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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I have as well. But attending a conference is nothing like preparing to play a football game. Like I said, I’m not trying to be critical. It’s just an interesting discussion.
  2. I’m actually curious to see what the team decides to do in the upcoming week. I saw earlier that they were going to go home and come right back again for thanksgiving. I used to do stuff like that for work, and then always said “what was I thinking” when all the travel was said and done.
  3. You mean they can’t win today? Why so down on a Sunday morning? Most Bills fans don’t get down until sometime around mid afternoon.
  4. Yikes….or we could just win today, and move on to Thursday against the Lions.
  5. Ha! Don’t be an arse. It’s way too early out here for your schtick.
  6. Terrible incident of course, as is every killing, but how exactly did anyone declare ‘open season’ on this group of people?
  7. Now you’re an expert in window glazing too? Is there ANY subject that you don’t defer to anyone on? Sheeesh dude!
  8. All very odd and not consistent with the properties of laminated glass, which is specifically used in high security applications. It’s REALLY REALLY hard to break through laminated glass. You’d have to beat on it repeatedly….and I mean repeatedly.
  9. Goose....speaking as the architect here....it virtually impossible to break laminated glass with a hammer. You may mean tempered glass, but that shatters into little pebbles, and is installed in doors, just for that reason, should the door unexpectedly slam shut.
  10. Chef, may I respectfully suggest you seek out a local pastor? They’ll be happy to explain all of this. You’re way way out of your core competency here. Financial planning…apparently yes. Christianity….not so much. 😉
  11. You’re hung up on the word ‘love’. It is NOT the central principle of marriage.
  12. Chef…with all due respect…as a self described non-believer may I suggest you avoid your novice critique of a faith you couldn’t care less about. I’m not a Muslim but I make a concentrated effort not to step into their traditions. Again, respectfully.
  13. It has for centuries been defined as the socially recognized and consecrated bond/commitment between a man and a woman. It is of course just a word….but words do have meaning.
  14. Let’s not get off track here. We’re talking about the definition of ‘marriage’ not ‘love’….and you know it Counselor.
  15. Chef….none of this has anything to do with love. Just because your mother gave you an aspirin when you were sick, it didn’t cause you to call her ‘doctor’.
  16. Kvetching….nice! I’m going to have to use that three times in a sentence today. Wasn’t the entire purpose of Mr Musk buying the platform to eliminate the censorship? I can’t imagine people are all that upset about the lack of a foosball table in the staff lounge at a company where they don’t even work.
  17. I still don’t get it. Mr Musk owns the company. He can do whatever he wants with it. What’s all the blathering about?
  18. Correct. And as many on here know I have a slightly different, and often controversial or misunderstood take on this subject. The Christian church is not against gay people. The beef is with the hijacking of the word ‘marriage’ which has long meant something specific and set aside in the Church. I know certain folks don’t like it when I say it but would it REALLY have been all that difficult to come up with a unique word for this particular type of union? Not less, not more, but a more descriptive use of the language. It’s controversy for controversy sake. And in my opinion relegating gay people to a second class hyphenated label of marriage is just sad. My two cents.
  19. Is this an issue? You pay a certain amount for every single good and service you buy. What the heck difference does it make what the service provider calls the various elements of the total amount they charge you? Unbelievably dumb topic.
  20. Geeez! Congressional members sit on multiple committees. I have no idea what is so darn complicated about that concept. This particular committee focuses solely on oversight. Have you never been on a subcommittee at work? May I ask what the heck you do for a living?
  21. Huh? And apparently Goose doesn’t like it, which he’s free to not like. So? There are a lot of companies that I don’t personally care for, and stores I don’t shop at, but in a free market, that’s how it works. If Mr Musk wants to put his personal management touch on his business….he can. That used to be how America worked.
  22. Oh brother. Do you live under a rock? (Sorry) Speaker McCarthy laid out (in writing) their entire agenda prior to the election. Looking into stuff like this is just one of dozen things on that agenda.
  23. Thanks Goose. I’m not sure what people want the oversight committee to …oversee? This topic seems to be exactly the kind of thing they should look into. The Republicans didn’t invent this story. It’s 100% true and literally fell into their laps through the very reckless actions of Hunter Biden. Whether it in fact leads back to the sitting President will never be known without…oversight. There are actual, live, witnesses who will testify (under oath) that it most definitely does.
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