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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. It’s interesting but I’ve never cared when somebody was drafted. It’s sort of like being in a company and not carrying where your degree is from. You’re either going to be a stand out performer on the job or flounder around in the staff workroom. Each year that passes your draft order becomes less and less important. If Ed was going to become a stand out, he already would have. It doesn’t make him a bad person. It’s just reality.
  2. Here’s the deal. The current version of the Bills needs to prove they can win close games down the stretch if they’re going to get the entire fanbase on board. As things currently stand a great number of fans are just praying they’re up by two touchdowns in the fourth quarter so that the game’s out of reach. I wish that wasn’t the case…but sadly it is.
  3. What a mess. Whether true or not all of this is a disaster waiting to happen in an evenly divided country. Let’s go back to in person, same day voting. Keep it simple people!
  4. As someone in the business, the real problem with these type of carve outs hiring is that they generally target companies that are OWNED by minorities or women. This says nothing then about the actual workers which is where 90% of the contract goes. When WBE (women-owned business enterprise) legislation first came out a number of guys just ‘gave’ the company to their wives. It changed nothing for anyone.
  5. Wait…what? You mean the Bills coaches aren’t on here reading all of our suggestions? No wonder we suck. 😉
  6. Thanks for the discussion. We’ll just agree to disagree. Have a great day. It’s all going to be fine. One thing we know is that Democracy is definitely NOT on the ballot.
  7. We’re having trouble communicating here this morning. (It’s an internet thing.) The problem isn’t technical. It’s perception! But I do want to push back on your polling worker comment. From your other posts I perceive that you’re in the legal profession. Do you also hold that Supreme Court clerks are supposed to be non-partisan? I sure hope so!
  8. I respectfully disagree. Once again the problem is NOT a technical one. It’s one of perception. We just had a Supreme Court ruling leaked ahead of the opinion, with a tiny number of clerks having had access to it. …and you think thousands of partisan poll volunteers are going to be able to keep vote tallies under lock and key? Not possible.
  9. Or maybe…just maybe…you actually don’t know how ANYTHING works. (No matter what color the font is.)
  10. Huh? Are you completely crazy? You cannot have votes counted BEFORE Election Day! Sheeesh
  11. I’m actually in favor of a National Voting Day. Get rid of one of the outdated holidays where people use it to go shopping and replace it with this more important civic duty. There’s nothing wrong with voting in advance. The problem, as Goose well described, is that it takes days to count them all afterwards.
  12. No bemoaning here precious. I just want everyone to have some dignity, and not be relegated to some hyphenated form of relationship, like we fought so hard against when it wore the title of the ‘special’ seating area on the bus.
  13. People can argue all day long about how much is the ‘right’ amount. But…what other people pay in taxes has virtually zero impact on your life. It’s just divisive rhetoric meant to pit one group against another. Which is of course the ultimate goal of the Left.
  14. Goose….you love to be condescending. (Sorry if you don’t intend to be.) Everyone knows how votes are counted. The problem isn’t a technical one. It’s one of perception. When votes are counted long after other votes are already in it gives the perception that something nefarious might be going on. This is one reason why I support same day, in person voting. In a divided country, perception, not voting, is the biggest ‘threat to democracy’. My two cents.
  15. Thanks for working in a derivative of “freak” into this latest post. It’s appreciated. Remember….We’re trying to uphold some standards here.
  16. Tick, tick, tick….it’s Election Day. Time’s up for your nonsense. I hope the last two years have been worth it to you. Might I suggest you do something a tad more constructive with your time.
  17. If you want to pay more in taxes, please do so. Or…if you want to give money to the good work of a cause, charity, or non profit you appreciate please to do so. But please stop demanding that OTHER people, who already pay more than you, pay more in taxes. It’s a ridiculous and petty position to take. I couldn’t care less what a billionaire is paying in taxes. It’s proven to have zero impact on the ability of the federal government to overspend whatever amount they take in. Once the government proves they can live within its means, then we can start the discussion of what other programs we need as a society and how much everyone is willing to chip in for them. Until that time…..STFU! (Sorry)
  18. I’m not exactly sure what this thread is about. Yes, the Kelly era team lost regular season games. But after the first Super Bowl it was all about getting into the playoffs where you knew their experience would win the day. The current era Bills don’t have that…yet. In fact, they have almost the opposite problem. They’re still holding their breath in the playoffs and the Chiefs loom like an ever present boogie man.
  19. This is going to be a bit Captain Obvious but the best way to ‘fix’ the Bills is to get healthy. Yes, I realize that all teams have injuries but being 6-2 with as many as the Bills have had is pretty amazing. It shows how good this team really is. It also shows that injuries (which are out of anyone’s control) may sadly be the biggest single variable in the modern NFL. If the Bills aren’t healthy going into the playoffs, or their opponents aren’t, then Xs and Os don’t matter all that much.
  20. Unbelievable! Is this an official tweet from the President of the United States? “We don’t get to”? Really Joe? What a total semi-fascist!
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