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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Yrs, I’m sure he’d contribute, but the minute he gets hurt, the franchise is absolutely screwed. So….no way.
  2. Williams is making actual tackles. Not the standing around the pile tackles we used to get from Edmunds.
  3. Absolutely no way am I giving up that much for yet another D Lineman. No way!
  4. Back in the day you could just scratch your drivers license with a key and fill in the birth year with a ball point pen. We closed Duff’s many a winters night.
  5. And about EIGHT veteran secondary players cost us a touchdown on the Hail Mary. Ya can’t sit everyone! 😉
  6. Thats unfortunate. I’m guessing you also have to stay a few hundred yards away from school sites. 😉
  7. Somebody wake up Ed Oliver and let him know the season started.
  8. Yep, he's going to miss out on an easy Super Bowl ring. 😉 At least for now anyway.
  9. When I read who they released to ‘make room on the roster’ I generally find myself saying….WHO?
  10. Just go to Ted’s, Duff’s and Anderson’s….you’ll be fine!
  11. While I appreciate Rodgers honesty, has anyone else noticed that he appears to be observing the games instead of competing in them this year?
  12. Respect “The Process”….whatever that is anymore?
  13. How about after we draft an excellent DE like Epenesa we tell our idiot coach and training staff not put him on a starvation diet for the first couple of years of his career? How about that?
  14. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  15. The frightening part is that you really have to search up and down the roster to find players that fit this measuring stick. Every week I see teams with stud game changing pass rushers and can’t believe that with the Bills it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack!!
  16. With all due respect I’m not sure anyone knows what this saying. And my point still stands. Offensive routes are complicated and intended to open in sequence. While I understand the desire to blame our WRs it’s quite possible this isn’t their ‘fault’. There are many variables at play.
  17. I agree. The point of replay assist was to speed up the game and to save coaches from wasting ‘valuable’ challenges on obvious calls. But….this was NOT obvious! In fact, it was clearly a fumble by any measure of the rule. I’m hoping the Bills voice a serious complaint with the Rules Committee.
  18. So our crack coaching staff has actually OVER corrected for his natural slice? If so somebody has some explaining to do! Again……geez what a mess!
  19. I believe he has a natural SLICE not a hook.
  20. I’ve been commenting on his slice for years. My question is don’t the Bills have coaches? I mean, really! Even Jess Pegula has coaches that sit there and help her adjust her swing in the middle of a freaking match. Geeeez!
  21. I’m not sure you’re interpreting this correctly. Your ‘first read’ is not synonymous with your ‘best read’. It’s just the first guy, generally with the shortest route, that should come open. Every legitimate offense is designed with receivers coming open at different levels and on different sides of the field; which allows the QB to scan across the field, left to right for example, as play extends. Just because the first, short route, isn’t the one chosen doesn’t mean that the WR is bad. (Although the jury has pretty much conceded that the Bills are clearly lacking there.)
  22. So can someone please walk up to his locker and tell him it’s past time to ‘decide to make some massive catches’. 😉
  23. Hey! The refs did their level best to 'manage' the game. They managed to screw it up....big time! 🙂
  24. McD has PROVEN time and time again to be one of the worst, end of game and now add end of half, defensive strategists. His portfolio of screw ups grows each and every season.
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