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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Just kidding, as usual, Hawk. (This place needs a serious dose of levity.) But I do marvel at how the current administration brushed away this entire conflict just a year ago…and we somehow went from overlooking a ‘small incursion’ to ‘as long as it takes’ (their words not mine) in that same span. There simply has to be a better way to run a civilized world. To quote George Costanza: “We’re trying to have a society here!”
  2. Okay…here we go…”real progressives”? This I’m dying to read. And I love how you immediately dismiss the violent attack on the seat of Executive Branch that occurred just a few months before J6. Where was the Select Committee’s report on that attack?
  3. Thanks Tibs. Missiles are fired in all modern conflicts…as you obviously know. Is it the pictures of shelled apartment buildings that makes the distinction for you? (Again, I’m not disagreeing. Just trying to see if you’ll clarify your position.)
  4. Here it is a nutshell, and in this order: 1. Without Allen, the Bills are not a playoff team. 2. Without Brady leaving NE, the Bills are not winning the Division. 3. Without McD and McB, the Bills are a perennial sub-500 record.
  5. Answer: It isn’t inappropriate. But the proper question is why weren’t ALL of the media given this footage when Good ‘ol Nancy had the gavel? Hmmm? When you’re the people ‘in charge’, the appropriate response to TC is to simply dismiss his opinion.
  6. Not even close Hawk. It is NEVER appropriate for a member of congress to take the floor of the House or Senate and ‘appeal’ that a news organization should fire or silence a reporter. Never! If Chuck or Mitch want to say they disagree with or verbally dismiss the narrative…fine. But that’s not what Chuck did. Unbelievable that you don’t see how dangerous this is.
  7. Honest Question: What is it that makes him a “terrorist” in your eyes? I’m not saying I disagree with you Tibs, but we need to share a common language if we’re all going to have a conversation.
  8. I’ve tried to stay out of this discussion because I knew where it would go….as usual. But looking at it from the proverbial 35,000 feet, doesn’t anyone find it odd it that sitting members of Congress would feel this threatened by a single cable television program expressing an opinion, telling a narrative, and showing actual, unaltered video footage of an actual news event? When did America “evolve” into a country where the government controlled the way the press/media/people are allowed to see and discuss a news story? EVERYONE should be REALLY frightened by this unfortunate turn of events. It does not bode well for the future of a formerly free country.
  9. Edmunds? Nope…doesn’t ring a bell. Let me google him.
  10. Is the small incursion over yet? I think I dosed off.
  11. Not a chance. I’m not going to blame you. I’m not a liberal nutcase looking to blame others for my lot in life. But yes please keep pushing those false Trump narratives. We need you on that wall. It’s just a shame your wall is the one surrounding your mental institution. 😉
  12. As I mentioned yesterday the most compelling video was that of the congressman running from the chamber. That was clearly edited to show something that was the complete OPPOSITE of what the actual footage showed.
  13. As with others on here you are completely missing the point of Tucker’s reporting. He is NOT trying to excuse the rioters. He’s exposing the Select Committee’s cherry picked narrative.
  14. With all due respect, having Congress produce a television show that flat out lies to the American public in order to advance a narrative aimed at castrating their political opponents is hardly nothing. This thing makes Trump’s phone call to the President of Ukraine look like a preschool production.
  15. The most important example of the clips Tucker showed was NOT of the protestors, but was the edited clip of the congressional representatives running from the chamber. The clips were edited to make it look as if only one member was running away, but the entire clip reveals that not only was he not the ONLY member running away, but he was NOT in the lead. In fact, all of the members were following the direction of the Capitol Police and the member in question was actually bringing up the rear. Shame on the Committee and on anyone who listened to a word they had to say after seeing that example! Don’t believe or agree with me. Consider this….a jury just sent Murdoch away for LIFE for lying about video evidence.
  16. You’ve really got to be kidding. Yet another person who’s utterly lost. Sad.
  17. Believe what exactly? All he said was that the Committee clearly lied to the American people. And they did!
  18. So does this mean Peterman still has a chance?
  19. Thanks for the great explanation. You guys know a lot more about this stuff than I will ever hope to.
  20. Once again you are missing the ENTIRE point. Tucker isn’t attempting to ‘try the case’ on his TV Show. He’s merely showing that what you were allowed to see by the so-called Select Committee was incredibly edited to present a one-sided narrative to the nation…without any opposition. I pray to God that you NEVER sit on a jury, as you appear to be the sort that would recommend going into deliberations right after the prosecution rests.
  21. With all due respect, you’re missing the point of the thread. The J6 Committee clearly edited the tapes to present a selective narrative to the public, and passed them off as facts. You can see that, right? It doesn’t make what any of the protesters did that day right or make them blameless but it says a ton about that total sham of a politically motivated committee.
  22. Quick! Someone tell him Frazier is taking a sabbatical. Or…maybe that’s why he chose unfollow the Bills. 😳
  23. I still can’t help but wonder what Adams is thinking having left Green Bay to go play with Carr, his college roommate, in Vegas.
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