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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I think it’s a shame. He should’ve retired last year. Like with many of these guys, they try and squeeze another season out of it and end up leaving on a low note. But….he will still be the greatest to ever play the position. (Although it kills me to say it.)
  2. I’ve never put much stock in a WR coach. When the ball comes to you….catch it.
  3. Sure! Keep right on believing that Biden’s in charge. I’m sure he is. The Deep State is the term used for the permanent bureaucracy class…not some secret society.
  4. Did we care about this when we had Peterman? Somebody go back and look through the thread history.
  5. There were no nuclear secrets and everyone knows it. That was a ridiculous leak. The raid served its purpose. Trump is further bloodied. Now as to Biden, nobody in the deep state cares about the content. Once again, the ‘discovery’ served its purpose. He has been made to look feeble. His time is over. Now…we all wait to see who they pick as the next puppet king.
  6. And that supposed evolution of interpretation taught you what exactly? I’m no spring chicken anymore and even I was there when they mentioned slavery when teaching about the civil war. I’m really curious how old you are?
  7. You don’t seem to have a firm grasp of the concept of what having an ‘issue’ is all about either. I simply respond to your nutty posts. It’s you that is concerned about it. Likewise….all the best!
  8. You seem to be fixated on people ignoring you….which is really odd for someone who posts this stuff every day. If you want be ignored, there’s a simple solution: go away!
  9. Keep it up. You’ll eventually find an analogy that makes some sense. You can do it.
  10. So it’s your opinion that having sex in the office with an INTERN doesn’t break any laws as long as he doesn’t give her any money to be quiet. The proper thing to do is trash the intern on national television and give her nothing. Unbelievable!
  11. And this class taught you what exactly? Because I’m pretty darn sure the rest of us learned about slavery and the Civil War back in high school. Maybe you skipped that year?
  12. I’m guessing you’re right and that the permanent bureaucracy is positively giddy over yet another fake narrative that keeps the American people at each other’s throats. Rinse and repeat!
  13. So you weren’t actually taught any of these alternative Civil War theories? You simply made up the fact that you weren’t taught about slavery? Oh brother. Carry on!
  14. So here’s my question: If the FBI keeps raiding everyone’s offices and homes looking for ‘stolen’ documents, how do they know that they’re missing? And for how long did they know? Do the National Archive nitwits have such a backlog of missing documents that it takes them literally YEARS to figure out they’re missing? If so, this is yet another federal agency that needs to be defunded.
  15. Hint….Don’t expect a serious answer.
  16. I’ll let you start….after all it was your education that you’re citing. Let me guess: You were taught the war was fought over Ukraine?
  17. I’m dying to hear what you were taught about the Civil War. It must’ve been fascinating.
  18. And we’re back to the good ‘ol Putin stuff. Thanks for playing.
  19. Honest question: Why does he use that phrase? Are Biden’s generally well known for their honesty and integrity? How so? Since when? It’s a very odd statement to make.
  20. Now you’re just being silly. But it’s what I like about you Tibs.
  21. No….I was referencing your standard Putin-apologist response. And yes, parts of what we call Ukraine are indeed in dispute. What do YOU think this war is about? World domination?
  22. Wait….I thought the dust had already settled? 😉
  23. No…I brought up your childish nonsense that anyone who questions what we’re doing is a Putin supporter. It’s been played to death. May I suggest you too stay out of the kitchen?
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