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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. He’s a Super Freak!
  2. Thanks…my father had a bout of it a few years back. I hear it’s hereditary. He takes something for the uric acid level and has been good for a long time. It’s always something!
  3. I’m dealing with Gout (which is a new one…go figure). I feel ya brudda!
  4. Are you listening to yourself? Why does ANY of this matter to you? Get on with your life.
  5. I have absolutely no idea what that means but I’ll defend your right to get upset about it. 😉
  6. Can you guys get anymore lowbrow pathetic? I think not. You go there EVERY time. Amazing.
  7. And yet…here you are. And who says irony is dead! 😂😂😂😂
  8. And guess what, everyone looked! What’s your point?
  9. Thanks! I guess I’d agree with you if it was any other defensive position other than MLB. He’s literally the QB of your defense. It’s a really big gamble, and if I’m understanding you correctly you’re ready to roll those dice. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just not sure OBD is going to roll them.
  10. Hopefully just the ones that are scheduled for after sunset.
  11. Still playing you like a fiddle. Don’t you ever get tired of it? Ever?
  12. Well…..There are clearly two distinct camps now. In another thread someone is opining that the Bills drafted Bernard to be the new MLB. If that’s true there’s ZERO chance that our #1 pick will be a linebacker.
  13. I honestly have no idea. I’m just amazed that anyone is ready to put all the eggs in that one basket.
  14. So that’s the plan? This’ll be interesting for sure. Have we seen anything that would show he’s ready to assume that role? I’m game if you are! 👍
  15. I’ve seen so many lists like this. It’s impossible for me to believe that as things stand right now their biggest hole isn’t at MLB. They literally don’t have one. This isn’t to say that it’ll be the top draft pick or a free agent pick up…but as of this minute they are NOT going into the new season with what they have in the proverbial stock room.
  16. The most interesting interview I saw on this subject was with one the lead lawyers at the Federal Election Commission. He says that what Bragg is trying to claim is NOT what this law is intended to prevent. The law is there so that candidates don’t use campaign funds to buy themselves a boat as a campaign expense.
  17. Keep citing your sources Hawk! Your wet dream on arresting a former President has bound to come true one day. My point of course is that CNN has been utterly wrong on just about everything Trump for years. If you haven’t noticed that I don’t even know where to start.
  18. CNN? You really have to be kidding me…right?
  19. So if I understand this story correctly…it’s illegal for Trump to pay someone not to lie to the American people prior to an election but it’s perfectly legal for Biden to lie for free? Wonderful!
  20. I agree and everyone has to remember it’s only one part of very complicated cap scenario. These decisions aren’t made with only the player in mind. Beane is now saddled with a top QB and top DE contract on the books. That fact alone changes just about everything else.
  21. This thinking has always been a tough one for me. Are you saying to keep him for this year because he’s bound to play better with a new contract on the line? I guess it’s a double edged sword.
  22. So you’re saying THESE days are actually the good old days! Sweet.
  23. Totally agree but maybe we should all understand that people with disabilities are people just like everyone else and we don’t have to ‘move’ them anywhere. They’re making their way in the world with tremendous aspirations just like everyone.
  24. I just saw a nice mock draft in one of the other threads where the Bills take a RT in Round 1 and then the Iowa LB in Round 2. Beane’s going to need balls of steel to bypass LB and sweat it out hoping his guy is still there at Pick 59…or risk having literally nobody at MLB. It’ll be interesting for sure!
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