot. The Bills however control their own destiny. At some point you just need to win them all….just like in the playoffs.
  3. Is it the long hair version or the short hair version?
  4. It’s going to be race to the finish line this month with the Bills, Chiefs and Bengals. KC has to be considered in the drivers seat with their remaining schedule. But…the Bills have it all in front of them. Win out and you get a week off.
  5. It’s been said quite a few times in this post. At the very minimum I’d have expected a starting CB on a team that not only needed one but it could be said desperately needed one. At the minimum.
  6. There’s no other way to look at it. This draft class has been pretty disappointing…. so far. Can they turn into something next year, or the next? Sure! But so far… not so much.
  7. I hope you’re not trying because if so you’re failing miserably. Nope, not you. Not yet anyway. You’re still playing in the minor leagues. Try working in some catchy junior high levels memes if you want to earn extra credit! 😂
  8. Being a dick sometimes is the very definition of a brother. Being a dick ALL the time is the very definition of a couple posters on here. Let’s see if you can guess…😉
  9. Another typically odd response. Why is it that you think everyone who responds to your nonsense is hyperventilating? I can assure you that I’m perfectly calm. Thanks for the concern though.
  10. Once again….you being you. It’s what we love about you.
  11. I’d say calling the Bible a fairy tale is pretty much pure mockery but that’s just me.
  12. This entire message board is devoted to discussion but if you haven’t figured out by now, people’s faith walk is deeply personal. Just because you’re quick to mock others choices doesn’t mean we all have to. In my line of work I designed many churches of all denominations, along with a synagogue and Islamic school. That was my CHOICE. But should I have been forced to design them? No, I shouldn’t have. Everyone needs to give each other a little space.
  13. Because it’s you being you. Have you honestly not noticed a pattern here Chef?
  14. You’re old enough by now to know that yep….it’s just you. 😉
  15. This is your sthick today? This from the guy who posts literally EVERYTHING about Putin’s war, regardless of how insignificant? Okie Dokie
  16. Wait…all of these responses are from the guy who posts about the cruelty of the Ukraine war on virtually daily basis? Giving Putin back an arms dealer during a time of war doesn’t bother you? Why? Because Joe Biden did it? Seems like an odd take from you on this one.
  17. Substitute religion for some other sort of objection. For example…what if a progressive baker was being asked to bake a cake for an ‘Alt-Right’ group’s annual awards dinner? Unless there’s no other bakers in the area, I’d recommend the people just go find another bake shop. In this day and age it shouldn’t be that hard to find one. I doubt the bake shop is posting a derogatory sign in the window.
  18. The terminology is interesting. Christian extremist? In the old days (like five years ago) would this have been called Orthodox Christian?
  19. After beating the Pats and Jets and having watched the Dolphins lose last night so as to give the Bills a tighter grip on the Division I don’t think it’s too early to do this….looking at the current playoff seeding we’d possibly be hosting the Bengals or Ravens, and then the Chiefs at OP. Should we slip one spot, we’d be hosting the Chargers, then Bengals/Titans before going to Arrowhead…again. I’ll take my chances.
  20. I definitely agree on the first part. I was never all that concerned. My problem, if there is one, is the play calling. The team just looks very uncreative.
  21. To me it feels more like the ‘93 Super Bowl Bills than the ‘90 and ‘91 teams. Sure, they’re winning games you’d expect them to but they just don’t look as hungry as I’d expect them to be. I’m praying that the better analogy is that if a typical NBA playoff contender that coasts through the season picking up wins along the way knowing the real season starts in the postseason.
  22. What fans really liked about Romo was his in depth strategic analysis of what was actually happening on the field (mostly pre-snap alignments, etc) from a quarterback’s perspective. I don’t recall an announcer ever going into that much detail before. I found it super interesting. He’s dropped almost all of that and now just rambles incessantly. Zzzzz
  23. I’m actually happy for him. The more he stays below the radar, the better his poll numbers should get. Enough of the Red Menace speeches….those aren’t why he got elected.
  24. I’ve seen lots of comments to the contrary on here but the coach should have sat him down. Of course the player wants to play. So does a boxer want to box. There’s no injury referee in an NFL game (other than concussion) so it falls on the training staff and the head coach to tell the kid it’s not his day and take his helmet.
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