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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. My story would tell you that I don’t think of them as ‘dirty’. Nice hate speech there master chef. I rarely do this but …GFY
  2. Yikes….careful there Jim. You project a bit too much. You do NOT know my story.
  3. I think the same could be said about the Patriots as the Jets but Billy B certainly isn’t going to coach forever.
  4. A guy with a last name of Fuentes is into white supremacy? Go figure.
  5. Nice try. That’s not the same as ‘owning’ the word. Knock it off. You’re CLEARLY not religious and yet you’re married. The religious definition is just one definition.. not THE definition….counselor.
  6. I may be wrong but I think you’re quoting someone else. Mine is NOT a religious position. Even if you desperately want it to be.
  7. I’m done. I’m not going in circles with you here. If you can’t see the problem I can’t help you.
  8. Two years old in 1988? Yikes….I’m old! Looks like we’re going to catch you up on all that you missed. 😉 (forgive us if we skip over 1968, and a few others….they were terrible)
  9. Morning Chef It’s honestly not that important to me but forgive me, I’m a problem solver by nature. It occurs to me that much of the ‘controversy’ is over something quite easily resolved with just a tiny bit of creativity. So….how about garriage? Would that be so terrible? A gay man would describe himself as being garried. That way there wouldn’t be the awkward question of “what’s your wife’s name”, to which he has to reply “it’s actually my husband” and the inevitable “Oh, I see”. My solution isn’t at all disrespectful or demeaning…just a more precise use of language and honestly chock full of pride.
  10. You obviously did. I’m guessing you also think that Philadelphia being known as the “City of Brotherly Love” is something that Ben Franklin came up with. The point is that language is there to be more specific not less so. Just because a mule and a horse and a donkey are all similar four legged animals we don’t call them all ponies. Mine is not a message of hate. It’s instead to say why not create/utilize a word that is more definitive of this particular type of adult relationship? The gay community generally looks to single itself out at seemingly every turn. And I honestly have no problem with that. In fact I appreciate their message of independence and identity. Why not on this topic too?
  11. This has literally nothing to do with religion. Many non religious men and women are married. Such as yourself. Not where I’m coming from at all. Nice try though Jim.
  12. With much respect...That's the wrong way to look at it. Civilization didn't invent language to make communication more complicated or less definitive. It's actually just the opposite. We use words to BETTER define things...not to make things more vague. I know you are not religious but the Greeks had multiple words for what we use universally as "love". In English, we have new words that enter our language all the time. Did you ever think you'd be saying someone "tweeted" out a response?
  13. Not at all. I don't mention it out of hate. That's not where I'm coming from. I actually think it's worse that gay men are forced to be labeled as a hyphenated form of marriage. So, not a real marriage, but a "gay-marriage". I think it's a shame.
  14. I have no idea what that means. Please reboot your meme machine.
  15. Sure...it's going to be great when every single word in the English language is properly hyphenated so as not to offend anyone. Yep....that'll be FANTASTIC. Because using two words to define something is just a lazy use of the English language.
  16. Looks to me like they are just vacuuming up anyone they can find in hopes that someone sticks. Not a bad strategy, but hardly stacking the roster.
  17. Or maybe, just maybe....they could come up with a different word for the union of a man and man....and the entire issue goes away. Just saying.
  18. You've once again mistaken your mirror for your laptop. 😉
  19. Two Hammers Guy? Was he in the Godfather? Or was it the Sopranos? Ya know.....Johnny Two Hammers.
  20. Let’s put Kamala on it. She’s bound to get on the root causes. You go girl!
  21. The real problem is that the Bills would have to resort to some sort of rules gimmick just to move the defense off the line of scrimmage. How about we line up and blow them backward?
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