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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Summers is making a gross generalization there, and definitely showing his age. I'd hazard to guess that the higher percentage of people not reporting their income are not the privileged folks he remembers from the 80's. It's actually the younger generation independent entrepreneurs working on a digital cash basis.
  2. Speaking of Offensive Line, is that "our" Feliciano playing starting Center for the NY Football Giants?
  3. THOSE are the questions you want answered? You're not curious about the contents of the documents that both Trump and Biden had? I know I am!
  4. I marvel at the rabbit hole the media has taken you all down here. Biden is 'guilty' as all heck of possessing those documents...and everyone knows it. What isn't being discussed is what were the actual contents of the documents! Come on people! There aren't that many of them. Can we not have a select few classification cleared individuals (a couple of Senators from both political parties) take a serious look at the documents, in a conference room....together? Is that really too much to ask? If the documents are about security at the annual Easter Egg hunt then honestly, who cares? But, if the documents all point to Hunter, the Ukrainian or Chinese money scandals, then we have an entirely different story.
  5. I mentioned this earlier in the thread. I've figured out Collinsworth. Listen for it next game. After each play he simply makes a positive comment about either the offensive or defensive player that shows up in the replay. I swear he has a set of 3x5 cards up there with him, ready for the stock comments. That's why you think he's biased. It's because his comments come clear out of the blue and have literally nothing to do with what's happening in the game. It's a formula. A really lazy one.
  6. It interesting that you mention those two specific plays. When you look back at yesterday's game, you see major contributions from a few players who until just a few weeks ago were in the dog house, the rest house, or someone else's house: Beasely, Elam, Marlowe, and Shakir immediately come to mind.
  7. Good comment but I’m actually more concerned about the players. I have no idea how they can stand around for that long and then suddenly turn it back on. It has to be very frustrating.
  8. It looked to me like he was very tentative on his approach to the ball and it threw him off.
  9. Here’s the Collinsworth formula: Wait for the play to end and then make a positive comment about whoever did whatever on the play. Next play, do the same thing. It’s extremely predictable and lazy television.
  10. Actually, the defense only gave up 24….and maybe less if our offense and special teams would’ve stopped giving the Dolphins the ball at midfield.
  11. So once again…let’s fix Romo. His reckless commentary will not be tolerated by the league office. I guarantee you that they’re talking to him.
  12. Speaking of that, did anyone notice how long it was taking for the Dolphins QB to read the play to his teammates in the huddle? If people want to know why the play clock kept running out, there’s their answer. It looked like each play was a full paragraph.
  13. Ha! Forgot about that era. I like it when the yellow line gets all over the players themselves because the color they’re wearing matches the ‘green screen’ the technology uses to blank out the background. Good times! Then the problem isn’t with the technology…it’s with Romo. Let’s just fix him. It’ll be way easier! 😉
  14. You’all realize that the yellow line isn’t really on the field and the players can’t see it….right? Please say yes!
  15. It’s more noticeable during the playoffs because there’re no other games on. During the season I just switch to 702 where all the games are shown and wait for the Bills game to come back on before switching back. On that note, does anyone else have the problem where it takes the AUDIO a minute or two to catch up when they switch to 702? Until it does, I cannot switch around from game to game.
  16. Are you sure that’s what happened on the kickoff? I think the ball fell off the tee just before that, and Bass was therefore tentative on his approach when he reset it. That threw him off and so he shanked it.
  17. Josh plays like Josh. He’s TOO loose for my personal preference, especially for the playoffs where one mistake can end your season. It’s obviously gotten him this far but I’m getting too old for this.
  18. If Frazier plays that soft zone Burrow is going to carve him up with short passes.
  19. They’d have been better off punting and trying to pin the Bengals deep. 😉
  20. Do they not know they can throw the ball into the end zone?
  21. They must be waiting for the last thirteen seconds.
  22. This is so ugly!
  23. Has anyone noticed how the shotgun snap keeps eating up the Ravens QB?
  24. It is now official…NFL OCS are clearly the dumbest 32 humans alive.
  25. Put the beer down. First of all, the defender hit him before the ball got there. Second, the ball then ricocheted off Beasley right to a totally uninvolved defender. It’s not like Beasley volleyball set it up in the air. Sheeesh
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