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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I just saw the video of the Tennessee legislature. How in the F$&K is that in ANY way different than the footage on January 6th? Geeez!
  2. I remember when being liberal meant getting government out of everyone’s personal business and getting the country out of foreign wars…but that was in a galaxy far far away.
  3. Scanning through all of these it appears consensus is forming around the Tennessee RT. Is that because everyone is just jumping on this week’s bandwagon? Or do these draft programs consistently show him as the BPA at 27? Or is Wright legitimately moving up the national pundit Boards?
  4. Everton Football Club's new waterfront stadium (Liverpool, UK)
  5. Yes it’s way easier to resign yourself to being a second world country than to fight to remain in the first world.
  6. Reading comprehension problems today Hawk? It’s Friday….I’ll let it slide. 😉
  7. Just got an update on my google feed of progress on the new Everton Football Club 54,000 seat stadium. The project is running a bit behind schedule but the latest update includes some really cool drone footage with the steel all up and the exterior brick cladding going on the concourse base. Can’t wait to see similar progress in Orchard Park. The Everton stadium, located on the waterfront in blue collar Liverpool looks like something that would’ve fit in a similar setting in WNY. And….yes….ALL of the seats are covered. Google it.
  8. You forgot the part about white supremacy. That’s always good to throw in there.
  9. Exactly! Growing up in WNY everyone stayed up late just to watch the weather on television. If you did that here they’d have you committed. 😉 The place has turned into a dump over the last many years but the weather is wonderful!
  10. Right? Makes about as much sense as some nitwit assuming that they ‘feel like a woman’’….unless of course they’re Shania Twain.
  11. Only during Bills games but that’s been caused by repeated blunt force.
  12. When I was kid we had mandatory drills where we went into the hallway and covered our heads with our butts in the air, preparing for a nuclear bomb to hit the playground! And as you’all know I turned out just fine.
  13. You ever play the game where you imagine that there’s nothing behind you but pure darkness and void? No matter how fast you turn around you still can’t see that there’s nothing there. This entire topic is very much like that. Sheer nonsense.
  14. The very concept is ludicrous on every level. Being a man or a woman is NOT a state of mind or emotional construct. It’s a physical reality! Speaking as a man there’s literally no way for me to know what it feels like to be a woman and it’s completely asinine to assume that all women feel the same way. The same goes for how men feel. PERIOD!
  15. 2020 was completely different as Trump ran unopposed as the incumbent. I’m not sure what the game plan is with this current Hail Mary of an indictment but I guess we’ll all find out together. My problem is that seems akin to using a hand grenade to kill a housefly. The fly might be gone, but you just blew a hole through your kitchen! 😉
  16. Clear and sunny here today. I’m guessing we’re done with the rainy season going forward. If it’s like most years it won’t rain again here in Southern California until sometime this coming October. (That’s always hard for WNYers to wrap their heads around.) But for now it looks like Ireland around here. Everything is super green. Well it didn’t work out well for the Democrats when they tried this 2016. They were all rooting for Trump in the primaries only to have him defeat The Wicked Witch of the East in the general election.
  17. Crap! Here I had you sipping a tall one on a beach somewhere. 😎
  18. Are these stats actually true? If so, banning these weapons is the very definition of a poster child for a political talking point.
  19. Interesting thought but I was under the impression that if the case is successful that a convicted felon cannot run for President. No? So you’re saying Trump clearly wins the case and by doing so is catapulted into the front runner position? That’s some three dimensional chess alright.
  20. Hey Tibs! Hope you’re doing well. Seems like you’ve been missing for a few days. Hopefully on an exotic vacation somewhere. 👍
  21. My takeaway is completely the opposite Hawk. If anything it shows utterly stupid the labyrinth of so-called laws we’ve created for ourselves in this country. If THIS particular occurrence could get someone charged with a felony then we’ve got REAL problems. Maybe in his second term Trump can focus on cleaning up the junk drawer that we call campaign law. 😉
  22. While I share the sentiment, I think it’s a bit too easy for all of us to simply write off that game in its entirety. I was incredibly frustrated by the offensive game plan all afternoon long. At SOME POINT you have to work through it. Change what you’re doing, move the ball, and move the chains.
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