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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You’re right I haven’t but I know there isn’t a Tube station anywhere close to Batavia. 😉
  2. I was there and remember it well. It was 2015 and yet another glorious 8-8 finish.
  3. I actually agree with a lot of that. I’m told that the existing concrete structure itself is in terrible condition. But I’ve also heard that this is primarily in the upper desk, not the lower bowl which is built into the ground. So yes, I agree that each upper deck could have been torn down either all at once or in successive years and then rebuilt with new roof covered sideline grandstands including multi story indoor concourse structures. I’m guessing it would’ve been far cheaper.
  4. Lighten up Francis....it's all in good fun! I guess I am interested to hear what parts of the new stadium you believe look similar to the existing stadium. One is built totally above ground, the other halfway into the ground. One has a roof, and the other doesn't. One has multiple level covered concourses, and the other doesn't. One has an exterior architectural skin, and the other doesn't. Yes....they are both stadiums, for sure, but in my opinion they aren't even close to the same. When they talk about them being the same, I believe they're referring to the 'atmosphere' of a fan-centered game experience. It's essentially marketing-speak.
  5. Why in the world would anyone go to Batavia? There’s no way you can see Tottenham from there. If you ask me, it’ll be a waste of both your time and money.
  6. I just noticed that too. The new stadium has a field, goal posts, and seats….just like the current one. The resemblance is downright remarkable! 😉
  7. Huh? Because if you review the dozens and dozens of mocks that I have in other threads on this very board, you rarely, if ever, see these two players mocked to Buffalo. Just saying.
  8. So here’s what we’ve learned from all of this: Either people on here are just messing around with their selections for other teams, or more likely the Bills are NOT getting any of the players I’ve seen mocked to them on countless hypothetical drafts on here. Sheeesh
  9. Thanks Soft costs refers to anything not part of the ‘hard’ construction cost. Besides design fees that typically includes permit fees, inspection, furnishings, and a host of other smaller fees and costs.
  10. College is over rated. I know. I went…a lot. Go to the game! 😉
  11. That seems high based strictly on the recently reported construction cost. Typically a/e design costs would be somewhere around 7.0% for a project of this size. The higher the construction cost, the lower the percentage. This is generally true for all types of projects (residential, commercial, institutional, etc.)
  12. Ya see? I told you the other day…ya need to step away once in a while. Now you went and broke your computer! 😂
  13. Hey Hawk, looks like your phone/computer is doing the same as mine a few weeks back. It keeps repeating the same response. I think it happens if you’re trying to push submit while others are responding.
  14. Oh for heaven’s sake! Do you think I’m a Bills fan that was born in raised in California? I sat through many a foul weather game at the Rockpile and Rich Stadium. The weather is what is and always has been. For the majority of the games, the weather is just fine. And as I’ve said, if you don’t like it, then make sure to buy seats under the roof…DONE!!
  15. You’re got to be kidding, right? Just to name a few off the top of my head…New England, New York, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Chicago, Baltimore, etc all have relatively new facilities and NONE of them are indoors or have ANY sort of roof whatsoever. And all of those are in the northeast. Buffalo is definitely NOT going to look ridiculous or backwards. Come on, “Super Fan”!
  16. I really don’t get all the complaining on here. Before the site was chosen and the design work started there were people who wanted a dome and those that didn’t. Now that it’s set it seems like they’ve provided fans with a choice. You can buy seats under the cover or you can sit out in the elements. What the heck do people want?
  17. Sounds to me like these guys are just realizing that Tom isn’t coming back after all. Time to jump ship!
  18. Nope. I mentioned because many on here have no idea what it costs build things these days. We have local school construction bonds that regularly exceed $1 Billion…and that’s not for anything more than a single suburban school district. Yikes…right? Thanks. And you obviously know it costs close to $100 just for a parking spot at SoFi. Wait until people see the increase in Orchard Park!
  19. The recent surge is Southern California sports arena construction is just that…recent. It wasn’t that many years ago when the Dodgers, Angels, Rams, Lakers, Kings and Clippers were all playing in very old facilities. USC and UCLA still are. These things tend to go in spurts.
  20. I’ve stayed away from the political side of TSW for a bit, but I notice you’re all still here screaming at each other. I however felt the need to correct you on this widely shared misconception. I’ve mentioned this many times before as I’m actually impacted by it: Personal Tax Rates: Under Obama, during the Great Recession, high income earners were asked to contribute more because of the dire economic conditions at the time. So the top personal tax rate was raised. I paid it. Under Trump, with the Great Recession behind us, the top rate was essentially put back to where it had been when Obama took office. Seems pretty logical to me. But calling that a ‘tax cut’ is utterly ludicrous! Corporate Taxes: A corporation doesn’t have a secret basement in which they can hide cash away. At least not for very long anyway. They either pay corporate tax, or distribute profits to owners through bonuses, etc who then in fact pay a HIGHER tax rate on that money as personal income. The corporation can delay, or write off, those corporate taxes on a year by year basis depending on the accounting method they use but sooner or later they’re going to either pay the tax or distribute the profits…which are then, yep, taxed!
  21. There’s obviously been a lot of talk on here about the cost of the Bills new stadium, and rightly so, but I thought it’d put things in an interesting perspective that the City of Inglewood just got the go ahead to construct a less than two-mile long overhead ‘people mover monorail’ to connect SoFi Stadium to the larger Metro train system. Cost of this new spur?….$1.5 Billion! (A third of it is coming from the State of California.)
  22. Everyone keeps saying we don’t have a DT under contract next year…but may I suggest that that doesn’t mean we won’t be re-signing a few of our own. It’s not as if there’s gonna be a long line looking for players that most on here couldn’t care less about.
  23. You’re partly correct. It’s not that I don’t care it’s just that I know that the ship has sailed. As the guy in the bar says when Jack wins the poker game…With or without you “Titanic is going to America”! 😉
  24. And around and around and around we go. There is only one NFL Stadium in the entire State. There are way more of those other retail outlets. Has anyone ever mentioned that talking with you is like trying to squeeze jello? Yes…we ALL know you don’t like the fact that your ticket price is gonna go up. We all know.
  25. Maybe they are, and maybe they aren’t. These large companies get all sorts of subsidies to locate their stores and warehouses in communities all over America. For example, Car dealerships get tons of them, because the local auto center brings in $ millions each year in sales tax revenue.
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