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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. No, I don’t. She will be running against Trump.
  2. Yes, the Today Show is on a major network, and I’m guessing has a significant female audience. But instead of asking Ms Haley about her journey and experience building an incredible record of public service…the host keeps coming back to Trump, as if she’s not even sitting there. Extremely disrespectful! (And if you think that interview won’t be picked up and replayed with other outlets, you are even more naive than I gave you credit for.)
  3. And the cycle has already started up afresh. I watched the Today Show’s interview with Nikki Haley and the host kept interrupting her on every answer trying to turn the discussion back to Trump. I was shocked that Ms Haley didn’t get up and tell the guy to go f$&k himself.
  4. Oh come on! The other side literally and knowingly lied to the American people to sway the electorate prior to an election. And that was after they literally, and knowingly lied to the electorate to promote a ridiculous impeachment proceeding, only to hire these same ‘insurrectionists’ as contributors. And that was after they promoted a later to be convicted criminal as the next democratic presidential candidate. Shall we go on? Yes…BOTH sides are looking for ratings. Is this somehow complicated to you?
  5. My point exactly. And it makes virtually no sense given the style of defense they play.
  6. Now do CNN and the rest of the mainstream media with the Russia-gate, and Hunter laptop stories. Do ALL of these channels, including Fox, have an agenda and a target audience? Obviously they do.
  7. I’m not going to shed many tears when anyone of defensive side leaves. And that says a lot about Frazier’s (McD’s) scheme right there. Our defense doesn’t depend on standout, leave them on an island playmakers, but instead looks for team players who have the discipline to fill their assigned zone. In my opinion there’s no reason to break the bank for any of these guys…but we’ll see.
  8. Mid March isn’t that far away. Look at it from the Team’s perspective. If Edmunds is gone, they have just a few weeks to rethink much of their draft board. It’ll be interesting. (On the other hand, I cannot say the same for Singletary.)
  9. Yes, I indeed went to the far end of the spectrum to drive home the point. I was hoping it would clarify the issue. Apparently it didn’t. Carry on!
  10. So there’s your answer then. Like with most of these discussions, it’s not very complicated. Conservatives prefer to leave the plate at seventeen inches and let the players sort the game out. Whereas Liberals prefer to change the plate when players don’t get the results they believe they were promised or deserve.
  11. I have no idea what that means but I think it made me chuckle.
  12. It takes a whole lot of newly authored legislation to fundamentally transform America.
  13. Antifa watches Tucker Carlson? I’m not sure that’s his target demographic but you do you.
  14. Weo My point is a simple one, and not the least bit disingenuous. If the Billionaire had indeed paid for all of it, those in attendance would pay for all of it. That is how every business works. The same is true when you eat at a restaurant. The cost to construct the restaurant is built into the price of your dinner....no?
  15. What’s he depressed about? Didn’t he win? Or is it just possible that once he got to Washington he said to himself “geeez this place is depressing as all hell”!
  16. I appreciate the work you put into that. This is an age old debate that will never be any closer to being solved until the economic burden, and the realized benefits of government are more proportionally shared by all. Solve that first, and much of the rest of the death match will go away with it.
  17. Thanks! We’re planning on going, so I’ll make a note in my calendar.
  18. You can like Ryan (I don’t) or not but wow it looks like Denver is completely out of ideas. They’ve quickly turned into a hot mess. If the choice is indeed Rex, I can’t see this working out. Seems to me they need changes far above the DC level.
  19. Classy response Kay. I love the personal attack reaction when someone pushes back against your ‘comrade’ leanings. Just because I comment on your latest verbose manifesto doesn’t mean I’m stalking you. I’ve said on here many times that I’m not a big healthcare voter, or consumer…thankfully. I just think you’re missing a major piece of the equation, when you simplify the issue down to ‘paying for it by raising taxes’. The missing piece is what happens to all the money currently being spent by businesses on healthcare? Do people’s take home pay increase? Do the cost of services decrease? This is a very complicated issue.
  20. Speaking of the calendar, does anyone know when the London game will be announced? Exact date and opponent? It’s usually ahead of the full schedule release.
  21. Solution: Don’t go the games, and don’t support the team. Other than that I don’t know what you’re looking for here. Simple Math: If the billionaire pays for the entire stadium, then those few in attendance are going to have pay WAY more to sit in it.
  22. That’s correct. That’s why they negotiated an agreement that seems to have been palatable to just about everyone but you. 😉
  23. Go ahead! Work to pass an amendment to the constitution. While I truly appreciate your passion for this topic I have no idea what good you think you’re doing on this message board day and night.
  24. For the one billionth time….the billionaire does NOT owe you a new stadium!
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