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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. A quick look at CBS Sports latest Mock Draft thread and their three writers have the Bills going with the following in Round One Johnson, Safety…Texas A&M Njigba, WR…Ohio State Torrence, OL….Florida For what it’s worth.
  2. Unbelievable! So the FBI, knowing that the laptop is in fact real, preemptively warns these ‘social media’ companies about fake news so that when the anti-Biden story breaks it gets squashed. No election interference going on there at all….right? Apparently the tshirt wearing liberal information police can’t also then ask the FBI for confirmation? Nope! Just squash the story. And the FBI, that knows the story’s squashed doesn’t contact these woke millennials to say “actually, that one’s real”? Come on people!
  3. Not to be a total contrarian but It’s a huge assumption to say the Titans or Jaguars are going to win their first round game just because it’s at home. Both of those teams will finish barely over .500.
  4. Didn’t read through all of these pages but if you want to know if it was ‘smart’ just look at it this way….the Dolphins could’ve tried to let the Bills score. They didn’t. Odd.
  5. I think more than Mahomes, they have Kelce. Someone has to cover that dude!
  6. I’ve said it for years now. I’m guessing Josh was always the biggest kid on the playground and thus he runs with no fear. That trait was probably enhanced by playing at Wyoming as opposed to an SEC school against bigger faster defenders. It’s worked so far, but I’m praying he doesn’t take a big hit.
  7. This is NOT about play calling. It’s play design. There’s a difference.
  8. FYI: “intents and purposes” That one always confused me too.
  9. It’s play design. The Bills are back to running a high school level route tree. What’s it supposed to look like? It’s supposed to look like the last drive’s underneath slant to McKenzie, where breaks under the outside receiver and is wide open for a first down. What does it look like? “Everyone go out to the red car and turn around.”
  10. Okay….you start…try spelling his last name. 😉
  11. What’s with the snowball throwing? That would never have been kosher back when I sat in those stands. Not a good look!
  12. Not me….it’s all coming down to the Bengals game in two weeks. Relax and enjoy this one. Go Bills
  13. Lost in all of this is the fact that the FBI had the infamous laptop for over a YEAR, and they knew for a fact that it was genuine. But they spread the disinformation narrative nonetheless. Election integrity…my arse!
  14. Is that you? I thought you’d be taller.
  15. How so? I’ve learned a lot about how you process the disinformation you try and spoon feed on here. I’m good with my comments.
  16. I love it how liberals now refer to the FBI as the ‘government’. Next time these armed ‘government’ officials knock on your company’s office door let’s see how you react to their helpful suggestions.
  17. So you’re saying the Red Menace speech in which he called half the countries terrorists didn’t bring everyone together? Have you tried listening to it backwards?
  18. There are people of every income level in California and the State actually ran a surplus last year. The cost of living is not the problem. That can be fixed, as you said, by picking up and moving….which is happening to some degree. The problem in California is that in an effort to play ecological and societal Robin Hood the state leadership has let the basic infrastructure crumble. The bill is going to come due and then the entire thing is going to collapse.
  19. The comical thing is calling ANY of these people journalists. 😂
  20. Yes, but that’s not the stadium design. That’s how the Dolphins operate the place.
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