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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. 3 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

    Not that I really care who owns the team, but the guy is 73 years old. At that age you could be in good health an hour ago and drop dead and breakfast. It wouldn't be a shock unless you saw it happen. If you don't have a succession plan/will as a 73 y/o Billionaire, you're a moron.

    But remember kids, being a billionaire doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not also a moron. 😂

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  2. 29 minutes ago, vincec said:

    This is true, but the relative power of each person is different. The Pegulas are already super rich, and the power that comes with that enables them to get hundreds of millions in additional subsides. Other people have to be contented with far less and question why the Pegulas are entitled to su much more than them. Maybe it’s the way of the world, but the resentment is understandable.

    The resentment is improperly targeted. Don’t blame the Pegulas for taking the subsidy. If you absolutely must blame someone, then blame state officials for offering it. And I’m NOT saying that to be political. It crosses BOTH party lines. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


    Most people don't seem to have all that much disdain for "monetarily successful people" as you put it, the disdain starts to enter when some of that wealth is driven by money of others, like taxpayer money, that assists in creating that "monetary success." 


    Can us as smaller business people put that plank of taxpayer subsidy in our eyes?


    It also doesn't win people over when they talk out of both sides of their mouths.  eg. the "Pegula Family Values" vs. fan interest as an example.  Feigned altruism in short, disingenuous.  


    Not trying to argue, but those are issues.  



    With all due respect, one person’s taxpayer subsidy is another person’s write off, rent control, student debt forgiveness. etc. 


    EVERYONE is simply trying to get their best deal on everything they buy, sell, or own. Everyone!

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Vomit 1
  4. The level of disdain on here for monetarily successful people is beyond stunning. As it’s written…remove the plank from your own eye before dealing with the speck in your neighbor’s. To the vast, vast majority of people in the world YOU are wealthy! Having money, whether a lot or a little, neither makes you good or evil. 

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    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 2
  5. 39 minutes ago, Einstein said:

    There is certainly some miscommunication because I have no idea what you are talking about haha. I think we both meant different things and got our lines crossed.


    Im sure our brand new basic stadium will have a high level of quality in the concrete and steel… if that is something you thought I was somehow arguing?


    If you have inside info at modern amenities that our new stadium will have that blow away the 20+ year old stadiums you mentioned, I would love to hear about them. The only amenities I have heard are nicer club seat areas.


    Yes, we agree, it’s really hard to have complex discussions in a chat room. My point is that you seem fixated on the aesthetic architectural look of the new stadium, which you are perfectly free not to like. Architecture is a very subjective field. You learn it very early in your career. My point is that whether you like the look of the stadium or not, I believe the major focus of the design, is and always has been, on the game day ‘experience’…which is NOT the architecture. It’s the difference between what a place feels like and what it looks like. I’m guessing (and I’m only guessing) you’ll find the new stadium a massive upgrade in the concourses, restrooms, food choices, technological connectivity, and even things like Buffalo/Bills centric art, displays, etc. 


    Does that make more sense? 

  6. 1 hour ago, Captain Caveman said:

    Some pics of the "experience" (not mine but came from the Season Ticket discussion group)



    The experience that I was referring to have nothing to do with the architecture of the facility. Newer stadiums are about providing services before, during, and after the game that are more upscale than the old days of sitting on a cold, aluminum bench eating the cheese-wiz nachos provided at the concession stand. The best analogy I can come up with is that everyone flies on the same airplane, but the folks up in business  and first class are treated to a far better "experience" than those back in coach. The NFL, like most sports leagues, are wooing those fans looking for a first class experience.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Gregg said:


    The new stadium isn't big enough to hold the draft. They said 700,000 people showed up to Detroit for it this year. Fans of every team show up as it is a big event now.

    It might become a new tradition but to date I don’t think they’ve ever held the draft in a stadium. So I have no idea what the new Bills Stadium has to do with it.


    And there’s less than zero chance that anyone in the rest of the country wants to go to Buffalo for a Superbowl. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 1 hour ago, GASabresIUFan said:

    I was looking at some of the projections of the 53 man roster from the Rochester paper and the Athletic and some interesting camp battles become clear from their articles.


