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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. And all of that only happened in 2022? Sure….keep selling those talking points. Somebody is bound to buy them.
  2. I mentioned this a couple of days ago. CBS Sports had the Bills taking an OL pick from Florida. Seemed like he was projected as an inside lineman, not a tackle. I’m sure there are posters on here who know something about him.
  3. What a waste of money. Everyone knows the right way to keep your political opponent from running for President is to ask a foreign official to look into your opponent’s reported corruption. And even better if you ask on a phone call being listened in on by dozens of anonymous whistleblowers. That’d have been WAY cheaper!
  4. Back and forth and back and forth. The ONLY question is why did Putin choose to invade in 2022? I think everyone knows the answer.
  5. Ongoing investigation? Is Hunter dead? Why don’t they just walk up and ask him? Case….closed. What’s next? I’ll take care of it this afternoon.
  6. Wrap your head around this for a second. It is forecasted to be 50 degrees warmer in Chicago next Saturday. Can’t catch a scheduling break this year. Guess we’ll just have to win!
  7. What’s fascinating is how even with the clear and present danger of this lurking health problem in their advanced years half of the Hispanic world appears to be willing to pay smugglers, stand in the freezing cold desert, and then walk through a moving river just for the chance to experience all of this systemic racism for themselves.
  8. Is Basham out due to a serious bout of extreme apathy?
  9. I’m losing it? Hardly. I’m not the one obsessing over some symbolic conflict on the other side of the planet as a substitute for throwing a hissy fit because your pathetic, corrupt idol lost to a blowhard like Donald Trump.
  10. As an architect….yep! 😉 I doubt it comes a lot at the kitchen stove.
  11. Boom! And there it is! ALL OF THIS is about some nonsense Hillary made up to placate her wounded ego. Seriously….post of the year!
  12. Having gone to see the Bills play in Minneapolis a few years back I cannot imagine how anyone wouldn’t want a similar facility in WNY. That place is fantastic and I’ve been to most, if not all, of the domed stadiums over the years. Minnesota was the closest I’ve experienced to feeling like you are sitting outside when you were actually indoors….beautiful!
  13. Crap! This means I’ll have to get a wifi signal booster for my main TV. I get horrible reception now.
  14. How are the two related? You’ve really lost the ability to look at any of this objectively. I’m a Bills fanatic, and have been for decades, but I still know when they’ve f$&d things up. The Select Committee thought they were making Titanic but they should’ve seen that the audience had gotten totally bored well before the iceberg ever entered the stage. I know YOU loved every minute of it but I cannot imagine how you’re not totally pissed at Adam Schiff for missing yet another free throw …again.
  15. If you’d put down the Trump hate for a second you’ll notice my comment was NOT about the content of the hearings. It was about their pacing. Someone needed to speed that thing along. They lost the room after the second or third intermission.
  16. The real lesson learned from the war in Ukraine is that the world has become very good at getting into armed conflicts but literally horrible at getting out of them. Sad but true.
  17. Just stepping back and looking at how they handled this Commission shows yet another example of a really poorly run Get Trump hit job. These theatrical hearings simply dragged on far too long for the American public to give a damn anymore. Not that I wanted them to have the impact they were hoping for but whoever orchestrated this circus failed miserably! Talk about not being able to ‘read the room’. Sheeesh
  18. Stanford says you can’t say “American”.
  19. And his ‘priorities’ are spending the nation into bankruptcy. Well done Mitch! All that’s left is to retreat to some lobbyist sponsored steak dinner to congratulate yourself!
  20. I have not seen him mentioned it in any threads since Saturday night...but Tim Settles had an absolutely terrible game. I've considered him to be pretty darn solid all season long, but woof....that was ugly.
  21. How so? Are they planning on playing the game doing hand stands?
  22. Winner! Dumbest post of the day.
  23. Oh just stop with your immature nonsense. I have way too much respect for you to get into this juvenile crap.
  24. Oh I see. So there are no questions allowed? Just your nonsensical narrative. Here’s a hint: YOU ARE ASKING THE WRONG QUESTION.
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