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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Nice try…Biden was the VP when he got the Burisma investigation shut down. He absolutely knew what was going on.
  2. Exactly! Which is why I’m saying if that is indeed the policy then why aren’t the people from the ridiculous National Archives there on your last day looking through your boxes? All of this would be easily avoided if these nonsensical departments had any protocols in place. This entire mess is 100% the fault of that single department. Where’s the congressional investigation into them?
  3. Mr Biden is not most parents. He CHOSE to run for President. He should’ve said I can’t because my son is more important to me than this four year gig. But he didn’t!
  4. No, that’s a different topic. That refers to who’s allowed to see documents. If the President declassifies a document then he can show it to different people (like his lawyers, or others) while he’s still in office. It doesn’t mean he can take it home with him when leaves office. Again, I’m just paraphrasing what I heard/watched this gentleman say.
  5. So the dozens of pictures of Joe with Hunter and his business partners are just my ‘opinion’. Of course Joe knew what Hunter was up to. But, he had blinders on because of his soft spot for his lone remaining son. That may make him a dedicated father but it completely disqualifies him from being an elected official.
  6. I’m sure that’s correct but it’s hard to believe once it’s your own checkbook that’s being impacted. At some point you say “enough already”!
  7. The interview I saw included the President. There’s something wrong here. I don’t think anyone in that town has a freaking clue what they’re doing!
  8. EVERYONE knows this to be true. They can feel it, and they’re living it every single day. The question is why are some so politically entrenched that they’re not more upset about it?
  9. Once again…come on! Joe didn’t say he couldn’t control his drug addicted son. He said he didn’t know anything about it.
  10. If so then why did I just see an interview with the Bush Era government lawyer that gives the Day One briefing to all these newly elected officials that they cannot take anything with them? Somebody needs to clear this up.
  11. You’ve gotta be kidding! It’s not Joe’s third cousin. It’s his son! And you don’t think Joe shouldn’t be telling his son that this is completely unacceptable? Come on!
  12. Obviously…but my question still remains. There must be a correct answer. And if the answer is that you cannot take ANYTHING with you then the National Archives (yet another pathetic department) needs to have people on hand when these offices are vacated to avoid this nonsense. The older I get, the more I’ve learned that this government of ours cannot do anything right.
  13. Over the last few months I have heard every possible talking head give every possible narrative on this issue. There must be a correct answer. On one extreme I’ve heard some say that you cannot take ANY papers out of your office that you didn’t bring in with you when you were elected. On the other extreme others are of course talking about Classified papers and who can take them. Both cannot be true!
  14. That’s your response? Trump didn’t tell anyone to FABRICATE votes. He asked that they look for ballots/votes to make up the slim margin. There’s a huge difference!
  15. Are we going to see the staged photo of Biden’s papers spread out on his garage floor today? If not….why not?
  16. I may be wrong but I’ve always said it stems back to Hillary. She is and was the source. Others just picked it up and ran with it, seeing as how they suffered no ill effects from the narrative.
  17. I agree Frank. We all know the reasons why the politicians don’t want to simplify things. What I can never figure out is why any taxpayer would argue against it. Yes, I know, some are afraid it would benefit upper earners, but they’re looking at it aa if everything else would stay the same. It wouldn’t. Nobody really cares what their gross pay is. You only care what your net pay is. A simple computer program could adjust everyone’s income in a single tax year. Then, you start all over with everyone paying into the system at the same percentage regardless of the source from which your income was generated.
  18. Not so fast everyone. After getting into the playoffs with a losing record Monday might just be Brady’s last game if the Cowboys D Line can put a pounding in him. If so, I cannot see him wanting to start over with yet another team.
  19. I’d like the dominating win not because of resting our starters, or any of the other things mentioned here, but because I think it would be good for the team’s psyche going into the next round hosting Cincinnati. There have been too many ‘squeak by’ victories even if the point differential doesn’t seem to show it.
  20. I really have to ask….how old are you? What’s with the freaks, bro, and cult language? What adult talks that way? None that I know.
  21. Oh come on! You really have to be kidding me. Now you want to get rid of sales tax? That’s a new one. But I’ll play your lunatic leftist game. Let’s have everyone pay the same percentage of their income in taxes. Happy now?
  22. For the love of everything holy! I’m not talking about a progressive sales tax! My point was that you currently pay a flat tax that we call a sales tax, and pretty much nobody ever even thinks about or has the ability to cheat on it. Nobody complains…at least not very much…they just pay it. I’d love to see the same thing for income tax. Get rid of all the deductions and simplify the entire mess. But the difference will be that just like sales tax EVERYONE will pay it! Let’s see how many people vote to raise that tax then. Got it?
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