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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Please don’t discount the economy. It might be old fashioned but it’s still women who do the majority of the grocery shopping in America and they are really PISSED OFF!
  2. So here we go again. You apparently have seen all you want to see and all you want to READ. Can you please call ALL of the major news networks and let them know you’ve solved the case. 😉
  3. Relax Goose. Keep your sense of humor. It’ll serve you well. And remember, inquiring minds want to know.
  4. Close….it’s mostly about retaking power. None of these people (on either side of the aisle) want anything else. Oh sure, they may hold a hearing or two, but all in hopes of swaying votes, as opposed to shining a flashlight on actual corruption, lest that light shine back on them one day.
  5. As I said Goose. Carry on. The rest of the news media will continue to inquire…if that’s okay with the all knowing Goose. 😉
  6. Nope…I’m actually quite sane. This very topic is why I kid all the time about BillStime and his hate affair with Trump. Did Donald sleep with his sister? I assume not. All of us form our opinions from other peoples opinions, with a bit of life experience thrown in for good measure. There’s nobody in America, other than Tibs and BillStime that think Tucker Carlson isn’t an opinion host. If you watch at all you’ll notice the host purposefully calls it a “show” and not a “report”. I’m not sure how much clearer anyone wants them to be about it.
  7. Sure it is. Issue solved then. No need for anyone to look into this any further. Or…..
  8. Huh? Everyone votes on the basis of their opinion. Everyone. Always. That’s what voting is!
  9. If you read my entire post you’ll see where I mentioned his improvement this season.
  10. This isn’t complicated. Edmunds problems are due to his strengths. While his tall, athletic frame make him ideal in space, those same physical proportions give him trouble in a crowd, and in one on one tackling. I’ve generally been a detractor but it looks to me like they’ve been working on his tackling technique. He has trouble getting his pads to be lower than the guy he’s taking on and therefore often loses the leverage battle you hear so much about.
  11. That’s true….but they’re still just opinions. You know the old saying: everyone has one. The real problem is not opinion shows. The problem is news shows with clear bias.
  12. Leave it to BillStime to post an example of something that creeps everyone out as a reason to support something else that creeps everyone out! 😂😂😂
  13. With all due respect, Goose can say whatever he wants, just as I am. What I have a HUGE problem with is the President of the United States just called out half of America over this unfortunate incident, and I virtually guarantee that the White House knows what actually happened.
  14. Sure! Good Morning America and the Today Show are all right wing conspiracy outlets. Honestly Goose….something is definitely not right here.
  15. Oh come on Ron! Nobody’s on their knees here….but thanks whatever sort of reference you inferred! It’s an OPINION show. Only you and your left worshipping friends feel threatened by it. Don’t watch it if you don’t want to.
  16. If it was anyone else this has all the earmarks of an arranged appointment that somehow went wrong. And before people jump all over me, I’m not saying that it is…but it sure looks like it
  17. You’re welcome. I’m pretty sure you’ll disagree with me here but the distinction I make is that Trump (while a brash, crass, atypical political figure) would regularly criticize the legacy media and government officials…both elected and non-elected, he was always careful to distinguish them from the average citizen that voted for them. Lately, I’ve noticed Democrat candidates criticizing the voters themselves. We definitely saw this with Hilary, a little bit with Obama, and now as of a couple of nights ago on full official display with Biden. It’s never a good look.
  18. When it’s the lead story on every major network morning show…it’s definitely reached the level of odd. Even the typical networks smell it. A lot of questions are being asked, and the questions are not political in nature.
  19. I’m not into conspiracies but there’s something odd about this whole story.
  20. When are you going to figure out that EVERYONE is promoting their own interests. Everyone! Both ‘peasants’ and billionaires. That doesn’t make anyone either evil or a ‘freak’. It makes them human.
  21. I assure you that the majority of them agree it’s gone too far, and all reports show they’re about to say so on Tuesday.
  22. Don’t be ridiculous. It’s NOT a news show. It’s not dressed as one. It doesn’t describe itself as one, and NOBODY thinks of it as one. (Except you apparently.) Let me guess….you also think Saturday Night Live is a news show. Come on man!
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