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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Zero urgency by Jags all game long. I think they are just happy to be there.
  2. Can somebody tell Jacksonville that this is a playoff game?
  3. Jags coaching staff is clueless! How hard is it hit a QB in the ankle? Just dumb!
  4. Hey Redtail….how are you feeling today? Hopefully better.
  5. Yikes! I’m not sure what you think the Buffalo Bills are, but in reality they’re a private company that you (and I) are big fans of. Just like a clothing line, restaurant, or anything else we frequent and follow. They are not a community service nor a public library. My humble and polite suggestion is for you to embrace this. Have fun with it. My wife and I made the trip to London last time and it was nothing short of AWESOME! I’ve been to two Super Bowls and the London experience was the closest thing I’ve come to it…and way, way, cheaper. Go Bills
  6. Couldn’t agree more. Why it’s been so frustrating is because they keep leaving points on the field. I’m afraid the time for that luxury is now past. If they want win a Super Bowl they’re going to have to go through Cincinnati, Kansas City, and probably the Eagles or 49ers. It’s time to close these games, and get the 50 points they’ve been flirting with. Go Bills
  7. Not trying be ‘that guy’ but I honestly don’t understand what all this concern is about. The Bills, just like every other team, will play an intentional game about once or twice a decade. They aren’t being disadvantaged in any way and all of the Owners have agreed to making this investment in the sport’s international appeal. There’s literally nothing to see here.
  8. Huh? No, you don’t have a choice. The point is that sales tax has become built into the American taxation system, and we are all very accustomed to paying it. It is however ‘only’ a small percentage add-on to the price of goods. Adding on 30% for a national income tax will be a much harder adjustment for Americans…which is one of the reasons why I don’t support it. As another example, many countries in Europe don’t tip waiters. The price is just built into the menu. They’re accustomed to that pricing. In all of these examples you pay the same amount in the end. It’s just the system you’re accustomed to.
  9. The new Everton stadium isn’t going to be large enough? The renderings look awesome!
  10. He was a beast. Big body receiver. I don’t recall his measurables but many of todays physical receivers listed here are a great comparison for those too young to remember him.
  11. I’ve been to a match at Watford. Cool little town! What is the ‘gap’? I hadn’t heard that term.
  12. If you’re all bored while waiting for this weekend’s playoff games…go back and read the first couple of pages of this thread. Much like the Covid thread
  13. And it echoes even louder when Al Gore shouts at them! 😂
  14. What? Again, I’m sorry you’re sick but are you reading ANYTHING you’re posting? You now admit you don’t know where you contracted this flu or whether you got it from someone who was vaccinated. I’ll say it again…WHAT? This is utterly ridiculous! You’re clearly caught up in emotion, not science. So was I last Christmas when we all came down with it. But…I didn’t lash out at some long gone ex-President. Geeez! Go get some chicken soup, and get better.
  15. I’m honestly sorry you’re not feeling well. But somehow you’ve convinced yourself that you caught Covid at church, and that you must’ve caught it from an unvaccinated person? How you know either of those to be true is beyond me. You apparently found your own personal Patient Zero. I hope you feel better. Seriously
  16. Deal! I’ll let you do the same with the left wing. (Meet back here in a few years.) 😉
  17. Unbelievable! You really don’t understand, do you? If the people who are dying are the old and vulnerable then the ONLY people who need this medication are the old and vulnerable! This was very badly advertised to the American people by politicians and a public health system that was trying to score political points and was in bed with the pharmaceutical companies who were making money by the bushel full. And the American people saw it with their own eyes, in their own homes, all around then. Yet somehow you still believe that the Emperor still has clothes on?
  18. That literally makes no sense at all. If the old and vulnerable are/were vaccinated then they wouldn’t be at risk of getting a serious case of Covid…no matter what anyone else is doing. We took the absolute wrong approach to this entire thing. The lesson that should have been learned is that listening to only one point of view, and stifling debate and opinion, is a ridiculous and dangerous approach to public health.
  19. The country is run by a cabal of unelected bureaucrats. Our elected officials pretty much come and go, with the exception of those who’ve learned how the game is played. If you believe otherwise, you’re a fool (respectfully).
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