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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Exactly. And the chances of getting an NFL level pass rush with this ridiculous system are slim and none.
  2. Are you trying to say Jesus Christ couldn’t hit a curveball?
  3. Why do we need to cut Social Security? Al Gore put the money in a lock box! (Besides, according to AOC, it only has to last another six or seven years now anyway.)
  4. I believe McDs strategy of rotating defensive linemen is actually part of the problem with the pass rush. The Bills have had a plethora of guys trying to get to the QB over the last five years. The common denominator is that none of them has been allowed to develop a pattern or set anything up because they’re constantly being shuffled in and out. The theory is that they’ll be fresh. That theory has now been proven to have just as much down side as it does ‘advantages’. (And this says nothing about how much draft capital you have to spend to actually get this to work.)
  5. Thanks for posting this. It shows the problem pretty darn well. The Bills better start hitting on some draft picks NOW if they don’t want to drive this car into a ditch. Eventually you just run out of money. The burning question is whether the picks aren’t any good, or whether there’s a disconnect between the coaching staff, scouting department, and front office.
  6. Keep in mind….There’s absolutely no difference from agency to agency, regardless of their seemingly ‘just’ mission statement. These are not charities filled with volunteer missionaries. They’re just white collar government jobs that are filled by people answering a help wanted advertisement in the newspaper or online. There’s literally no passion to solve a darn thing. Protecting and expanding your agency, department, budget, team is the prime directive.
  7. Close. What most people don’t understand is that those who work in and administrate these programs are no different from those in the private sector. Their main goal is to promote and expand their ‘company’. It’s just that in this case their company is the Federal government. Whether anything significant gets accomplished out the back end is completely secondary to the expansion of their department, workload, backlog, etc. It’s not like we find some magical people to work in these departments. It’s just a really big bunch of cubicle workers.
  8. I worked on a weekly basis with State agencies for nearly 40 years. I routinely got frustrated that they always had their foot on the brake pedal while everyone around them had theirs’ on the gas. Until one day, an ex-State employee, then working for me, explained to me that they aren’t trying to move anything along. There’s no incentive to move things along. They’re actively trying to slow things down. It’s called job security in a governmental office. I slept much better for the years after that. Words to live by and remember!
  9. No I will not. His comment is completely unacceptable. Unbelievable!
  10. Ouch….you have to be kidding with the unattractive comment, right? Really Classy
  11. Why is that old man always so damn angry? Stop yelling at the country!
  12. I find it sad that these lists always read like a virtual graveyard of underperforming, already cut, or soon to be cut, previous top (or near top) draft picks. Edmunds Oliver Singletary Moss Ford Lawson Epenesa Zay Jones Basham We've really got to start hitting on more of these top picks.
  13. Let me guess…all of that financial gymnastics is just to sign Zach Ertz? Seems like a ton of work. 😉
  14. The stock market has been going up and down about every other day for months and months now with no significant movement in either direction.
  15. Tibs can try and spin this any way he wants but the American people are not happy. I will definitely not be watching the spin machine try and tell me otherwise tonight.
  16. Let me see if I understand this. Women stood up and applauded while a man, dressed as a woman, received an award that until recently would’ve been reserved for an actual woman? How is this evolutionary? It sounds more like when they used to put makeup on white actors to portray Native Americans. No?
  17. It all depends on whether the team is still ‘exhausted’ come September.
  18. Like most things, this too isn’t complicated. Before Brady they’re a decent but floundering franchise….nothing special or feared. Then, with Tom Brady as their quarterback they’re in, or winning, championships. And finally when Brady leaves, they’re right back to nothing special or feared…again. Period!
  19. So you’re saying we’ll see you back here on Labor Day? Excellent! Go Bills
  20. Is there even a debate? The Bills need to rebuild the entire interior of the offensive line…now…and through the Draft. They cannot afford ($) anything else and that one move makes both the running and passing game better.
  21. All good out here in Southern California…we had a 4.6 about a week ago. Maybe it just made it over to WNY now.
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