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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Interview went something like this: So when it’s 4th and 19, do you teach the secondary to knock the ball down or go for the interception? Take your time…..
  2. There wasn’t anybody available in Carolina?
  3. What sort of depositions were you involved with in which your lawyers said much more than "good morning" and "my client doesn't have to answer that"?
  4. Come on people. You're telling me the Bills cannot find a RB in the draft that can eek out another foot, or even less, per carry? Of course they can! We are not talking about the difference between averaging 3.5 and 7.5 yards per carry here. You cannot pay everyone. Invest in the Offensive Line and I guarantee that the rookie RB will get that few inches per carry back for you.
  5. We definitely agree there. It’s the ‘virtually’ that’s the qualifier. This was a storybook opportunity. Unfortunately life isn’t always a storybook, and sometimes the circumstances get the best of people. They rarely make movies about the teams that don’t rise to the challenge.
  6. Shaw, your response answered it quite nicely. Unless the Bills fielded an entire roster of total losers (which I do not believe) then it is indeed up to the coaches to prepare them. The Bengals coaches clearly did! Von Miller’s been missing for a month. This was NOT the 49ers losing their starting quarterback in the first quarter. The Bills were simply not ready to play…period. A huge opportunity totally wasted.
  7. I find it hilarious that the NYT chose a photo of a person doing janitorial work all alone in an empty subway train while wearing a mask. I thought we were looking for ‘coding’ professionals? No?
  8. I’m far less optimistic than Shaw. This was the year for the Bills to at least make it to the Super Bowl, if not win it. They had everything going for them. They’d earned the right to play at home, including NOT going to Arrowhead. They had adversity at their backs, NOT in front of them. They’d be playing three significantly wounded AFC opponents to get there. They’d acquired the experience of the last few years playoff heartbreaks. All of that pointed to a run for a championship! But nope, their coaches were lost in the moment. They didn’t properly prepare the team to win in the circumstances. The players were exhausted? Hardly! The coaches (who’s job it is to keep that from happening) let the players down BIG TIME.
  9. Or…we could just get a halfway decent offensive and defensive line this coming year and stop all the other ancillary nonsense.
  10. Most importantly, after a loss, (and I think they attend a seminar on this one)…they go up to the microphone and tell the media that “it’s really to hard to win in the NFL”.
  11. Nah….we were on the bullet train to Paris the next morning. 😉
  12. So if I understand this correctly, Hunter Biden is now admitting that this is indeed his laptop. Wonderful! He and his corrupt father could’ve saved the nation a ton of time and money.
  13. I couldn’t agree more. And when we go to Hawaii the Bills typically kickoff at 7:00am….breakfast at the sports bar during the game and then you hit the beach!
  14. So you’re suggesting Josh should go to the USFL for a couple years? 😉
  15. Many Mock Drafts show the Bills taking a big rookie Guard from Florida.
  16. I have definitely noticed the same thing and was going to ask what others thought. How does one end up posting on a Buffalo Bills Message Board and yet NEVER comment on the football side? Not even a sarcastic comment? Not a childish meme? Nothing? My funny experience just today, was that I started a thread (which I almost never do), and posted it on the Political Side of the Board. It's only relation to politics was that it mentioned a Trump staffer on national television (who I figured nobody on the football side would know), and yet the moderators pushed it over to the football side. The results were both good and bad.
  17. The Owner of the Jaguars is also the Owner of Fulham Football Club in west London....which is why they play in London all the time. I'm not sure if he has a deal that all Jags games will be played at Wembley Stadium (also on the west side) as opposed to playing at the rival Tottentham Stadium where the Bills will be hosting.
  18. Sure it is. Keep telling yourself that. If you use it three times in a sentence, it'll become true.
  19. I'm quoting myself here because it still applies. This is a total non-story. Just more ridiculous political posturing in a slow news cycle. Gotta fill that air-time, don't ya know.
  20. Why does the thread topic start with OT? Is Jones switching to the offensive line? He’s really going to need to pack on the pounds!
  21. I was there that day at the Rose Bowl. Great memories despite the huge loss. It was a postcard of a day…sunny and clear. We had a great time! I’ve always thought it must have been a root canal to watch it on television, but having been in the stadium I only have good memories.
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