    I think the roster looks something like this


    Offense: 24 players (8 of 11 starters return)

    QB - (2) Allen & Trubisky

    RB - (4) Cook, Davis, Johnson, & Gilliam  PS: Gore Jr

    TE - (3) Kincaid, Knox, & Morris

    WR - (6) Shakir, Coleman, Samuel, Hollins, Shorter, Hamler  PS: Shavers, Cephus, Isabella

    C - (2) McGovern & Van Pran  Cut: Clapp (dead cap 287,500)

    OG - (3) Edwards, Torrence, Anderson

    OT - (4) Dawkins, Brown, Van Denmark, Collins  PS: Grable, Clayton Cut: Doyle (dead cap 78391)


    Defense: 26 players (8 of 11 starters return)

    DT - (5) Oliver, Jones, Johnson, Carter & Jonathan PS: Ankou & Cline

    DE/Edge (5) Rousseau, Epenesa, Miller, Solomon & Toohill  PS/Cut: Williams

    LB - (6) Milano, Bernard, Williams, Ulofoshio, Morrow, & Spector

    CB - (6) T Johnson, Douglas, Benford, Elam, Lewis & Ingram  PS: Hardy

    S - (4) Bass (PK), Punter, Ferguson (LS)


    The Battles

    WR - Who will claim the last 2 spots - If I had to bet right now and if no other players are in the mix, I think management goes with Shorter and Hamler.  Shorter has a dead cap hit of 243K.  Hamler likely wins the PK job and therefore we keep 6 WRs instead of last year's 5

    C/G - McGovern is penciled in a the starter at C after being the starter a G last year.  If rookie Van Pran makes an impact in camp, I can see McGovern again going back to guard, sending Edwards to the bench.  The other question is Clapp.   His dead cap is 287.5K.  

    OT - I don;t think they'll be much of a battle for the OT backup jobs, but it will be interesting to see if Collins (dead cap 1.5 million) has anything left and whether any of the kids are worth while.



    DT - The top 4 are written in stone, but the 5th slot is up for grabs between Jonathan, Ankou and Cline.  I'm going to Jonathan

    DE - Rookie Solomon is making the team as the 4th edge player.  If we carry a 5th we should see a good battle between Williams and Toohill

    LB - The top 3 are written in stone, but I can see 6 LBs on the 53 man roster as they invest in Morrow (750k dead cap), drafted Ulofoshio and Spector looked solid in limited reps.  I think they keep all 6 as someone will certainly steal Spector if cut and sent to the PS.

    CB - Top 4 set in stone.  Lewis' versatility also makes him a lock.  The question is can Hardy and/or Ingram show enough to earn a job.

    S - Edwards and Rapp are the presumed starters, but I think Bishop has a good shot at unseating one of them.  I also wonder if Beane brings in more help here and where does that leave Hamlin?


    Punter battle - Martin, Haack & a UDFA. I'm rooting for the kid.


    I always like your analytical approach to things. As I say every year, there are very, very few roster spots that are ‘up for grabs’ from the start of camp. Most of it is nothing more than chatter for bloggers and message boards. So just like every season we’ll see some guy make a tackle on the opening day kickoff and we’ll all turn to each other and say….”Who the heck is that?” 😂

  9. 2 hours ago, Einstein said:

    When Pegula originally came in with all the bravado (ie: "If I want to make some money, I'll go drill a gas well"), I had the impression that he would be going all-out, even if that meant he would have to pull a substantial amount from his own pocket.

    I do expect our stadium to be on the same level or slightly better than the stadiums you listed. But you just named stadiums that are 20+ years old. Chicago's stadium is 101 years old and last underwent refurbishment in 2003. Steelers stadium is 23 years old. Browns stadium is 25 years old. Bengals stadium is 24 years old. Patriots stadium is 22 years old. Eagles stadium is 21 years old.

    I mentioned before that I see this brand new stadium akin to the stadiums that were built 20-25 years ago. Which isn't ideal for a brand new stadium. It is like spending $50k on a new kitchen and installing shag carpeting and red cabinets.

