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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. What I remember from that AFC Championship game was that at that point it still seemed utterly impossible to think of the Bills ever actually playing in a Super Bowl.
  2. If you think that makes any sense at all then you’ve officially lost your mind. (Must be the lack of wings and eggs. 😉)
  3. Ya gotta love this. Trump is President for FOUR YEARS and Putin attacks nobody. Biden is President for a little over a year and Putin attacks a sovereign country….and somehow it’s Biden that’s keeping “Putin checked”? Okie Dokie
  4. Morning Tibs What do you mean they won’t do chicken wings? They don’t sell them in the meat counter? Or they don’t sell them pre-prepared?
  5. Not to get too into the weeds here but also matters where we turn the ball over. Sunday we turned it over on our side of 50 yard line. Those ones really hurt, and one of course was returned for a touchdown. While we all get upset when Josh turns it over in the opponent’s red zone, I’d be interested to see how often those resulted in the opponent scoring points.
  6. The mansion that for some reason costs in excess of $49,000 per month to rent? That one? It must offer one heck of a breakfast buffet!
  7. Stupid Trump! Everyone knows the only people who can make Nazi references to refer to their political opponents are Joe Biden and the Democrats.
  8. Exactly! Everyone knows the proper thing to do is store the folders AND the papers in your home garage.
  9. Two things for sure, nobody will be looking past this game to a rematch with the Chiefs, and nobody will be looking at it as if the Bengals don’t belong here. Both are a good thing.
  10. I haven’t seen it mentioned here so I’ll throw it in. Did anyone watch the Hakeem Jeffries speech before he turned the Speaker’s gavel over to McCarthy? Notice how he mentioned Mar-a-Lago in that speech? I wonder what his speech writers knew or didn’t know at the time. Less than a week later, that speech would’ve definitely been changed.
  11. Something I haven’t seen discussed is the impact of the cancelled game on the coaches and game planning. Neither team got to show/reveal much in under a quarter of game time three weeks ago. If there’s an advantage here, it goes to the Bills who saw two possessions from the Bengals, and of course the home field crowd.
  12. Very few people have a problem with legal immigration. I’ve said it for years, the problem Americans have is with people not willing to wait in line. It’s taught to us as early as kindergarten. It’s ingrained in our national psyche. That’s not true in other parts of the world but it’s definitely true here. No matter how long the line is, Americans do not cut in line! Think about it. What’s the worst offense you can commit in grade school? “No Cutting!” We don’t know why exactly but we believe in our souls that it’s just wrong. What’s the second worse offense? Think about it. “No saving spots!”
  13. What you want to be looking at is Architectural firms. They are the true canary in the cold mine, even more so than builders. Projects in design are canceled long before permits are ever pulled.
  14. This isn’t complicated and it isn’t Right against Left. We now have an unelected bureaucracy running the country. They don’t care how much corruption is going on up the street at the Capitol or the White House. They have one collective goal and that’s to keep their ridiculous jobs, grow the size of their staff, and retire securely. A few of these bureaucrats are agenda driven nut cases, but the majority are happiest when the public’s attention is anywhere but on their meaningless jobs. Biden, Clinton, and Fauci are no threat to these folks. They skate through Washington from administration to administration. But as soon as an elected official starts asking too many questions…they have to go!
  15. Another pathetic thread from the king of nonsense. Can we all pitch in and get some yarn, needles and a tutorial? At least we’d get a sweater out of it.
  16. I'll agree, but only somewhat. While I agree that the State and Local education sectors have been taken over by far left nut jobs (teacher's union, etc.). The executive and middle management level within the Federal Government are really just interested in growing the size of their various departments, staff, power, etc. If that means they need to lean Left for now, they'll do so. As they see it, anyone who threatens to shine a light on the waste, and resulting corruption, must be eliminated.
  17. I've been to dozens and dozens of games and their constant switching of camera angles is literally nothing like the in-stadium experience....so I guess I'll call you "Silly". 😉
  18. If our government isn’t ‘sane’ then honestly, what the heck are we doing anymore.
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