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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Quick, someone go check what these people are eating at this Forum.
  2. You just recently got Covid at church, and that’s Trump’s fault? First, he hasn’t been in office for over two years. Second, how the heck do you know where you contracted Covid? Third, does Trump go to your church? Finally, that is a shame. I’ve never been to Jackson Hole but I’m betting the skiing is amazing right now. We’ve had lots of rain/snow out west.
  3. Sheessh…..you really need a hobby. This kind of nonsense isn’t good for you.
  4. The Left loves this story for obvious reasons but I have to wonder where was the Democratic candidate DURING this race?
  5. Gambled with your life? Oh come on!
  6. This is what ‘you guys’ have simply never understood about Trump. His negotiation style is to verbally butter up his adversaries while playing hardball with them on the actual terms. Not sure why you don’t get it. Now, I’m not saying it works every time, but it’s clearly his style.
  7. Oh sure, pick the more obvious explanation! 😉
  8. You’re welcome to tag along with us Augie. We’ll show you around. 👍
  9. I read that three times and still haven’t a clue what point is being made.
  10. He obviously didn’t see the bombs away festival coming and for that he lost his job.
  11. His parents used to live down the street from me. So there’s that! 😁
  12. Is it that big of a problem that the Bills play one game in London every seven to ten years? Really? I guess they can go back to 6 preseason games and 14 regular season games if that makes some people feel better. The league is trying to give fans the most advanced notice they can so that people can plan ahead and make a trip out of it.
  13. Anybody know what uniforms the Bills will be wearing? I’m not going halfway around the world if they’re gonna be playing in those gosh awful all-reds!
  14. Actually, it hasn’t been a factor, except in the Bills favor. The Bills WON at Arrowhead.
  15. We’ll, I’ve never made an Access Hollywood tape, I don’t have documents in my garage, I’m not sleeping with a Chinese spy, I’m not guilty of inside trading, I’ve never lied about my military service…..it appears I’m good!
  16. Don’t want to get into a back and forth, but the Bills weren’t forced to travel to Arrowhead in the playoffs because we played them there in the regular season. We went there because we lost other games we shouldn’t have.
  17. Well that settles it then! Thanks Joe
  18. Thanks Frank Seems like an easy gig if you don’t even have to sit on some dopey committee hearings. Maybe I’ll run!
  19. That’s a rotation too. And honestly, since the Bills have actually beaten the Chiefs there the last two regular seasons I’m not sure what everyone is whining about. That game has helped, not hurt, the Bills playoff seeding.
  20. I’m guessing the former. It’s his/her thing.
  21. Yikes. It’s really just a rotation. The only exception has been the Jaguars whose owner is also the owner of Fulham Football Club in west London.
  22. It’s a forum chock full of Peter Keatings. Howard Roark is nowhere to be found.
  23. Has anyone tried looking at our opponents webpages? Would they not also show a London game?
  24. Go for it! You won’t regret it. I’d never gone either, but discovered that it’s way cheaper than you think. My recommendation is start with a week, go to London, and then take the bullet train over and back to Paris for a couple of days. You don’t need a car in either city as both have a wonderfully efficient subway system (the Tube and Metro).
  25. You can do all of those things and still go to the game. We’ve been to all of them. All the sites you listed are within a few minutes of each other except for Windsor which is less than an hour by train.
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