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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. It’s a forum chock full of Peter Keatings. Howard Roark is nowhere to be found.
  2. Has anyone tried looking at our opponents webpages? Would they not also show a London game?
  3. Go for it! You won’t regret it. I’d never gone either, but discovered that it’s way cheaper than you think. My recommendation is start with a week, go to London, and then take the bullet train over and back to Paris for a couple of days. You don’t need a car in either city as both have a wonderfully efficient subway system (the Tube and Metro).
  4. You can do all of those things and still go to the game. We’ve been to all of them. All the sites you listed are within a few minutes of each other except for Windsor which is less than an hour by train.
  5. I was there. Did a full on face plant! That game was full of them. Spiller fumbled going in for the winning touchdown and then the phantom pass interference call sealed the Jags victory. What a mess! But….we had an absolute blast in London.
  6. I believe this has been explained numerous times. There is no grand conspiracy against the Buffalo Bills here.
  7. Again, I’m not a big fan of a national sales tax but mostly because the advertised price of everything would be a downright confusing mess. Would it impact stock investment? I guess so, but that’s way down on my list of concerns.
  8. I believe it’s an established formula. If you want be the Top Dog, you have to beat the Top Dog. I wouldn’t read much more than that into it. The NFL is all about television ratings and promoting the top teams, until they’re no longer the top teams. It’s actually a way, way more level league than most other professional sports.
  9. I’m also not a big fan, but yet you’re quite used to paying your current sales tax….no?
  10. What these privileged geniuses don’t seem to understand is that if you want to slow the rise of developed countries, the people who get hurt first and most are those in underdeveloped countries. Or just maybe they do understand!
  11. Huh? Unemployment has gone both up and down over the many decades our current system has been in place.
  12. This ‘Forum’ always reminds me of when Goldfinger gathered the mob bosses to devise a scheme to attack Fort Knox. Specter would be proud!
  13. See my post above. You realize that other teams have season ticket holder too, right? The Raiders just played in London in 2019. I doubt they’ll be going back that soon. Now…the Jets played in London in 2015, same year as the Bills, and the NFL has indeed scheduled divisional games from time to time. It could indeed be the Jets; but I’m guessing it’s the Cowboys.
  14. Why would this be shocking? Missiles need a conflict to be consumed. We ended one conflict and immediately jumped into another one. It’s good for business!
  15. I’d prefer a slightly graduated ‘flat’ tax.
  16. Just looked it up. Both Tampa and the Raiders played in London in 2019. The Bills and Cowboys have not been there since 2015 and 2014 respectively. It has to be Bills v Cowboys.
  17. Nope….Jacksonville is hosting a different game at Wembley Stadium.
  18. We’ll be fine. It can’t take that long for Dorsey to scheme in a dozen or so long bombs. He knows them by heart.
  19. I don’t believe it’ll be the Raiders. They played the Bears at Tottenham right before the pandemic. We just happened to be in London that week. I don’t think they’re due to play overseas again that soon. I’m guessing it’ll be the Cowboys?
  20. Another indicator that our public schools are truly failing. 😉
  21. Count me in! Now we just need to find out which week it’ll be. I’m assuming mid to late October but that we won’t know until the complete league schedule comes out in April. If I recall, they release the London game dates a few weeks before. Anybody know?
  22. Exactly. I remember having no anxiety while watching that game from a ski lodge in Mammoth Lakes, California. My buddies all wondered why I wanted to skip the morning on the slopes to watch the game. It seemed like more of a curiosity then anything else. The years preceding had been filled with such hit and miss results, but mostly some pretty hard-to-swallow misses. The Super Bowl seemed like a game that 'other' teams got to play in. There was no way little Buffalo would ever ascend to that level. When the game was over, and we had lost, in what I recall as a pretty uneventful affair, I remember saying "Oh well, that figures." Then fast forward and 51-3 happened and the impossible was suddenly....possible!
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