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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Is it just me or does the wind look completely confused?
  2. Drain the swamp? You can’t use that catch phrase to cover everything that happens everywhere ya know…right?
  3. Ned…you can look up anything on the internet. I’m just telling you that I’ve not heard anyone talking about this in any setting, anywhere. Feel free to use as much contraception as suits your personal needs! 👍
  4. Ned, I have to agree with JD here. I’ve not heard a single syllable about this topic. Not one. I’m guessing you’re getting your ‘news’ from very different sources.
  5. Hawk…the examples you cited aren’t significant armed conflicts that America was involved with, even if you count our complacent ceding of Crimea. But Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and possibly Ukraine would all fall into the category.
  6. I drew the line there for two reasons. First, because we’ve lost almost all of the WW2 generation of veterans. Second, and more importantly because it marked the beginning of the atomic age. Since that time ‘wars’ have been fought with one hand tied behind the combatants backs, and result has pretty much been a very expensive stalemate…every time, and it’s getting closer and closer to a HUNDRED years now. So what’s the answer? I don’t know, but this definitely isn’t it. My hope is that a younger generation of world leaders will figure it out. We can only hope.
  7. I’ve always loved Dr Zhivago! One of my all time favorites, actually. Julie Christie was really something. 😍
  8. Hawk, I’ve mentioned this many times on here over the last year, but if you look at recent history (post WW2) which is pretty much all the history that anyone alive has lived through, these ‘wars’ have proven to be an utter waste of time, treasure, and lives. The civilized global community has moved almost nonstop from the foreign theater to foreign theater engaging in conflict after conflict and there’ve been no significant border changes to come out of any of them. There REALLY has to be a better way. On that at least, I hope we can agree. Yes?
  9. I hear Edmunds is thinking of wearing a Question Mark. 😉
  10. I can’t recall when Poyer and Hyde came over but if you remove those two safeties from the count, the OPs own tally shows that of the remaining nine defensive roster spots the ENTIRE Bills starting defense should then be made up of guys they themselves selected in Round 1, 2, and 3 with FIVE of them being 1st Rounders. I’d say that’d constitute a major focus on the defensive side of the ball. But maybe it’s just me.
  11. I’m not sure I understand. Do you think your cousin paid a lot? Or a little?
  12. Trump did get rid of Hillary and didn’t have the votes he needed to get rid of Obamacare. And ….you actually did get his internal Covid cleansing light! You just got accustomed to calling it a vaccine.
  13. While I was in a Hilton Garden Inn. It was okay I guess but the complimentary breakfast was a bit scary.
  14. Thanks for the adult worthy response. So here's the thing...Lobbyists and Special Interest Groups are not the actual problem. The elected officials that accept their advances, invitations, and money are the real problem. While I didn't work with the Federal Government, I spent my career deeply entangled at the highest levels of State government in the largest State in the Union. And I can tell you that it is most definitely true there. While many political figures maintain their integrity, a large percentage of them do not. They are quick to court Lobbyists in search of a campaign contribution or a free drink or a lunch. It's beyond disgusting and sleazy. Take it from someone who waded more than knee deep in the Swamp for many decades.
  15. No problem Kay. What I hope you'll understand is that my comments are almost never related to your point of you, even though I often disagree with them. I like hearing what others are thinking. I sort of have to; Iiving in California for the last forty years. My 'complaint' (if you want to call it that), is over the length of your posts. A bit too long for a chat room, for my taste anyway. Being an Architect, less is more, ya know. I'm almost never posting from a laptop keyboard or desktop, but instead from a cell phone. I can't imagine trying to enter a manifesto from my iPhone. Have a great weekend!
  16. When you sit on a jury and come to a different conclusion than the other eleven members, you are not accused of lying. The jurors are not submitting evidence. They are simply listening to it. You've just come to a different conclusion than the others. This is why in an actual jury trial BOTH the prosecution and the defense get to have a say in who sits on the jury. While the J6 Hearings were not a trial, they were presented as such...and unfortunately, the defense did not get to put on a case. If you've ever sat on a jury, you'll know that if the prosecution is any good at all, the entire jury thinks the defendant is guilty after the prosecution rests. Why? Because the defense hasn't gotten a chance to swing the bat yet. It's also why the prosecution goes first.
  17. Throw her into the pond!
  18. I was commenting on the poetry format....not the commentary itself. Did Kay write it, or did she copy and paste it form somewhere? If you've ever tried it, it isn't easy to do...at least not that long anyway.
  19. Well that's convenient. Nancy decides (before the hearings, mind you) which "R's" can be on the committee by declaring that anyone that the "R's" submit must have been part of the insurrection. Sure...that sounds like a way to get to the bottom of what happened and what didn't. You have got to be kidding!
  20. Evidence of what? I simply posed a proposition in a chat room. Are there rules now against that? Are you the arbitrator of them?
  21. Thanks Goose Then we agree. The free world should be looking to end this NOW. Whether that’s through peace talks, strongly worded ‘negotiations’, or just supplying them with an unbeatable force. But…this has gone on long enough and has evolved from a ‘small incursion’ to a year long virtual stalemate. This is unacceptable in the 21st Century. If the world can’t settle this sort of conflict, we’ve really not evolved much at all. Sad.
  22. Well instead of a snarky response, why not tell me why this ‘war’ is still going on? Are you a military expert? Or just a guy who slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night?
  23. Didn’t read through all of this but I’ll chime in from the immigration epicenter of Southern California. The vast, vast majority of our huge homeless population are most definitely NOT Hispanic. The Hispanic immigrants, both legal and illegal, come here with an incredible work ethic. And no matter what Mayor Pete seems to believe, our entire construction workforce (largest in the nation) is made up of Hispanics, not white men. Somehow these folks come to America, immediately find work, and rarely end up on the streets. Interesting.
  24. Morning Kay You know I regularly give you crap for your rather lengthy contributions but this one’s pretty darn good. Did you write that? 👍
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