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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Any review that doesn’t start with parting ways with Frazier is not worth the keyboard that created it.
  2. It’s utterly incredible how bad these nitwit liberals are at logic. This latest one is under the really odd impression that republicans and parents are mutually exclusive terms.
  3. Davis just made a great TD catch last week against Miami, in a playoff game. His problem is inconsistency. The Team simply cannot depend on him to actually catch the ball. Which is WAY worse than not being open.
  4. Why is it taking so long to part ways with Frazier? If I’m a player on this roster I’d be royally pissed that ALL of the criticism seems to laser focused on the locker room.
  5. This entire little episode has told us more about who these people really are than a dozen J6 Committees.
  6. Going solely on the OPs summary, is there another press conference when the GM tells everyone that the coaching staff is pure garbage? When is that conference scheduled?
  7. Waste of time? Nope…it was a purposeful attempt to take out a political opponent on what we’ve now learned is a totally nonsensical charge. Hardly a waste of time. We’ve learned a lot.
  8. If a fireman tells you go down a ladder, do you ask him to go down it first just make sure it was properly set up?
  9. Am I in fantasyland? The Bills played all year to get home field advantage. They got it and LOST! What am I missing here?
  10. So what does this tell you? Maybe it just means he has a lot of crap in his garage. 😉
  11. apparently this tweeter doesn’t own a mirror whats the word? Idiots
  12. Reading comprehension is a real problem on here. I’m not lecturing. I’m simply surmising. How do I surmise? Because there’d be WHOLE LOT more going on if any these documents were about anything significant.
  13. I’m trying to say that the permanent bureaucracy would rather have the nation at each other’s throats. Got it now?
  14. Come on people! The Bengals played without an Offensive Line and we STILL couldn’t rush the passer or stop the run! But if we only had Micah Hyde we’d have shown them. Sure.
  15. As usual you are COMPLETELY missing the point. On the contrary, I believe you’d find that none of these documents are of any importance or personal advantage to any of these officials. They’re most likely nothing more than completely unimportant documents that you’d be shocked should’ve ever been classified in the first place…which is why they left the office. But, our government would rather the nation spin on a spit while they laugh all the way back to their comfortable cubicles. Is that clear for you now?
  16. THIS is the post of the week! Nobody has said it any better. I know because I’ve certainly tried.
  17. Once again…..you know nothing! The number of documents is a total strawman. The CONTENTS of the documents is what our government is not allowing it’s citizens to either see or understand. They absolutely know, but they’re not telling you. Frightening and sad!
  18. Where the heck are the Moderators on here? Does simply saying ‘not trying to be political’ get you a free spin?
  19. What evidence have you seen? Or not seen? Answer: you have no information of ANY kind.
  20. I might actually pay to watch both of them call the other one recklessly irresponsible. 😂
  21. Now, if we had a functioning media, they would ask her point blank about that obviously intentional omission. If you don’t believe in your oath of office…you shouldn’t swear to uphold it.
  22. True! But both McD and Frazier are REALLY good at blankly staring while the game slowly gets away from them. We do have that!
  23. I don’t disagree that you can always get better but we did exactly what we set out to do at the start of training camp. We had the best regular season record, and home field advantage. What more could those improvements have done? They were right where we wanted them to be since early August! The coaching staff simply didn’t properly prepare their players to play a football game on Sunday. And no number of new players is going to change that next year or the year after.
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