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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. And if you watched, virtually EVERY SINGLE ONE of these people sat there shoulder to shoulder, day and night voting for Speaker with nary a mask donned in the entire room!
  2. Say what? So you, who admittedly has limited experience with reviewing taxes holds this opinion, but apparently this has escaped the IRS? If so, we don’t need more agents, we need ones that know what the f$&k they’re doing! (Or they could just call you. 😉)
  3. I am not concerned with who anyone wants to call the OC. My concern is that Josh needs better in-game mentoring. His next level of development must be in taking the wide open underneath receivers. They are there on every play! I’m hoping he learns that if he starts doing that early, the deeper stuff will naturally materialize. I think it’ll come with time.
  4. My point on the language was to make it clear that these workers are almost surely new immigrants. They are very hard working people. The question is why aren’t American kids aspiring to these positions? If you ask an American teenage boy, he’ll say he wants to be a fireman, not a construction worker. There are way more construction jobs than fire fighter positions. Interesting.
  5. My response is from personal observation. I too worked in the construction field, in Southern California. Less than twenty years ago the only Spanish speaking tradesmen were on the landscaping crews. Now, twenty years later, you’re hard pressed to hear English being spoken by ANY of the trades on site. So much so that it’s become a bit dangerous with the lack of communication skills on a risk intense environment like a construction site. Why has this happened in such a short time period? I can’t say that I know for sure, but these are not low paying jobs! These are prevailing wage (Union matching) hourly rate positions.
  6. Very impressive, but why do we play in KC every year? 😉
  7. As I mentioned when the Bills renderings were released, creating these type of videos is relatively easy once the 3D model is built. I’m still not sure why the Bills presentation was limited to just a couple of still frame rendered views. Disappointing.
  8. I have and I’ve mentioned it a few times, but in different ways. I cannot recall a year where there are such obvious have, and have not, playoff teams. There’s a huge leap from the comparatively few teams with a positive point differential, and then look at the winning streaks that those same few teams are entering the playoffs with.
  9. This is right about the time every draft thread that someone inserts the ever popular ‘best player available’….anyone?
  10. And the silliness continues. You really need to invest in a map! It's a very long border and the majority are not Mexicans. These people are purposely walking into our country at points other than our designated Points of Entry. This is not in accordance with international norms or laws....especially when they are in no imminent danger. This back and forth exposes your real agenda. Have a great day!
  11. Now you're just being silly. It's your position that poor people only discovered the cell phone since Joe Biden was elected? How so? Did they get a text from him?
  12. See my post above. In actual fact there are very few "building" things left for the incoming Congress to do. Kentucky Mitch took most of their tools away.
  13. Evil...no. Sane...yes. There are now, and always have been, poor people all over the planet. They've generally respected international law in their migratory patterns. What is so different this time?
  14. Thanks…but my comment was about those teams that desperately need a QB. As we witnessed for almost two decades, until you get a decent QB…you are doomed. And all those non-QBs we drafted through those years came and went through Orchard Park with little to no real impact, only to eventually move on to other contenders by the time their rookie contract had expired. I pity the fan base of those QB needy teams.
  15. No it doesn’t and never has. Thanks for sharing your true thoughts though. Sheeesh
  16. I do not deny that. That doesn’t excuse them from breaking international laws.
  17. Since the budget/spending is locked in for the upcoming year, and any legislation will be vetoed at the White House, they’re essentially left with their oversight and investigation role. I hope they actually do some!
  18. This is a complicated economic issue but one simple fact remains…you do not simply walk into a sovereign nation wherever and whenever you choose. There isn’t a war going on in Mexico on the other side of the River. These people are not fleeing shelling. They are purposely breaking our laws.
  19. I trust your analysis far more than mine…but…are there seven guys coming off the board in the first nine picks? I’m guessing not. And that means a whole bunch of those teams are heading into 2023 with essentially no shot at any real improvement. As we learned, some flashy young CB isn’t going to get you where you want to go.
  20. This should be interesting. In a draft order where seven of the top nine teams (not the Raiders or Detroit) could really use a QB upgrade, most will tell you this isn’t a good year for college QBS. I remember well when the Bills were in that position seemingly year after year after year.
  21. It’s exactly as I said. The Bills are betting on the assumption that over the course of the game the opposing QB isn’t going to throw a perfect pass every time. That’s especially true with Mac Jones. The Pats receivers made him look even better than he is yesterday. Against better QBs the Bills defensive strategy will be different.
  22. I’m going to need a glossary. The unrest in China and Iran is good, but the unrest in Brazil is bad? Come on people! Seems like a lot home team rooting going on here. The world is growing smaller all the time, but drawing these overarching conclusions is ridiculous.
  23. Not sure what the whining is about. If the Bills play the Chiefs it will now be on a neutral field. I’ll take it!
  24. See my post right above yours. I don’t think it’s about hoping the pass rush gets there. I think the Bills are simply betting on the inherent inaccuracy of the opponent’s QBs….and to this point, they’ve been right.
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