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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I believe you’re drawing the wrong conclusion, and as it turns out it was the wrong approach from the very start. People who are AT RISK should consider getting regular shots. I don’t blame people and professionals from going overboard back in 2020 but we’re way, way, way passed that in 2023.
  2. Well at least you’ve got some new childish memes. That’s something right there.
  3. This is all about bending the knee. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  4. The real question is what does this low viewership number show? Are the American people done with this President or are they just done with the whole thing in general?
  5. If Bernie wants to wear a mask, good for him…I suppose. It should say NOTHING to anyone, or anything about himself others except that he’s wearing a mask. I assume he’s also wearing shoes.
  6. I believe you’re correct on the left and right brain hypothesis. It doesn’t make one good or evil. It just speaks to the way we process information.
  7. His mother’s basement is not considered a place of employment.
  8. May I suggest you read the teachings of Christ? They’re aren’t very long or complicated or confusing. Sounds to me like your debate is with the Old Covenant.
  9. This is because once some poorly constructed entitlement program is bleeding cash, the Left scrambles to find another source of cash instead of reforming the program to live within its means.
  10. Thanks Redtail…..I’m fine. The last thing I need is another liberal media outlet telling me to put all my faith in government. 😉
  11. You’re fine. You simply misread Alf’s comment. It happens. The real problem with SS is the way it was originally constructed. You are not withdrawing your own money, as many people foolishly believe. You’re actually withdrawing other people’s money. This becomes a HUGE problem when the generation that’s withdrawing is much larger than the generation that’s depositing.
  12. And Redtail wants to attack me for mocking your beliefs? Yeah….right!
  13. Once again, I’m not sure what churches you guys have attended but I’ve yet to attend one that spends any time at all on these subjects. May I suggest that you find a Church in your area that beats suits you? You seem to be waiting for God to speak to you in your living room. No offense intended. While that’s a strategy, for sure, I think you’ll find that ‘where are two or more are gathered in his name’ to be a better one.
  14. So Vegas believes we’re finally getting Zach Ertz? Nice!
  15. Exactly. The question is where does Tibs place his faith? I didn’t start this thread Redtail.
  16. Nobody is mocking Tibs. He can believe whatever he’d like to believe. A few of us though (including myself) have asked him what he does believe in, if anything.
  17. All of which shows the basic flaw in the concept of SS. As envisioned, you are thought to be putting money away for yourself. So the idea is that you should have put enough away once you’ve made $160k. Unfortunately the program is now so confused that most think you’re putting money away for other people.
  18. I believe what Alf was trying to say is that after you earn $160k they no longer take SS tax off of your paycheck. He is correct. That figure has been going up over the years.
  19. I don’t know a single Christian that believes or has ever been taught that. Not a single one. You need to get out more. I’d love to have you come to church with me sometime. I think you’d be amazed at how different it is from the place you’ve concocted, and the people you think are in there every week.
  20. Your decision to reject Christianity is because you have a couple of kooky friends? And let me guess, you think Al Gore and his melting planet religion are a better level of kooky? Alrighty then….
  21. I have almost zero recollection of anything Joe Biden did while a Senator but I distinctly remember being VERY impressed by him in a long ago forgotten Democratic Primary debate when he proposed gradually raising the retirement age to get in front of the looming Baby Boomer Retirement Tidal Wave. (One of his many runs for the White House.) Alas… His idea fell flat back then and I’m guessing he figured there’s no personal political reward for being honest with the voters, so now we get the new and enriched “What’s in it for me” version of Joe Biden.
  22. These folks have learned literally nothing from the storyline of the Old Testament. It’s honestly both sad and cute. Still, they’ll keep trying to run from Him and God will keep continuing to pursue them.
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