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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Is that Mother Earth? Father Earth? Or Transitioning Earth? 😉
  2. You literally make no sense at all. The administration clearly believes it’s an all hands on deck topic or they wouldn’t ALL be talking about. Is the world ending? Obviously not, but your nothing to see here spin isn’t even held by the current administration.
  3. That phrase doesn’t imply isn’t panic. It implies something that needs everyone’s attention. You, on the other hand, post that nobody cares…..which they clearly do.
  4. I’m dying to find out what church you attend. Care to share?
  5. Now just add the colored font and you’re there! 😉
  6. So you haven’t seen virtually every top official in the administration up at the microphone this past week? I know this was Super Bowl week but come on man!
  7. True….but when you step back and look at it, it’s interesting how the debate has shifted this offseason. Most, if not all, of these threads are focused on the schemes, and therefore on the coaching staff. There’s very, very little player bashing going on here. I believe the fans are frustrated with the cul-de-sac that the organization has driven themselves down into….and after a few weeks it’s clear that the organization isn’t planning on making changes there (with the exception of the assistant secondary coach 🙄). Thus the frustration. Fans already don’t see much of a way out of that cul-de-sac in 2023.
  8. Can you make font a little bigger, and the meme a little flashier? I’m not sure you’re getting the attention you so desperately crave.
  9. Observation: Even your beloved Biden Administration is in full blown circle the wagons mode on this topic but there you sit with your ‘nothing to see here’ partisan nonsense.
  10. Honest question Tibs: Do you believe Russia’s goal was to take over all of Ukraine or to annex the eastern provinces that they seem to believe are more Russian than Ukrainian?
  11. So by that you’re saying that the Democrats have evolved from being Pro-Choice to being Pro-Abortion? Not a good look.
  12. I don’t read any of this as whiney. I just see fans being truly frustrated. To them, the Bills appear to have painted themselves into a corner, and fans think it’s going to take a miracle draft to fix it…or…a change of coaching strategy (that clearly isn’t coming).
  13. With all due respect, there’s a big difference between your ‘content with losing’ take away and my perception of the utter lack of preparation that we saw against the Bengals. Nobody wants to lose…obviously. My point is that the Bills simply don’t appear to be in the moment when the moment is there to be in. Too many collapses and head scratching lack of effort. I blame the coaches for that. Do I like watching them win games during the regular season. Sure! They’ve done that for quite awhile now. Now I want the Team to be laser focused at the moment when the games are there to be won or lost in the playoffs.
  14. I’m not sure why this is complicated or confusing to anyone. The Bills are obviously competitive but have just as obviously reached a plateau. Their recent playoff resume is growing ever longer by the year. Many of us want to see them take the next step, but the organization appears stubbornly resistant, and looks to many of us to be content where they are. It’s a simple debate.
  15. I appreciate your point of view. My work experience has been exactly the opposite without a single negative effect.
  16. So you’re also in favor of everyone getting vaccinated, regardless of age? In other words, children should be vaccinated from a virus that poses no risk to them? Why not simply treat this like the flu shot now and just strongly encourage elderly people to get an annual booster?
  17. And according to Goose and Redtail the entire US Congress (with the exception of Bernie of course) are ALL utterly selfish and stupid. Wait….they might be onto something there. 😂
  18. What’s poisonous about people sharing their opinions / predictions of the future? Many on here are perfectly content to win lots of regular season games and lose in the playoffs, believing that after so many years of 7-9 that it’s a whole lot better to be ‘competitive’. Others have grown weary of simply being competitive and are anxious to change things up (take a risk or two) to get to the next level. Seems like an open and honest debate to me. So…as for me…I’m in the second camp. Having been a fan for SIXTY years, I’m ready to roll the dice. The Team has their QB. It’s time to change some things around him. What they’ve been doing for the last half decade is nice, for sure, but it is NOT the goal.
  19. So in you learned opinion 99.9% of the people at the Super Bowl this evening are both stupid and selfish? Okie Dokie
  20. Yes, I really believe that at this point they’re nothing more than a public affirmation of utter compliance. The fact that you don’t see that is truly astonishing.
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