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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’d far prefer two bye weeks over seventeen games and more playoff teams. Then have the two teams playing every Thursday night game be two that just came off their bye.
  2. Sabres are the top scoring team in the entire league but are still languishing near the bottom of the standings. Ugh
  3. Watch it there….Sounds to me like you’re talking about….. ‘terminating the constitution’. 😳
  4. Hey you’ve got to do a little ‘content moderation’ if you’re going to fundamentally transform a country. 😉
  5. One person’s vetting is another person’s election interference….but hey, you’ve got to do some pretty intense vetting if you’re going to fundamentally transform a country. Or so I’m told.
  6. Yep. It’s amazing what a small Nordic country can accomplish when they have their larger neighbors to protect their arse from marauding super powers. Just ask Canada!
  7. Facebook has the intelligence capabilities to ‘vet’ posts in real time? How exactly? Are we’re to believe that these t-shirt wearing liberal millennials are running their own intelligence operations? And our government’s okay with that? Come on people! Has everyone lost their minds?
  8. Looking at these images how in the world does anyone think that the guy’s skin color had anything to do with him being shot? Is that the lesson we’re supposed to learn? Talking about turning yourselves into knots!
  9. So now the police can’t have guns either? I’m not following the point of this story.
  10. Thanks for the very thorough explanation. I didn’t see it until just now. It’d be easier to find if BillStime would show some restraint instead of dumping his daily Twitter garbage into each and every thread.
  11. First he needs to apologize to your sister.
  12. There’s one hydrogen pump near my house. It’s at a gas station. I occasionally see someone filling up there.
  13. Huh? Yes, barely. Exactly like the Democratic majority in the Senate. Spin it any way you want but the country is incredibly evenly divided.
  14. I’m not a big uniform guy but I’d love to see the Bills wear the 1960s style HOME uniforms once in a while, complete with helmets, jerseys/pants and socks. I love that old Jack Kemp look.
  15. And yet….the GOP is now in control of the House of Representatives. So there’s that.
  16. It’s interesting. The Japanese manufacturers are slow walking the move towards pure electric powered vehicles, while the European manufacturers are pretty much all in. It’s going to be fascinating to see how this all turns out. That’s of course if the planet is still inhabitable by the time we get there. 😳
  17. I’ll give you $9.9 million and not a penny more!
  18. This race showed one thing. The State of Georgia, like the country, is split almost exactly 50:50 between the rural areas and the urban centers. That’s pretty much it. Just look at a map. You could flip a coin three million times and be hard pressed to get results as close as yesterday’s.
  19. Thank God I live in Southern California. Our winter is a WNY early summer. 😎
  20. I’ll admit Trump lives in your head 24/7. I’m really not sure why. He was President for four years and unless he slept with your sister, I have no idea why he bothers you so much.
  21. As usual? What? YOU said Trump was the only one running for President. I’m assuming you’re looking for an alternative…no? Feel free to write in my name if that’ll work for ya.
  22. Way too early for any of this. If the Bills win the Super Bowl it’ll change a lot of the calculus for both the team and the players. And the same, if they don’t. (Can’t believe I just typed that out loud. 😳)
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