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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’ve mentioned it many times that I’m certainly no military expert but I really have to wonder what’s going on in Ukraine. This is a pretty isolated border squabble being fought with conventional weapons. The entire free world is aligned on one side of the conflict. You’re telling me that in the 21st Century the world cannot beat back a decrepit fighting force of conscripts using what’s often reported to be broken down equipment? Really? This has been going on for a year now? And the best the world can do is repeat the utterly ridiculous catch phrase of “As Long As It Takes”? Again…really? Let’s end this thing!
  2. With all the money that teams invest in their QBs it’s hard to believe that they aren’t ALL getting an instructor to come in and teach them how to fall.
  3. I believe I saw that Webb is substantially younger than Wilson….yes? It’ll be interesting to see how the interaction goes in their QB room. Hard to believe they’re going to be able to work around the elephant in the room.
  4. This team rises and falls on the back of Josh Allen. His contract makes him both the long term plan and long term answer. You protect him behind a new, young offensive line, so that they grow together as a unit over the remaining years of Allen’s contract. Everything else is a distant second. If Josh is truly the generational player the organization thinks he is, then you look to him to make the receivers and running backs better.
  5. Sorry, no looking on your neighbors paper. You’re going to have to do and show your own work. 😉
  6. Saw Les Miserables in London the day before the Bills played there. My wife thought she’d cried enough during the show….and then the game happened! 😉
  7. You still clearly don’t know what the Swamp is, but thanks for playing.
  8. Please don't tell me you plan on doubling down on this one now. Please.
  9. No worries. But you really missed out. In the 1973 season opener in Foxboro, OJ took off on the opening series of the game for an 80 yard power pitch/sweep play around the right tackle, and I can still remember looking around and everyone in the room saying “THIS is going to be something really special” …and it truly was. He was literally unstoppable.
  10. Huh? So I’ll play along, what does it mean?
  11. Well as my father taught me when I was growing up, you better learn what some of these words and phrases mean before you start tossing them around so loosely. (Words to the wise.) By the way, a simple ‘my bad’ would’ve been a better play. 😉
  12. Much better Hawk. Keep smiling. It’s going to be okay. Never forget… It’s just a political chat room. 👍
  13. You clearly don't know what that term refers to. But you think by putting a $ sign on it, you can change the definition to suit your narrative.
  14. Dude….you really need to take a timeout from this place. I’ll be the first to admit that this Board can wear on you, but it’s supposed to be all in good natured discussion. It’s not a bar fight. When you find yourself throwing around derogatory epithets at other posters you’ve probably gone too far. Keep it pithy…but ‘short bus’? Are you listening to yourself? Geez!
  15. Okay then. Understood. I appreciate the adult-like candor, for a change. You clearly don’t like his communication style. That’s fine. But as I always say, it doesn’t make him evil. He’s definitely brash. No sh$t! Everyone knew that when he was elected. Do I personally like the approach? No, I think there are/were better ways to say what he was trying to say. But…I’ll take a guy who’s at least trying to take on the DC swamp as opposed to those who just go along with it all while speaking word salads of poll tested garbage.
  16. Not trying to be snarky but I’m interested to know if you were of age to witness OJs 1973 season. What he did that year was at that time considered to be akin to landing a man on mars. (And again I thought the purpose of this was about a single athlete, not team production or results)
  17. The entire Rodgers saga is a real messy situation for Packer faithful. Seems like a dysfunctional marriage where dad keeps threatening to walk out every few weeks. When Rodgers looks back on his career, I’m guessing he’s going to wish he had done things differently.
  18. And so you’re to stick by your comment that by shethole country he was referring to the predominant race of the people who live there? Sure! Okie Dokie
  19. Alright Gene….so what was/is your career in? You don’t need to put it on your tag, but I’d love to know. I think it’s super helpful to know the life experiences that have shaped everyone’s opinions.
  20. Wait a minute! That comment is most definitely NOT in reference to the color of the skin of the people who live in those countries. Only someone who sees everything through the prism of race would possibly think that it was. It’s way past time you did a bit of serious introspection.
  21. I’m sorry but without a properly cut and pasted meme you’re simply not meeting up to the standard. Your cleverly veiled reference to another poster being a nazi is just not cutting it. 😉
  22. The ‘somehow’ is to cut off these programs, or at the very least slowly defund them. Although well intentioned when they begin, your assessment of what they become is spot on.
  23. Ya lost me on that one. There’s been quite a bit of ridiculous knee-taking these past few years. You’ll have to be more specific.
  24. So the next time you go to a Bills game and bunch of people start acting like drunken numbskulls, we can depend on you to be the first one out the gate….right? Sure!
  25. Just go back and read the transcript. It isn’t hard.
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