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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I find it interesting that you and this Twitter moron believe ANY of that is an example of White Supremacy.
  2. Nah…but we are expecting more rain out here on the west coast. Thanks for asking.
  3. Wasn’t signing Von Miller an example of going all in?
  4. And here we go. You’re claiming that the videos TC showed were ‘untrue’? Interesting take.
  5. Thanks! I immediately ignored the two DEs on your list. There’s zero chance the Bills are picking a DE in Round 1….please say yes?
  6. I was actually thinking the same for the Giants. When your quarterback doesn’t have a cannon of an arm, having a check down option is a huge asset.
  7. It only works if the QB looks for it.
  8. The Punt Saint? Or Apostle?
  9. Sounds exactly like what the Bills need! Check it down. Move the chains. Matriculate the ball down the field boys!
  10. Of course good people exist. They exist everywhere and in ALL economic sectors. Gates makes the news because of the size of his philanthropic contributions. That however doesn’t make him any better than the poor woman who puts a quarter in the basket.
  11. Nice work. I can only imagine how much time you put into all of that. On the Bills pick, I’m very concerned when you show them taking the sixth or seventh WR in the first round. What other available players were you considering when you went ‘to the podium’?
  12. Except it’s really hard to get scotch tape to stick to the padded walls. 😉
  13. I’m not sure why people believe these ultra rich folks are the slightest bit worried about them. They aren’t! Just like you, me, and everyone else they are living their own lives trying to get ahead in the world…and yes even when they’re already what we would consider ‘ahead’. Sure, they talk a good story from time to time in order to placate their egos, score points in their social circles, and get people outside their circle to think they care, but is that really so different from EVERYONE else? I think not. No matter how much money I’ve made or had at different phases of my life I have never given Bill Gates, Elon, Soros, or any of the rest of them much thought. And they give way less to me.
  14. And here you are right back to the Party Line. One day you’ll figure out that NONE of these people give a rats arse about you. It doesn’t make them evil. It makes them human.
  15. Hey! Leave Coach out if this. I’m sure he had almost nothing to do with the collapse of that bank. Unless it took thirteen seconds, of course. 😉
  16. Thanks Gene….this is my understanding of what happened as well. There are/were always bound to be all sorts of ‘reactions’ to the Fed raising rates so aggressively. As we all learned in school, every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. And I couldn’t agree more on your final sentence except I categorize it as Inside vs Outside, rather than Rich vs Poor. The Rich aren’t competing with the Poor. They don’t even give them a second’s thought. It’s why I laugh at those…insert your favorite poster here…who stick to some old two party line nonsense. Or lazily toss the word Cult around. 👍
  17. It’s actually interesting that you brought up Moss. Bills management showed what they were looking for when they drafted Moss to compliment Motor. It clearly didn’t work out. Who’s to say they aren’t looking to get back to that mode with Cook and Williams.
  18. I cannot tell you how many times we’ve tossed that line around over the years. Absolutely classic! 😂
  19. Yourselves? I’m just one person Ron. Mine was a simple question. You could’ve just answered ‘no’. Instead you went into a tirade of a word salad.
  20. Hey! Who you calling smart? 😉 Mostly what you’ll find on here are Hatfields and McCoys.
  21. From your pushback, it leads me to believe you consider Antifa to be a legitimate arm of the Democratic Party? Interesting.
  22. Isn’t blaming Trump for this bank failure akin to blaming Obama for the depleted national stockpile of ventilators? Shouldn’t Joe, Chuck or Namcy have fixed this already? Or is that too logical for everyone?
  23. A goal line back? Is he really good at pushing the QB from the rear?
  24. Sorry…thumb typing. But my comment still stands. Both coached in the CFL apparently (I didn’t know Grant had). And obviously both took multiple teams to the Super Bowl without winning it.
  25. Leave poor old Joe alone! If they change the color of the plane he’s never going to be able to find it out there on the tarmac! We can’t have the Leader of the Free World stumbling over to some Vegas turnaround charter.
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