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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’m a victim? How so? Because I choose to call this crap out?
  2. Honest question for our medical professional friends on here. Last night I saw a new TV commercial for Covid 19 featuring a bunch of Hollywood types and a few athletes. They were listing off the specific conditions they each had that are considered as pre-existing conditions one should be concerned about as relates to catching the virus. There were the obvious conditions like advanced age (although I noticed they now use 50 as advanced age), obesity, and asthma….but then they threw in depression. Since when has depression been added to the list? The commercial was of course paid for by Pfizer.
  3. All of this back and forth about library books and yet I really doubt that anyone’s taken an actual book out of any of these school libraries in years…maybe decades.
  4. Don’t draft any of those guys until they get a proper logo on their helmets! 😉
  5. I like to keep things simple. Draft two Guards who’ll anchor the line for the rest of Allen’s contract. Bates backs up Morse, which means if like most seasons he’ll probably play half the games and then start in 2024. You cannot fix everything in a single offseason but I’ll take two young stud Guards as a huge win! And both should be available when and where we pick.
  6. “Please provide me with some State approved media.” Are you even listening to yourself? Can you imagine an American typing something like that? Yikes!
  7. Wait. You believe anyone in media gives a rats $&@ about you personally? I have no such delusions. They’re simply doing a job.
  8. I stopped trying to wonder why the media publishes stories a long time ago.
  9. So Putin is going to start WWIII by directly attacking a NATO country? And he’s going to do that so he can offload a few domestic criminals? Sure…sounds correct.
  10. So everyone believes now that after not being able to take over more than the very easternmost section of Ukraine….Russia is now going to move on to Poland? Have you ever played Risk?
  11. Wonderful! Instead of shrinking the footprint of this conflict, or press for peace, let’s expand it into another neighboring country. Plenty of new, fertile ground to sell bombs to.
  12. Cognitive deficit? He’ll fit right in! 😂
  13. Theocracy? Oh come on. Yes, let’s divorce ourselves from all of society’s ancient principles so we can turn over everything to the progressive State. I thought we were trying to have a conversation. And thanks for the spelling lesson…I work with a bunch of people from Texas and I’ve been trying to work that one into emails now and again. 😉
  14. The relevance is that this is a very old societal concept. It’s not something I made up since Trump (or whatever) got you’all riled up. And as regards to your red state v blue state nonsense, I live in California. We have literally millions of poor people here. Lumping everyone together based on some ‘progressive’ political agenda is ridiculous.
  15. Possibly, for a bit, but I think you’re limiting your thinking to keeping every other economic variable exactly as it is right now. Society/business would adjust and paychecks would change. The vast majority of the adjustment could be done with a single computer program. As I always say, nobody cares what their gross pay is. They only care what their net pay is. So raise lower earners pay and reduce upper earners pay to compensate for the change in tax policy. Don’t think it’s possible? Heck we just raised the minimum wage in the last few years by more than the evolution I’m proposing. Then…when everyone is paying the same percentage, a solidly biblical principle, we’ll see who’s ready to expand some ridiculous government program or raise taxes. (Not sure why you think some States’ poor are cohesively red or blue though.)
  16. Let me be more clear then. I’m firmly against a progressive tax system. Until everyone is paying the exact same percentage of their income (all kinds of income) you’ll never fix most/any of the problems you’all are so desperate to argue about on here. Is that simple enough for you?
  17. Wait! We’re TRYING to win a championship? Go figure! Who knew?
  18. I pray they change to a blocking scheme where the OL actually….blocks. 😉
  19. Lots of pros and cons with Edmunds but in the end it all comes down to how much money THIS team wants to invest in him. I’m guessing it’s not as much as some OTHER team would like to. So, if he’s gone, it’s up to the Bills defensive brain trust to change their strategy with his absence. In fact, I’m praying it’ll force them to. Unfortunately, I have very little confidence that they will…and therein lies the problem.
  20. You left out the best one. Governor Newsome didn’t want us go to in the wet sand.
  21. You’re kidding, right? The problem is not that we’re taxing people. The problem is that our government is picking a seemingly arbitrary amount to spend. Or haven’t you been paying attention to the nonstop debt limit extensions?
  22. Wouldn’t the fairest system be if everyone paid the same percentage of their income? I mean if we’re all in this together, let’s ALL be in this together!
  23. Not in the debate you were having. No it definitely is not. The classic liberal crap….if we just tax the heck out of the rich, my life will magically be better. Yet somehow their lives are never better even after managing to have spent over $30,000,000,000,000 more than we’ve taken in. When exactly does the magic kick in already?
  24. And here we go again. Yet another poster who wrongly believes that the amount of tax paid by ‘rich people’ has any impact on their own economic standing. While it may impact the national debt, the amount of tax paid by Bill Gates has virtually zero impact on me, you, or anyone else.
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