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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I distinctly remember when Joe Biden proposed slowly raising the retirement age during a presidential primary debate many many years ago. I thought it was a good idea then, and I still do today.
  2. Once again, all of this is very easily cleared up if a security clearance congressional representative from each party would simply be given 30 minutes to together look at the documents in a conference room. If these documents are about unrelated topics of no obvious importance than this is a non issue and BOTH Presidents should get a stern slap on the wrist (and everyone else in Washington should get a two hour mandatory seminar). However…if the documents are ‘something else’ then let the debate and allegations ensue.
  3. I really hope he’s done. The NFL fanbase has definitely moved on to the younger, more dynamic QB class. Brady now looks more like a golfer on the senior tour, where announcers occasionally wonder if he could still compete on the PGA circuit. It’s become cringe worthy to me. Enough!
  4. I just hope they upgrade the Director. It’s extremely frustrating trying to follow the game when the director refuses to show you where the ball is placed. Instead we’re forced to see meaningless shots of a coach chewing his gum, or a player sitting in the bench, or a fan yelling at his seat mates, or the always classic shot of some officials butt while we try for some artsy sideline shot through a hundred legs, or any number of things other than the actual field! And ALL of those alternate angles are shown in the span of ten seconds, between every play!
  5. It’s not a parody for those of us in California. It’s simply called Monday here.
  6. Hilarious! So in your mind if the President has documents showing how the Deep State was plotting an internal coup against the people (for instance), you’re more desperate that he return them to the secrecy of the archives than wait to collect and expose additional information. Now remember I’m not saying that’s what the documents show but I am FAR MORE interested in what these documents do actually show (for both Biden and Trump) than you even remotely are. Very interesting!
  7. Nice try. You know the debate is far more complicated than that but you’re willing to accept that if someone from the steno pool wants a piece of paper back….she should get it. You don’t appear to be the least bit curious what these documents might show or why the former President’s lawyers may want him to retain them. Interesting, but all too expected.
  8. Sad. You used to be utterly immature and annoying. Now you’re just really boring.
  9. There have been countless interpretations by very informed people expressing their opinions on national television specifically relevant to the President's authority, etc here. The reason you cannot understand is because you are a partisan hack. (With all due respect.)
  10. Did Trump have lawyers? Yes....check Were Trump's lawyers cooperating? Yes....check Next topic
  11. I’m guessing he/she won’t allow them to drink from a straw either. These are very odd people!
  12. Once again, this entire topic cracks me up! If the Una-Bomber was found to have an expired library book entitled "How to Build a Bomb", many of you would be more interested in the $3.00 fine for the late fees, than the actual contents of the book. We're in a really sad place.
  13. We'll take great plays from wherever we can get them, but I was really happy to see some contributions from this year's rookie class, including the increased playing time for Cook. Just a few weeks ago it honestly looked like a completed wasted draft.
  14. Summers is making a gross generalization there, and definitely showing his age. I'd hazard to guess that the higher percentage of people not reporting their income are not the privileged folks he remembers from the 80's. It's actually the younger generation independent entrepreneurs working on a digital cash basis.
  15. Speaking of Offensive Line, is that "our" Feliciano playing starting Center for the NY Football Giants?
  16. THOSE are the questions you want answered? You're not curious about the contents of the documents that both Trump and Biden had? I know I am!
  17. I marvel at the rabbit hole the media has taken you all down here. Biden is 'guilty' as all heck of possessing those documents...and everyone knows it. What isn't being discussed is what were the actual contents of the documents! Come on people! There aren't that many of them. Can we not have a select few classification cleared individuals (a couple of Senators from both political parties) take a serious look at the documents, in a conference room....together? Is that really too much to ask? If the documents are about security at the annual Easter Egg hunt then honestly, who cares? But, if the documents all point to Hunter, the Ukrainian or Chinese money scandals, then we have an entirely different story.
  18. I mentioned this earlier in the thread. I've figured out Collinsworth. Listen for it next game. After each play he simply makes a positive comment about either the offensive or defensive player that shows up in the replay. I swear he has a set of 3x5 cards up there with him, ready for the stock comments. That's why you think he's biased. It's because his comments come clear out of the blue and have literally nothing to do with what's happening in the game. It's a formula. A really lazy one.
  19. It interesting that you mention those two specific plays. When you look back at yesterday's game, you see major contributions from a few players who until just a few weeks ago were in the dog house, the rest house, or someone else's house: Beasely, Elam, Marlowe, and Shakir immediately come to mind.
  20. Good comment but I’m actually more concerned about the players. I have no idea how they can stand around for that long and then suddenly turn it back on. It has to be very frustrating.
  21. It looked to me like he was very tentative on his approach to the ball and it threw him off.
  22. Here’s the Collinsworth formula: Wait for the play to end and then make a positive comment about whoever did whatever on the play. Next play, do the same thing. It’s extremely predictable and lazy television.
  23. Actually, the defense only gave up 24….and maybe less if our offense and special teams would’ve stopped giving the Dolphins the ball at midfield.
  24. So once again…let’s fix Romo. His reckless commentary will not be tolerated by the league office. I guarantee you that they’re talking to him.
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