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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. 70 degrees and sunny in Southern California on Sunday. I’ll start chalking the backyard. Field might be a little small but it’ll be green.
  2. Really, really class act by Taylor Heinecke. 👍
  3. Now THAT is how you win a game! Brilliant coaching job.
  4. Stupid play by the eagles, obviously, but incredibly smart by the QB to take the knee instead of throwing it away. Have to hand it to him. Well done!
  5. Just don’t leave the Eagles thirteen seconds.
  6. The 72 Dolphins are on the edge of their rocking chairs.
  7. Make up call. NFL is total garbage.
  8. Must be “the analytics” that told them to stop running.
  9. Moss? Who? Nope …doesn’t ring a bell.
  10. Hilarious! The sideline microphone picked up someone…maybe a ref…saying they had an injured “Redskin” down on the play. Are they fined for that? 😂
  11. Singletary couldn’t make that kind of a play if he was shot in BOTH legs. 😉
  12. The guy was shot in the leg!! What the heck are the Bills RBs doing? Or not doing!
  13. Not to be ‘that guy’….but I started this exact same thread earlier today. 👍
  14. I’ve been waiting almost sixty years! Not sixteen. Not six. SIXTY! I’ll complain for a day or two and then be right back with my fandom to the grindstone on Sunday.
  15. The Commanders have more of a running game than the Bills and they feature a running back who was recently SHOT IN THE LEG! Incredible.
  16. Just kick the darn field goal! Analytics my arse.
  17. Too late….I went mad a long long time ago. There’s no fixing this broken three ring circus any more.
  18. I’m not saying they’re going to fix it. But I’m done getting mad about it. This country WAY beyond fixing.
  19. You can continue to get mad at the symptoms but I’m hoping to cure the cause.
  20. Wait! Are you singing this as Jesus Christ? I always knew you were a Bills fan! How cool is that! 😉
  21. Indeed. I’m convinced they would be undefeated if Frazier would just be even a LITTLE more aggressive on defense. Not to turn this into another ‘who’s to blame’ thread, but stepping back…what’s the worst that could happen Leslie?
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