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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. 1984????….and yet neither the world nor democracy came to an end. Thanks for proving the point. Classic! 😂😂😂
  2. Once again with the childish nonsense. You asked others on here when they decided they were straight. So when did you decide you were trans? And yes, I think it disrespectful to relegate my many gay friends to a second class, hyphenated relationship label just so people like you can claim they were compassionate and tolerant.
  3. Projects like this are generally contracted under either a Guaranteed Minimum Price, commonly known as Lowest Responsive Bid, or a Guaranteed Maximum Price under which structure any cost savings are often shared between the Contractor and the Owner. Overruns, or Change Orders, as they’re commonly known, come from three main categories: additional owner requests, design deficiencies, and unforeseen conditions (soils, etc). When a good team of architects, engineers, and contractors is assembled changes can easily be held under 5% of the total cost.
  4. Unfortunately for the Democrats the employment percentage is a collective statistic whereas inflation is a personal one. If the price of everything you buy has gone up you don’t give a rats arse if the guy across town has a job. But we’ll know more tomorrow.
  5. Well said Goose. And the real fundamental is that for some internal polling strategy that I’ll never understand the Democrats refuse to ‘feel the pain’ of the voters. Who’s running things over there, Leslie Frasier? 😉
  6. True story….back in junior high school (a long long time ago) I was researching something for my science fair assignment. I can’t remember what my project was about but I clearly remember a factoid I learned along the way. Back in the Middle Ages some thought that rats were created from dirty rags and filth, because when those things were present, so were rats. It’s much the same with law enforcement, but it’s no longer the Middle Ages. The Left is convinced that crime comes from police presence, because they always see police officers at crime scenes. Nothing has changed in the last 500 years.
  7. I’m still waiting for BillStime to tell me when he decided he was Trans.
  8. Disagreeing is when people say that they think Oliver is "doing his job". What I read so often on here is people flaming on the post, implying that the person isn't a real Bills fan.
  9. I'm not sure why people get so upset about people critiquing players on a Message Board devoted to Bills football. Do you guys think the players read this stuff? Is it some sort of voodoo superstition? I actually agree with the OP. I never heard Ed's name mentioned once yesterday, and thought about making a similar comment, but didn't because I thought maybe Oliver was actually inactive yesterday. Should he be cut? Obviously not. But....step back for a minute, and ask yourself if it looks like he's having the break out Contract Year that many were forecasting before Week One. Again, obviously not.
  10. I saw this reported and found it be fascinating. The President’s travel schedule is no accident. It takes a tremendous amount of logistics. While I dispute that it forecasts anything about tomorrow’s results, I do agree that it’s very telling about where his Party wants him to be and where it definitely doesn’t want him to be. He’s toast!
  11. You forgot to call him a freak. Feel free to go back and edit your post.
  12. Joe’s was always promoted as champion of the working folk when his anger was focused on perceived injustices, but he’s nothing more than a total loser when his anger’s now directed at those same working Americans.
  13. There’s no telling what will happen on Tuesday but if it goes the way the polls are showing the Democrats will have made the mistake of focusing their agenda on things that the average voter can’t see on a daily basis, while ignoring or denying the things that Americans can see. People aren’t going to worry about global warming when they’re worried about heating their homes this winter. People aren’t going to worry about threats to democracy when there are long lines at the polling place. People aren’t going to worry about a war in a Eastern Europe when they have issues here at home. People aren’t going to focus on a protest at the Capitol that occurred almost two years ago when the obvious target of that investigation is off playing golf, and we’re left instead with an old man who keeps yelling at the voters. People aren’t going to focus on future kids they may or may not choose to have when the actual kids they already have are being indoctrinated in school every day.
  14. Not even close…McKenzie is completely worthless in this offense. What happened to the Beasley role where Josh could always count on a quick eight yards? You cannot play offense without a slot receiver, no matter how good your QB or #1 WR are. It’s like we’re down a man.
  15. It was on full display last night. The Chiefs took away Henry and forced Willis to beat them. He couldn’t. The Bills refused to do the same against Zach Wilson, apparently believing he was Brady or Rodgers. Mind boggling!
  16. Good post. Regarding Josh, I mentioned last week how impressed I was when he knew immediately after the Packers game that he didn’t play well….but…yesterday when he threw the early pick it all seemed to come crashing down on him again. Josh needs somebody on the sideline telling him to get his head in the game, or maybe telling him to lighten up. I’m not sure Keenum is that guy. I actually loved Barkley in the court jester role, where he seemed to be keeping things light.
  17. As I said….we’re going to find out tomorrow. Relax….breathe.
  18. Apparently jobs don’t mean what you want them to mean. Even little children who work in a sweat shop have a job. The problem is when their nickel per day won’t but them a bowl of cold broth. But your average Bernie supporter still hasn’t figured that out.
  19. Not even close, it’s still really early out here on the west coast. But I know desperation when I read it. After two years of your daily worthless posts focusing on everything but what actually matters to Americans we’re gonna see if it’ll prove to have been a good political strategy. I’m guessing not, but Tuesday will tell us one way or the other.
  20. My concerns remain the same. This team shows an utter lack of urgency; which I put squarely on the coaching staff. Trusting the Process is fine, but there are times when you need to pull it out of your arse and step on the gas, dammit!
  21. Can I solve the puzzle Pat? D E S P E R A T I O N Correct!
  22. Obviously! Everyone knows that REAL politicians use proper slanderous terms like homophobic, or racist….right? Yes, that’s much better.
  23. Hey! Asking those sort of questions will get you impeached! Class…. we’ve been over this already.
  24. Another desperation thread for sure…but I’m super impressed with the arrow in the thread title!
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