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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’ll say it again….they look exhausted
  2. Emotion took them so far….and now not!
  3. Wait….you think the issue is whether Biden knows where Texas is? Okie Dokie
  4. Another classic liberal take on an issue. Sure! This has all been about Biden visiting the border. 😂😂😂
  5. I obviously disagree on many of your points but I’ll bet if we had the opportunity you’d find were way more aligned than you think. I give a tremendous amount to charity and would happily give more if the tax structure was different. If deductions are eliminated then the base tax rates would be reduced (but everyone would pay something) and people would have significantly more money to donate to the causes that they personally support…not the causes the government has deemed as somehow better than others, after they’ve siphoned off a fortune to no name government cubicle workers.
  6. Sure…whatever Keep pushing for your all encompassing utopian safety net. It’s worked really well so far.
  7. I have literally no idea where you’re going with any of this anymore. This conversation has gone off the rails.
  8. The weakest? I like to judge a society on how much opportunity is provided and I’d suggest that we wouldn’t see millions of people willing to break our laws just to get into America year after year if they didn’t believe we indeed still provide that opportunity.
  9. I think Nashville or Vegas. Both would be destination locations for the thousands of traveling fans. I’ve never been big on the Atlanta stadium. It always looks really really dark inside on television.
  10. They’re also the same people who applauded the week long pressure/bribery of a certain West Virginia senator to pass a recent spending boondoggle.
  11. A better warfare analogy would be that the Republicans are still lining up in the an open field with neat rows all shooting their muskets at the count of three while the Democrats hide and fire from inside the forest using the cover of trees, only to run away to regroup once their positions are discovered.
  12. I can only think of one restaurant that has still been asking to see them. It’s really odd, since most people’s vaccines are now many many months old.
  13. I think he stills owes us a SECOND half.
  14. Which one is the London game?
  15. I saw something in which Indianapolis has already turned down the opportunity to host the AFC Championship Game.
  16. This is an age old debate. It is not the government’s job to eliminate poverty. It’s the government’s job to ensure that there aren’t state regulated systems in place that prevent upward mobility. (Which by the way is different from people not taking advantage of opportunities that exist.)
  17. Wrong…”.this is stressful” is incorrect. Thanks for playing. 😉
  18. That’s cute but it’s not what I asked. You have two spins remaining. You…can…do….it!
  19. I’m actually fine with some progression and getting rid of ALL ‘loopholes’ and deductions. You should be able to do your taxes on a 3x5 card. Too many people making too much money off the complexities.
  20. Isn’t sales tax a flat tax? Isn’t property tax a flat tax? These type is studies are done to support a pre-drawn conclusion.
  21. I am indeed against progressive taxation. It has gotten us into the fiscal mess we now find ourselves in.
  22. Huh? That’s what you think the Twitter story is all about? I’m assuming that’s what they’re telling you on CNN?
  23. What the $&@? It is definitely NOT the job of the federal government to ‘adjust’ people’s incomes after they have earned them!
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