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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I think you misunderstood. I never said there was a crisis Shaw. I only said that without seeing any of the rookies play a single down of professional football it’s impossible to know how they’ll fair. That’s it.
  2. That’s exactly what I said. They weren’t enough to get us there. Now whether you wanna call it a reload or a reboot is essentially semantics. Notice that neither of us used the word rebuild.
  3. Are they ‘relying’ on them. No. But this was a draft of need, not luxury. And I’m betting next year will be the same. As I’ve said many times they swung for the fences and missed. Now they need a reboot to get us over the hump and back to the promised land. It’s a process. 😉
  4. Hating them? No. Questioning the overall quality, absolutely…and rightly so.
  5. Not sure where this discussion is going Doc. I simply reacted to Shaw’s post that the Front Office drafted guys who can play right now. My comment was that they didn’t have a choice. The Bills are in the position of turning over their roster due to age and salary cap. It don’t see how that makes the Front Office geniuses nor do I have any idea how anyone can say that our rookies are ready to go. We all hope they are but we definitely do not know that they are.
  6. Can the Bills 2024 passing game perform up to recent seasons levels? Sure….i guess so. But looking at the list in the opening take, I only see a second year TE as having much of a track record. Do we want to see Shakir step up? Sure! Do we pray Knox will become more of a receiving threat? Sure! Do we hope Cook has learned how to catch the damn ball? Yep! Do we have our fingers crossed that Coleman is indeed the diamond in the rough that the Bills appear to think he is? Again….we sure do! But to look down the current list of available weapons and suggest that the Bills are locked and loaded is ridiculous.
  7. Just trying to counteract the seemingly ‘Mc Beane can do no wrong’ take that permeates Shaw’s homerism. Did the Bills draft a bunch of players? Yep! Do they have the luxury of drafting purely for depth right now? Nope! Is the current cupboard completely bear at every position? Nope….but when you’ve lost BOTH your starting WRs, BOTH your starting Safeties, and your starting Center all in one offseason, we all better pray that at least a few of these rookies can indeed play…and right now. Is there an alternative? Nope!
  8. It’d be interesting to see what would happen if the Coach could trade a timeout for a penalty (outside of the final two minutes of a half).
  9. As a USC alum I watched a lot of him over the last two years. He can be extremely reckless with the football. That simply isn’t going to cut it in the NFL. He’s a human highlight reel but sometimes for the OTHER team.
  10. Even the English guy that’s never played football? Come on Shaw. Not trying to be snarky here but do teams often draft players that can’t play? Answer….no they don’t. But the difference is that right now the Bills need these players to be able to play NOW. As I said, we’re all going to find out together if these young guys can actually play at this level. We all hope they can.
  11. Three priceless memories: 1. Taking a photo for Jim Kelly and his family in front of Buckingham Palace. 2. Bumping into Dennis Shaw who had devolved into a recreation director at a local community center I was designing. 3. Learning that our daughter had met her future husband because he was wearing a Bills shirt while walking across their California college campus.
  12. I have no idea how you get any of that before seeing any of these kids play a single down of professional football….but we of course all hope you’re right. My point is that the Bills don’t really have a choice right now. They’ve evolved into a new phase and we’re pretty much forced to get younger and cheaper….fast! They no longer have the luxury of signing strictly for depth like they’ve been doing in recent years. Will these young kids work out? Who knows? We’re all going to find out together. Because as it’s often said ‘necessity is the mother of invention’.
  13. Isn’t that to be expected for the next couple of drafts while the Team digs itself out of the current cap challenge?
  14. Does it require a whole lot of practice to run out eight yards and turn around?
  15. Or how about technology that actually projects the line to gain on the field so that the players can see it? Now that’d be cool!
  16. Have you not been to a grocery store lately?
  17. Why would we want to improve on 7-9? It was our happy place. And remember, regardless of the QB, “it’s really hard to win in the NFL”! 😉
  18. As others have said, he’s literally who you think of when they describe an Offensive Center.
  19. I’m in the camp of let Josh work with these guys and we might just find out we have a much better WR room than any of us think. Over the last two seasons the Bills have taken a WR and a TE with their first picks. That’s hardly ‘ignoring’ the receiver position. In short….relax!
  20. No matter what stadium I visit we always try and sit in the lowest row possible of the upper deck, or as a second choice, the highest row in the lower deck.
  21. First tell me….do I need to sit through a 90 minute PSL presentation to attend any of this year’s road games? 😉
  22. My $1.2B figure comes straight from an article out of NBC News in Jacksonville but what’s a few $ million between friends. 😉
  23. Not sure if it’s been posted but the very next day, Opening Friday, is the Brazil international game between Green Bay and Philadelphia. So at least those teams get the travel thing done before it impacts other games in their schedule. Now THAT makes sense!
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