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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I saw something in which Indianapolis has already turned down the opportunity to host the AFC Championship Game.
  2. This is an age old debate. It is not the government’s job to eliminate poverty. It’s the government’s job to ensure that there aren’t state regulated systems in place that prevent upward mobility. (Which by the way is different from people not taking advantage of opportunities that exist.)
  3. That’s cute but it’s not what I asked. You have two spins remaining. You…can…do….it!
  4. I’m actually fine with some progression and getting rid of ALL ‘loopholes’ and deductions. You should be able to do your taxes on a 3x5 card. Too many people making too much money off the complexities.
  5. Isn’t sales tax a flat tax? Isn’t property tax a flat tax? These type is studies are done to support a pre-drawn conclusion.
  6. I am indeed against progressive taxation. It has gotten us into the fiscal mess we now find ourselves in.
  7. Huh? That’s what you think the Twitter story is all about? I’m assuming that’s what they’re telling you on CNN?
  8. What the $&@? It is definitely NOT the job of the federal government to ‘adjust’ people’s incomes after they have earned them!
  9. Everybody is paying the least amount possible. Seems fair enough to me. I have no idea what Trump has do with any of this. He didn’t write the tax code. Seems to me a better target for your ire would be Ms Pelosi and/or Mr Biden….no?
  10. You do realize that you’re more than welcome to send in more money each year, right? You go first! 😉
  11. We have a vastly different definition of fairness. When I’m paying close to 50% of my income in taxes…I’m gonna say that’s more than enough. (This is not 1942)
  12. What? WWII? Fairness? Give me a break. Trust me…I pay way more in taxes than the vast majority of people. If you’d like to propose a flat tax on ALL income, count me in!
  13. Both teams punters are well rested!
  14. We don’t have a taxation problem. We have a spending problem. The government takes in trillions of dollars each year and yet has managed to outspend that income every year regardless of which party is in control. Having Bills Gates pay more isn’t going to cure that condition and even if he does, it’ll have zero impact on your life.
  15. It’s interesting. No matter how much money I’ve made in my life I’ve never cared one bit what anyone else is paying in taxes. I never give it a moment’s thought. I don’t see what difference it makes to me. But to each his own.
  16. On a lighter note….while watching some of last night’s congressional ‘drama’ (remember it’s on way earlier on the west coast) I noticed a congresswoman walking up the aisle sporting a large purse with a big Buffalo Bills logo on it. Anyone have any idea who that might have been? Go Bills!
  17. What is it about Bernie that you love? I’m guessing it’s his support for government funded healthcare but is it something else?
  18. The really dumb thing is that you wield the word capitalist as if someone is going to be hurt by it. Unbelievable!
  19. Lots of discussion on here about Elam. It leaves me to wonder if the Bills player personnel department isn’t falling down here a bit. Between Epenesa and now Elam (two of the last three draft classes) we seem to have selected defensive players that the coaching staff simply doesn’t know what to do with, or that are more aptly labeled ‘projects’. While the Bills are of course a very good team, no team can afford the luxury of doing that for long.
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