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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. What in the world are you talking about now? I don’t give a rats arse how many people went through the President’s cabinet (either Democrat or Republican) and neither should you. Not sure why it has any impact on your miserable partisan existence.
  2. I think many believe the movement is towards a conventional coil electric stovetop. It isn’t!
  3. You have to be delusional if you think that ridiculous committee has anything to do with the midterm elections.
  4. Im not sure why all of the hyperbolic focus is on fumes. The real issue is on the efficiency of the heat source.
  5. I wouldn’t waste too much time. When you step back and consider the hype that the Committee originally garnered, it ultimately fell absolutely flat on its face, just like every other overreach they tried. I honestly cannot believe that smarter voices on the Left weren’t telling the likes of Schiff and Pelosi that this was going to be an absolute disaster…and it was.
  6. Both sides are clearly immersed in hyperbole. The strategy gets clicks, sells newspapers, and puts eyeballs on screens. While I’m very interested in the evolution of cooking technology that things like induction stoves bring, I’m also a bit concerned that putting the nation’s entire energy supply in one big electric basket could be extremely problematic / dangerous going forward.
  7. I actually remember him at Iowa State. They were rarely on television but I remember the game and he sort of wet the bed after a ton of early broadcast hype. Then he fell off the radar. Anyone know if he was injured or did he decline? When they said he was Mr Irrelevant I thought to myself ‘oh yeah, I remember that kid’!
  8. I’m not even going to ask if puppy and pet crate are code speak for something else…..or did I? 😉
  9. Her testimony was total hearsay and would never be admissible in a serious proceeding. I would have been dying to ask her how she knew Trump didn’t want to go to the Capitol to STOP the riot? To which she’d have answered…”I never thought about that.” Clueless pawn of the clown show.
  10. I’ll ask again….instead of all of this nonsensical waste of time and money investigating whether Presidents and Vice Presidents are wrongfully taking documents out of their offices when they leave, why don’t these ridiculous morons from the National Archives Department simply send someone over to officially clear and check them out? Doesn’t anyone have a checklist or a clipboard? Oh wait…. that would make way, way too much sense! To quote BillStime….IDIOTS!
  11. You are aware that the Great Commission commends them to share their faith…..right? You are under no obligation to accept the invitation.
  12. I believe the defensive line rotation works both for and against the team. It’s obviously intended to keep everyone fresh, but if I’m a pass rushing DE it also takes away from my one on one mind game battle with the OT. Am I going inside? Am I going outside this time? It’s definitely a Catch 22. The Bills have made their choice on the pluses and minuses.
  13. I’ve read lots of posts where people think Lamar will hurt his value by playing. Isn’t also then possible that he actually thinks he helps his negotiations by not playing? He’s showing the Ravens where they are without him.
  14. Not to be ‘that guy’ but the question has already been asked and answered. You’re supposed to pray that “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” So with that firmly established, I keep praying that God has his Allen jersey on. Especially since from another thread, I hear it’s the Number One seller this year! 😁
  15. The situation sounds ripe for a QB swap like we saw with Stafford and Goff. So, Lamar to Las Vegas and Carr to Baltimore. Both of these guys clearly need a change of scenery!
  16. I believe the term is ‘taking things for granted’….but you never know with a cell phone autocorrect these days. 😉
  17. I believe what he’s saying is that he doesn’t believe it’s the player’s place to do it. It’s an awkward position to be in.
  18. You were doing so well until that last sentence. 😉
  19. You can’t make this stuff up. We have dozens of pages debating on spending money for a bunch of new IRS AGENTS. Somehow our government prioritizes that over a one time expenditure on new software for airline safety? To quote Irv….what a mess!
  20. That is NOT what I said. Don’t be an arse. What I said was that once a person decides to prioritize his drug addicted son over the ethics required to be an elected official, THAT disqualifies him/her from public office.
  21. That, and why the FAA has thirty year old software! What f$&k is going in that town?
  22. Nice try…Biden was the VP when he got the Burisma investigation shut down. He absolutely knew what was going on.
  23. Exactly! Which is why I’m saying if that is indeed the policy then why aren’t the people from the ridiculous National Archives there on your last day looking through your boxes? All of this would be easily avoided if these nonsensical departments had any protocols in place. This entire mess is 100% the fault of that single department. Where’s the congressional investigation into them?
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