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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. That SubCommittee? Hopefully they’re not writing legislation, increasing my taxes, or declaring a war somewhere. You do understand the definition of a ‘subcommittee’…. right?
  2. What? Have you never been on a committee at work? Yes, they are members of congress. But their charge on the Oversight Subcommittee....is...wait for it.....OVERSIGHT!
  3. Then don’t shop there. I’m sure he’d be thrilled with how you run YOUR company…if you ever get one.
  4. Would ya just let the guy RUN HIS OWN COMPANY for heaven’s sake. I’m willing to wait to see what he does with it.
  5. It’s the Oversight SubCommittee. They don’t spend money. Why is everything so complicated all the time?
  6. Keeping everyone up to date….75 and sunny here today. 😎 Be safe back there!
  7. Unbelievable You do realize there’s a huge difference between oversight and legislation ….right? Please tell me you do! Sheeesh
  8. Wait…what? You’re a smart guy/gal Tibs. You want the House Oversight Committee to work on inflation? And when they do I’m guessing we’ll see a full page post from you about how it’s overreach from that subcommittee. Cut the crap! It’s not the entire House. It’s a freaking subcommittee. Sheesh.
  9. It’s way beyond that. There’s oversight needed into the role that the FBI and DOJ played in suppressing this story. Questions definitely need to be asked and answered….under oath…as Goose would say.
  10. So you would prefer the Oversight Committee to oversee what then? I’m sure there’s a suggestion box in the hallway.
  11. No idea what that term has to do with anything but you seem happy there so…
  12. So in your brilliant opinion the House Oversight Committee should just sit there for two years and not do any actual oversight? Okie Dokie.
  13. Why is this in any way odd? An investigation is done by a subcommittee specifically tasked with oversight. It’s not the entire House. It’s their job.
  14. What I find fascinating is how they’re able to work the logistics of hotels, etc. Do they just go on Hotels.com and punch in a search for 150 rooms for two nights? 😳
  15. True, but you have to remember that the Sabres pretty much stop playing altogether somewhere around Week Two or Three every year….Long before snow starts to fall in WNY. 😉 (This season appears to be no different.)
  16. How is this any different from moving a game due to a hurricane, flood or wildfire? The Bills would’ve moved the game back a day or two but they already play again on Thursday. Weather happens.
  17. I'm thankful that the Bills will still be "in the hunt" when they flash that screen on Thanksgiving Day. Of course that was almost always the case throughout the drought years as well....so there's that.
  18. Let's just hope he remembered to pack his blue pants!
  19. Is that right? Our leading running back has only 134 second half rushing yards in the entire season! Frightening.
  20. That’s actually a pretty cool map showing the ‘lake effect’. You can see the exact same shape at the eastern end of Lake Ontario. Not sure that I’ve ever seen the entire region presented in one graphic like that. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Fat? Cream? Lots of food references there with thanksgiving right around the corner! 😋 Easy as….PIE!
  22. Or hopefully Stephen A! I can’t stand listening to that guy’s shtick, but as a head coach he might be hilarious.
  23. This must be so Josh can see his receivers in the blizzard. Unfortunately…he won’t be able to see the Browns secondary!
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