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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I believe the defensive line rotation works both for and against the team. It’s obviously intended to keep everyone fresh, but if I’m a pass rushing DE it also takes away from my one on one mind game battle with the OT. Am I going inside? Am I going outside this time? It’s definitely a Catch 22. The Bills have made their choice on the pluses and minuses.
  2. I’ve read lots of posts where people think Lamar will hurt his value by playing. Isn’t also then possible that he actually thinks he helps his negotiations by not playing? He’s showing the Ravens where they are without him.
  3. Not to be ‘that guy’ but the question has already been asked and answered. You’re supposed to pray that “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” So with that firmly established, I keep praying that God has his Allen jersey on. Especially since from another thread, I hear it’s the Number One seller this year! 😁
  4. The situation sounds ripe for a QB swap like we saw with Stafford and Goff. So, Lamar to Las Vegas and Carr to Baltimore. Both of these guys clearly need a change of scenery!
  5. I believe the term is ‘taking things for granted’….but you never know with a cell phone autocorrect these days. 😉
  6. I believe what he’s saying is that he doesn’t believe it’s the player’s place to do it. It’s an awkward position to be in.
  7. You were doing so well until that last sentence. 😉
  8. You can’t make this stuff up. We have dozens of pages debating on spending money for a bunch of new IRS AGENTS. Somehow our government prioritizes that over a one time expenditure on new software for airline safety? To quote Irv….what a mess!
  9. That is NOT what I said. Don’t be an arse. What I said was that once a person decides to prioritize his drug addicted son over the ethics required to be an elected official, THAT disqualifies him/her from public office.
  10. That, and why the FAA has thirty year old software! What f$&k is going in that town?
  11. Nice try…Biden was the VP when he got the Burisma investigation shut down. He absolutely knew what was going on.
  12. Exactly! Which is why I’m saying if that is indeed the policy then why aren’t the people from the ridiculous National Archives there on your last day looking through your boxes? All of this would be easily avoided if these nonsensical departments had any protocols in place. This entire mess is 100% the fault of that single department. Where’s the congressional investigation into them?
  13. Please explain. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for office.
  14. Mr Biden is not most parents. He CHOSE to run for President. He should’ve said I can’t because my son is more important to me than this four year gig. But he didn’t!
  15. No, that’s a different topic. That refers to who’s allowed to see documents. If the President declassifies a document then he can show it to different people (like his lawyers, or others) while he’s still in office. It doesn’t mean he can take it home with him when leaves office. Again, I’m just paraphrasing what I heard/watched this gentleman say.
  16. So the dozens of pictures of Joe with Hunter and his business partners are just my ‘opinion’. Of course Joe knew what Hunter was up to. But, he had blinders on because of his soft spot for his lone remaining son. That may make him a dedicated father but it completely disqualifies him from being an elected official.
  17. I’m sure that’s correct but it’s hard to believe once it’s your own checkbook that’s being impacted. At some point you say “enough already”!
  18. The interview I saw included the President. There’s something wrong here. I don’t think anyone in that town has a freaking clue what they’re doing!
  19. EVERYONE knows this to be true. They can feel it, and they’re living it every single day. The question is why are some so politically entrenched that they’re not more upset about it?
  20. Once again…come on! Joe didn’t say he couldn’t control his drug addicted son. He said he didn’t know anything about it.
  21. If so then why did I just see an interview with the Bush Era government lawyer that gives the Day One briefing to all these newly elected officials that they cannot take anything with them? Somebody needs to clear this up.
  22. You’ve gotta be kidding! It’s not Joe’s third cousin. It’s his son! And you don’t think Joe shouldn’t be telling his son that this is completely unacceptable? Come on!
  23. Obviously…but my question still remains. There must be a correct answer. And if the answer is that you cannot take ANYTHING with you then the National Archives (yet another pathetic department) needs to have people on hand when these offices are vacated to avoid this nonsense. The older I get, the more I’ve learned that this government of ours cannot do anything right.
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