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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Yes…but what color pants are we wearing? Hmmmm?
  2. Coming in late….but REALLY don’t want to know what you’re referring to here. 😳
  3. True….but they’re playing for keeps while the Republicans continue to try and kill ‘em with kindness. Fools.
  4. And this proves what exactly in your feeble mind?
  5. So first we’re told that young people voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in the last election cycle, and now this graph says the same is trending true for old people. Still somehow the country is amazingly split 50/50. I’m therefore going to call total BS on this scientific chart.
  6. Is Russia’s economy in tatters yet? (Asking for a friend.)
  7. To a degree you’re right, but the difference is that here they want to force everyone else to fund their wet dream. That’s when it goes off the libertarian rails.
  8. California has decided to go “all in” on letting people do whatever they want with their lives, even if it means self destructive behavior such as rampant drug use and crime. Then, when it turns into the predictable mess, they reach out to taxpayers to fix it.
  9. I’m not so sure that even most democrats aren’t ready to reverse course. It’s gotten to be that obvious. Supporting well intentioned Liberal policies is one thing but when there are homeless encampments under virtually every freeway bridge I have to believe people are about to say ‘enough already’! It was the #1 topic in the most recent LA mayoral election. Unfortunately they just keep doubling down on these ‘solutions’. There has to be an abrupt turn around at some point. There just has to be!
  10. Yes, but what’s the weather going to be like? 😉
  11. It’s expensive to live in California for sure but the visual problem is just as bad, if not worse. Aesthetically this state looks nothing like what it did when I first moved here many years ago. It’s filthy! Homeless people and graffiti are everywhere. I dare any tourist to walk down Hollywood Boulevard and not be shocked at what they’ve let it become. This is what happens when you let empathy run amuck and I’m guessing it’ll take decades to clean it all up…if they ever can. A 100% unforced error!
  12. To be honest, this all seems like a bunch of hype for a game that doesn’t need any more hype. I can’t imagine that either the Bills or Bengals don’t know how important this game is regardless of anything other than THIS game.
  13. I no longer live in WNY but living in California, I can tell you that there’s no doubt what a liberal is. The State is crawling with them and they’ve slowly made an absolute mess of this place. In a nutshell your modern liberal has abandoned traditional morality in search of a new age social utopia. Some would say it’s a noble goal. But to achieve/fund it they of course are in desperate need of other people’s money.
  14. Biden, Schumer and Pelosi are definitely not liberals. All three are simply old politicians tossing out candy to their constituents while they pile up personal wealth. (The same can be said for McConnell and the old guard ‘conservatives’.)
  15. Is that true? If so, it’s REALLY cool! And also just a bit sad. 😉
  16. Happy New Year BillStime! For once, you’re pretty much correct, but I’d argue that it wasn’t actually a ‘landslide’.
  17. I went back to read the very first page of this thread, started by Tibs over a YEAR ago. Nothing significant has changed in what anyone has said about the topic. So….I’ll stand by my first post!
  18. “The Song That Never Ends” Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop First time I heard it was twenty years ago and I STILL can’t get it out my head! Somebody make it stop….please.
  19. The crowd around us at the two Super Bowls we attended were far from indifferent. I’m not sure where that reputation comes from. Was the crowd falling down drunk? No. Was the crowd acting like immature high schoolers looking to get into fights? No. Everyone was cheering and having a great time! We had a similar experience when we saw the Bills play in London. Maybe I’m getting too old for the fanatic antics, or the drunken misbehavior, but I’ll take fans having the time of their lives…any day!
  20. Feel free to complain about more experienced players.
  21. I hear ya….but the people is what made it really fun. The Cowboys fans were very good natured. The Super Bowl prices tend to eliminate the typical drunken riff raff. And contrary to what many might say, we weren’t surrounded by disinterested corporate types. Everyone around us was just glad to be there. It was fantastic!
  22. This…..end thread.
  23. Is this even debatable? As of now…a totally wasted draft pick.
  24. I totally understand the sentiment but having been to two of the Bills Super Bowls I can tell you that the atmosphere surrounding the game is amazing. I still remember the in-stadium lead up in Pasadena and saying to the people around us “how do these guys play a football game in the midst of all this hype”? It honestly felt like you are sitting at the center of the universe. By the way, much better outdoors than indoors at Atlanta. Blimps and planes everywhere overhead until the skies all mysteriously cleared right before game time and you just knew something was coming….a B2 bomber fly over. Amazing.
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