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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Ya see? This is why I asked the question in another thread. These maps were posted on MONDAY of last week. I’m definitely not looking for them an entire week before the game. 😉
  2. My iPhone is still showing nothing worse than cloudy and 40 degrees the entire game. Does the local forecast call for something different? The phone’s normally pretty accurate.
  3. If you read this carefully you’ll see the letter is NOT about all kinds of turf but instead one particular brand. Turf is a form of plastic blade carpet. In this complaint it all has to do with the type of ‘blade’ used in this brand.
  4. And yet another ridiculous response. How many children do you have?
  5. I definitely agree. Once it was decided to not build a dome, it makes zero sense to build the new stadium with only a partial cover.
  6. And the ‘problem’ that needs solving is the existence of children? Nice! You do realize that they’re PEOPLE….not a disease….right?
  7. Don’t waste your time. It’s a troll. Plain and simple. The back and forth is fun for awhile but I can tell you from experience it always end up in the same place….with BillStime acting like a total DICK!
  8. I couldn’t help but read your post in the voice of Professor Housman. 😉 But you forgot the part about ‘minds full of mush’.
  9. It’s become way passed the point of ridiculous now. He/she/they has created more subsets of the human race that he/she/they are willing to stand up for, except for the weakest, most voiceless subset of them all….a defenseless, pre-born human. Absolutely stunning!
  10. So if I understand your ridiculous position correctly, you believe that every pregnancy is the result of a rape? Well at least we know where you stand.
  11. Okay….I’m game….what would you suggest we impose?
  12. Because this was faster. Sorry for bothering you. Go back to inventing cold fusion and solving world peace.
  13. Oh brother. Keep right on cheering for abortion Tibs! (Not a good look.)
  14. Thanks! So I’m traveling in Southern California this weekend. The FOX early game shows the Bills will be on local TV, but does it get blacked out because the Rams are on for the FOX late game? I’m usually home with my Sunday Ticket so I’ve gotten a bit rusty on the broadcasting rules these days.
  15. No argument from me. Our media definitely sucks. The American people better get used to the fact that they’re not being fed what they used to think of as news reporting. Everything is just an opinion show now. Sad…and terribly exhausting.
  16. I normally couldn’t care less but the one week I’m actually waiting for the broadcast map…. Nothing….crickets!
  17. For the most part I’ve stayed out of this back and forth banter since election night. The take away for everyone should be utter amazement at just how evenly split the vote is so many races, states, etc. You couldn’t flip a coin and get it to come out this even. Nobody should be claiming a mandate to do much if anything, or some sort of affirmation of ‘their’ agenda. It’s a nicely divided country. Now, those that survived need to get into their respective offices, and get to work!
  18. You appear to be well informed. I’m curious though. If it wouldn’t impact your monthly premium then I suppose the proposal (which appears to be dead) was instead reducing the number of payments on the back end? Effectively shortening the term of the loan?
  19. I’m not watching tonight but I just looked at the stat line. Carolina has 31 yards passing in an entire half? And Atlanta has 60 passing yards? What’s going on? Or better yet…what isn’t?
  20. So if Blackshear is now in Carolina does that mean he’s got a return ticket back to Buffalo? We all know there’s a secret tunnel running under High Mark Stadium.
  21. Huh? I’m sorry, but I’ve never seen abortion as a religious issue. It’s a shared morality issue. You don’t have to believe in a specific deity to hold that voluntarily terminating a new life in the womb, is something to be avoided at most, if not all costs.
  22. I’m assuming exactly what it costs ($) in electricity to charge it.
  23. How much did I pay for gas today? Zero. Just took delivery of my new EV this past week. I ordered it in January! 🙄
  24. Wait! You guys are using the internet to access this forum? How long has this been available? 😉
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