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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You’ve obviously never seen it. That’s why it’s your homework. 👍
  2. Your homework for the weekend is to watch the Seinfeld episode where Mom and Pop own a shoe repair shop.
  3. My ‘character’ is just fine Tibs. It’s called having a difference of opinion.
  4. And the really funny part is that you think if we just perpetuate the war, it’ll end the war.
  5. While you guys go back and forth in the partisan jabs, I’m curious as to what anyone thinks is the specific legislation that’s caused this ‘stellar jobs performance’? What domestic markets are expanding? Have we changed the tax code? Anybody?
  6. Based solely on what I’ve read here and have seen following the playoff melt down. I see nothing changing next year. At least nothing of any consequence anyway. The Bills will be very competitive again but fall short…again. Too many mediocre players to paper them all over without a serious change of coaching scheme/strategy. So with no real cap money to spend, this had better be one home run of a draft!
  7. So if I understand the point of this thread correctly, the Bills are just two or three highly drafted defensive linemen away from winning the Super Bowl? Fabulous!
  8. Yep…all the polling tell us there’s incredible optimism in the air. 😂
  9. I’m betting that thing was headed directly for Orchard Park in hopes of uncovering some fresh new images of the Bills proposed stadium…which we all know is an extremely tightly kept national secret!
  10. Wonderful! That settles it then. They were actually intending to do surveillance on their wet markets.
  11. Thanks! Now that’s more like Tibs I’ve come to know and love! by the way, did you look up ‘jump the shark’? I’m guessing you’re too young.
  12. They know something for sure….just not enough.
  13. And you say your lawyer did a lot of talking during your deposition? My experience has been the exact opposite.
  14. We’ve already agreed it isn’t easy but I’m much, much less ready to stand Pat or stay the course. This organization needs to make a serious change going into next year.
  15. Is it easy? Of course not. But, it’s considerably easier when you have a franchise QB and an experienced coaching staff. Since we’re not changing the QB, it’s past time for ownership to ask the HC to change the coordinators. There was nothing that happened DURING this year’s playoffs that was a surprise. The team wasn’t properly prepared to play in either playoff game. There’s zero excuse for the coaching staff to be ‘exhausted’….zero.
  16. The correct English would of course be “I need bailing out?” Where’s the semi-coherent Tibs that usually posts on this Board?
  17. Shaw, I know from your posts and our past conversations that we’re about the same age and longevity as Bills fans. I put it to you that it’s not supposed to be this difficult to win the thing! For years we were told ‘Ralph is too cheap’; until he obviously wasn’t. Then we wondered in the wilderness for a couple of decades, being told ‘you’ve got to get a franchise QB’; until we obviously got one. So…here we are having finished Year Five with that franchise guy and with the Owner having spent all the money in the storehouse. The Josh Allen window will not stay open forever. Somebody has to fix things, now! If the structure of player contracts makes it impossible to change the roster, then you have to change the coaches, or at the very least a Coordinator or both. The Team’s out of options and at least this fan is completely exhausted from the laundry list of excuses. Again….it’s simply NOT supposed to be this hard to win the darn thing…it just isn’t.
  18. You’re messing your own bed just fine today. Don’t expect anyone to bail you out.
  19. Almost certainly so. But that doesn’t mean that the fans can’t have a bit of fun with it.
  20. I’m guessing you are a whole lot younger than me.
  21. Let me guess….you don’t understand that reference. Okay….you are clearly not an American! Enough already. If nothing else, we learned one thing today: Tiberius is NOT an American.
  22. And the shark is once again completely jumped. Faceplant.
  23. You didn’t ask that. YOU asked: what crimes?
  24. Just the low hanging fruit: Cocaine possession Soliciting prostitution Illegally Disposing of a handgun Sexual harassment Or are those all protected by the rampant White Privilege you supposedly deplore?
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