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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Lost in all of this is the fact that the FBI had the infamous laptop for over a YEAR, and they knew for a fact that it was genuine. But they spread the disinformation narrative nonetheless. Election integrity…my arse!
  2. Is that you? I thought you’d be taller.
  3. How so? I’ve learned a lot about how you process the disinformation you try and spoon feed on here. I’m good with my comments.
  4. I love it how liberals now refer to the FBI as the ‘government’. Next time these armed ‘government’ officials knock on your company’s office door let’s see how you react to their helpful suggestions.
  5. So you’re saying the Red Menace speech in which he called half the countries terrorists didn’t bring everyone together? Have you tried listening to it backwards?
  6. There are people of every income level in California and the State actually ran a surplus last year. The cost of living is not the problem. That can be fixed, as you said, by picking up and moving….which is happening to some degree. The problem in California is that in an effort to play ecological and societal Robin Hood the state leadership has let the basic infrastructure crumble. The bill is going to come due and then the entire thing is going to collapse.
  7. The comical thing is calling ANY of these people journalists. 😂
  8. Yes, but that’s not the stadium design. That’s how the Dolphins operate the place.
  9. People act like the dolphins purposely set out to do something sinister with the roof design. The hole in the roof is directly over the field. The intent is not to cook the opponents but to keep the SEATS out of the sun and rain. The Dolphins simply choose to take the south sideline where, being in the northern hemisphere, it’ll by definition be in the shade. What did people want them to do?
  10. As has been said repeatedly…most college teams play at most ONE cold weather game per year. Their season ended a few weeks ago.
  11. That’s pretty much word for word what my wife said.
  12. Sometimes the simplest answers are the best. The Bills have clearly recognized a deficiency in their passing game production so they’re looking anywhere they can to improve it at this late point in the season. But unlike the bolstering they did earlier in the secondary, this clearly perceived lack of production isn’t from recent injuries. The guys they brought to the dance aren’t getting it done.
  13. Keep your sense of humor whorl. We’re all Bills fans here.
  14. Diggs was a fifth round draft pick.
  15. Ha....I was actually going to put that in there....but was trying to keep it short and sweet! 😂
  16. I can summarize it in two sentences: Following the Chiefs playoff game, the Bills management clearly expected Gabe Davis to blossom into a significant threat. That has not happened. The end.
  17. We agree there. Remember, I thought the response was directed at suing the actual stalker.
  18. I agree. The Daboll version of the Bills offense featured a ton of short quick out routes to Diggs and others. Seven yards, tap the toes, do it again. It seemed like Josh could literally throw that route on every play all the way down the field if he had wanted to, or at least until Daboll got bored with it. That appears to be gone now. I’m not sure why.
  19. Then the suit would be thrown out? And the system would work…no? Maybe it just forces the hand of the stalker to knock it off! I have no problem with it. “Rich people” should not be fair game. Is there a trend where rich people are suing people for no apparent reason whatsoever?
  20. Regardless of who they’re suing…what other defense does someone have? Isn’t that how our system is actually designed to work? Or do we go back to pistols at dawn.?
  21. So we should put you down as a “no” then? I’ll make a note of it.
  22. “Stochastic Terrorist”? Go figure. I liked it better when we had plain old run of the mill terrorists.
  23. Huh? Not even when they’re being stalked? What defensive strategy would you like “rich people” to use?
  24. With just four weeks to go, I don’t think it’s too early to look at the way the remaining games lay out. IMO the only way the Bills get the #1 seed, home field advantage, and the bye week is if they run the table. KC isn’t losing again. The great thing is that the Bills management and coaching staff must know that. I expect the team to play like it.
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