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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. No..you asked why is it so easy criminals to get guns in this country? Your question, not mine.
  2. And Nancy knew EXACTLY what it would show but for two years she’s not said much of anything to change the Tax Code except a debate about whether SHE is profiting from it.
  3. There’s a simple solution. Author a Constitutional Amendment. There have been many of them over the years. Done!
  4. You may want to go back and check. It was your pointless question that started this ‘dialogue’….not mine.
  5. I see. You just won’t answer the question. Thanks for wasting my time. Let me guess….you’re going to end poverty? I’m dying to read how exactly.
  6. How many gun murders have you committed today? This week? This year? I’m guessing….zero.
  7. Being in the LA area I saw a lot of Rosen at UCLA. I was never impressed. But I have to admit I’d literally NEVER seen Allen play a single down of college football…not one. So there’s that.
  8. Let me guess….cold Coco Puffs and Pop Tarts? 😉
  9. That’s one heck of a FOX late map. Are Burkhardt and Olsen their number one broadcasting pair?
  10. I’ve always wanted to ask….are you of Ukrainian descent?
  11. I’m asking why you choose not commit crimes on an hourly basis. You have more than plenty of opportunity to. So why not?
  12. People drive by literally hundreds of ‘For Lease’ signs on a daily basis and never stop to think that somebody is footing the monthly bill for that empty space. They just drive by.
  13. From what I’ve seen…I’m going with McCargo. Basham has been around BOTH Von Miller and Shaq Lawson all year for heavens sake!
  14. Why isn’t it? Did you go in a store this week? I’m betting you did. Did you steal anything? Did you walk past someone carrying a purse or package? I’m betting you did. Did you mug them? Should I go on?
  15. Wrong. As I’ve said many times, I’m not a gun guy. I’m also not a criminal! Maybe we should spend more time dealing with why these kids are so apt to choose crime. Huh?
  16. I’ve touched a gun. That didn’t happen to me. The root cause of the problem is that these kids see no problem with being a criminal.
  17. So you’re saying if I could get my hands on a gun, I’d be more likely to become a criminal? Sounds like chicken and egg to me.
  18. Isn’t the appropriate question why there are so many violent criminals in this country?
  19. Of course they knew this. What they wanted to capitalize on was the volatility in the returns of a Real Estate Developer. (I’ve worked with many.)
  20. Basham looked completely disinterested on many plays Saturday night.
  21. When I saw this story I had to ask “This is what a prestigious university is spending its time on?” This looks like something you’d be coming up with in a bar after knocking back a few beers, and after an exhaustive debate on whether Kobe was better than Jordan.
  22. So we endured years of yapping about Trump’s tax returns for THIS? You’ve got to be kidding….right?
  23. Yes, but has he seen any renderings? Hmmm?
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