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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I have no idea why people don’t understand where the Bills are right now. They swung for the fences a few years ago thinking that 13 seconds had them on the doorstep. The swing and missed and now have to pay for it by rebuilding with a much younger, cheaper roster. But somehow through that, and including this draft, have now replaced the starting WR, TE, RB on offense and the MLB, S on defense. And with all of that they’re still expected to compete for a championship. It’s going to take another year. 2024 will NOT be the year. It was NEVER going to be.
  2. This is the time of the draft when I think they need to eliminate the last two rounds and let these players walk on wherever they believe they have the best shot.
  3. What a bunch of whiners! This draft is ticking all the boxes. Offense and defense. And we’re not picking two DEs in a row for a change.
  4. Why not just move the Super Bowl kick off time to earlier in the day? Would that really be so difficult?
  5. You don’t want your franchise Quarterback having a significant say in who he’s going to throw the ball to? Really?
  6. We’re going to see. But I’m thinking that (a) Beane isn’t picking a WR so why not get an extra draft pick for free or (b) Beane had a good hunch who Carolina and KC wanted so why not get multiple extra draft picks and then still get the WR he wanted all along at 33.
  7. As I’ve often said, people get WAY too hung up on which Round a player is taken in.
  8. So you’re saying that we’re “aggressively “ looking to move back! Quick…..somebody start that thread. 😉
  9. Why would they have done so already? He’s still there now. The goal of the draft isn’t to take your guy as early as possible. The goal is to take him as LATE as possible.
  10. You are aware that there are plenty of sites that’ll show you the best available, right?
  11. What is wrong with you guys? These are EXCELLENT moves. We gained a pick and moved up a round with another and all we ‘gave up’ was moving back a few places when McBeane already KNOW the guy they wanted all along. This is exactly how you take advantage of other teams on Draft night.
  12. Beane is a genius! Stockpile picks! This is what you do when you have a QB and need to get younger and cheaper. 👍👍
  13. Because the kid with the cannon arm SUCKS at throwing the long ball.
  14. I said it all along. Beane REALLY wanted a 3rd Round pick and he got one. Excellent move!
  15. Are we going to ‘aggressively’ trade down now? 😂😂😂😂
  16. Aggressively? I don’t like the sound of that at all!
  17. Thanks…it’s why I put reach in quotation marks. So with that being said what’s your gut feeling of how this year stacks up against other recent draft classes? It seems like a good one to me but it may because I’ve focused on QB (like everyone does every year) and WR being a position of Bills need.
  18. Gunner I didn’t read the entire post but I’m going to assume it’s well done as always. Not sure if you intended it this way or not but when I counted across the entire list I find you only gave 20 guys a 1st Round grade. That means almost half the league is going to ‘reach’ tonight.
  19. I too am ready….I already don’t like what we’ve done in this year’s draft and we haven’t even done it yet!
  20. They look like pool balls to me. NY Football Giants in the corner pocket!
  21. Hey Whipper Snappee! Since when did 64 become old? 😂
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