    No idea what you’re talking about. Steel and concrete haven’t changed much in the last century. What has changed are the fan experience amenities in the latest stadiums. I can pretty much guarantee you that the new Bills Stadium will have modern amenities. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Einstein said:

    I genuinely despise the design as well. It’s not a joke when I say that these are the two images I picture when I see the renderings:






    Nothing about it seems great. Everything about it screams “average”. 

    Fair enough, but I'm wondering what exactly you were expecting. Is it not better than the 'recently' constructed open air stadiums in the surrounding NE area of the country (Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, New York, New England, Philadelphia....to name more than a few)?

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    I actually will be fine right now with no roof. I just hope it’s built with the potential to add a roof later. The NFL will be an indoor/ warm climate sport in a couple decades.

    People always ask if we can add an additional upper floor to their building many years later, and we always tell them "probably not" without a ton of additional demolition. The same is true with adding a roof to an NFL Stadium. The Dolphins solution is about the only viable option. They added a canopy over Pro Player Stadium by building an entirely new, free standing structure outside the footprint of the original stadium.  And, if you look at the photo of the final model of the New Bills Stadium someone posted in the stadium construction thread you'll see that the overhang is not the least bit conducive to extending over the entire seating bowl let alone the entire field. So in a word....sorry.

    • Sad 1
  12. 17 minutes ago, Robert Paulson said:

    Design, engineering mostly. You are not reinventing the wheel and any gliches from the first build are corrected.  


    Terry has to pinch pennies somewhere until he can offload the Sabres. 

    That's an often assumed fantasy. On a project as unique as a stadium, there is virtually nothing saved on design and engineering. Trust me.

    • Like (+1) 2
  13. 14 minutes ago, harmonkillebrew said:

    Gabe still did it some. He had a TD last year that was vintage deep sideline stuff.  His height and good hands, made up for less than top speed and average route running. But most of that success was Allen fitting it into TIGHT windows.  That is what he can do that other QBs just can't - hit deep sideline windows with lasers. It would be even more deadly with a WR with hands, routes, and speed - a true boundary WR.  

    At the end it got to the point where if Gabe caught the ball anywhere BUT at the sideline I’d be screaming for him to “go down”! He seemed desperate to stop, turn inside, and then put the ball on the ground when defenders surrounded him. He never learned. 

  14. 3 hours ago, NORWOODS FOOT said:

    Interesting. Always fun to speculate. And then fun to see how it actually plays out. Let’s watch Maye and McCarthy. They could have lucked into a better selection (assuming they wanted Maye). Who knows. Time will tell.

    Too bad they’re not both named Josh. That was fun for a bit! 

  15. Yikes that’s a ton of words! As I’ve said repeatedly, the Bills swung for the fences following 13 seconds, believing they were right on the proverbial doorstep…and they missed. Now, they have to reload. Will they be better? Does it matter? They didn’t have a choice but to turnover the roster. 

    Not sure what all the rest of the analogies and yapping is about. 

    • Haha (+1) 2
  16. Reading through most of this I think we can all agree that we want to see the Bills up by three scores late in the 4th quarter so that we take the in-game strategy away from our crack coaching staff! Whichever offensive “philosophy” gets us up by at least 21 points I’m all for it. 👍

  17. 1 hour ago, oldmanfan said:

    When you throw a pass like that maybe 1-2 times a game does that need to be his strength?

    I’ve lost the point of this conversation now. It started with people saying we need a really fast guy because Josh can throw the ball really far. To which I pointed out, like you, that throwing the ball really far is NOT what Josh is asked to do very often l. 

  18. 5 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    When he came out everyone said the knock on him was that he wasn’t accurate, that he could never learn to be accurate, that you can’t teach accuracy, and so on.  Anyone watching him knows that’s wrong.  He puts it right on guys, and does so with speed, on intermediate routs, our routes, and such. 

    That’s true. He’s clearly improved. But…that still doesn’t make the deep ball his greatest strength. 

    • Agree 1
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