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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. They only want to control you. They’ll leave everything else alone. 😉
  2. You are a very odd person. But that’s what we love about you!
  3. As opposed to your daily worship of the military industrial complex? Between the two I’ll choose Christianity!
  4. Oh brother. So you instead choose to believe the people were all literate? There are MANY depictions of a colored Jesus. Again, the intent is to make him more relatable.
  5. I was watching an episode of Planet Earth (great photography) the other night and they showed how the Sahara Desert was once home to the world’s largest lake, surrounded by a lush forest. There are still petrified trees there to this day. All of this was long long long time before man invented the internal combustion engine.
  6. There is literally nothing odd about it. When the tradition of stained glass depictions started, the people were generally illiterate, so they could not read the Bible. The statues and stained glass you see in those churches were a way to make the biblical stories more relatable to them. There’s nothing racist whatsoever about it. Geeez!
  7. Which of us is fragile? I’d maintain it’s the one whose feelings are hurt by being called a pronoun that matches their actual gender.
  8. Let me see if I understand you. My licensing board sends me a pronoun email clear out of the blue, and you maintain that’s a right wing thing? Okie Dokie
  9. Reminded me of a scene from a Few Good Men where Demi Moore gets the hostile witness to completely reinforce the defense’s point. 😂
  10. Translation….., now that he’s President he has completely flip flopped on an issue that because of his age will never affect him in an effort to retain power. Fantastic!
  11. And just think…they could’ve used that money to put a roof on the new stadium.
  12. With all due respect. You are completely missing the point. This is not about being soft. It’s the exact opposite. This is about forcing you to bend the knee to their ridiculous orthodoxy.
  13. It’s funny you mention this because just yesterday I got an email from my licensing board asking if I wanted to list my pronoun(s). This came clear out of the blue. My license isn’t up for renewal. For goodness sakes, since when do I even use a pronoun when talking my licensing board? Ridiculous! Is this all even close to being necessary?
  14. Wait….does that even matter anymore? It would seem, by his own words, that Jesus clearly identified as a man.
  15. Somebody please copy and paste that into EVERY thread so we can see if it fits somewhere…or everywhere. 😳
  16. What in the world are you knuckleheads talking about, today? Sheeeesh!
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