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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Ask the woke to define CULT…😂
  2. YELLING? Who’s YELLING? 😉
  3. I mean…really? Come on!
  4. And yet the Mock draft on this very board has the Bills going WR in Round One taking Jordan Addison, USC. 😳
  5. And, as I mentioned in another thread, Eli Ricks is the son of my wife’s best friend. Not sure if that’s a traditional measurable, but it is true. 👍
  6. I thought the premise was that he OVER valued property to obtain loans against that portfolio. So the civil suit is that the State should’ve been able to use that higher value on taxes? Seems ridiculous. The State assesses property values in a different way than what someone might use as ‘value’ in seeking a business loan. Again, I’m not a lawyer but I refuse to believe that this exact sort of thing has not been looked at by the courts literally hundreds of times in the past. There must be a precedent. And finally, if you’ve ever been involved in a civil suit you’d know that strategy of both the plaintiffs and defense can shift over time. It isn’t a sign of anything.
  7. Giving a deposition looks bad? Since when? I’m not a lawyer but wouldn’t this case more appropriately be brought by someone who was actually damaged? How was the State or City be damaged by what’s being alleged?
  8. Exactly. What you’re seeing there is a classic example of the structural properties of reinforced concrete. The concrete works in compression. Meaning it won’t ‘smoosh’ but it cracks easily if you bend it. Whereas the steel reinforcing bars are the opposite. They can bend without snapping but have almost no compressive strength. Put the two together and you have a structure that resists both tension and compression. However…if and when the concrete starts to deteriorate and water gets to the steel, it will rust, and then lose all of its tensile strength…and eventually the whole thing fails completely. How’s that for a quick structural engineering lesson?
  9. You bet. It happens to everyone. No worries Tibs.
  10. As BillStime would say….”This should age well.”
  11. I was of course joking about the arches. Stadium design has gone through many aesthetic trends over the last century. There was a time when they were built to resemble classical buildings. Think of the LA Coliseum and Soldier Field. That eventually gave way to a more utilitarian aesthetic where the focus was on the field itself and much less on the ‘building’. Some were successful and some have already been demolished. Rich Stadium, as I still call it, would fit into this category. It has no architectural adornment of any kind, but it does have very elegant, non-stylistic lines…which is why in my opinion it’s not considered to be out of date by most who review these things. Fast forward, and the newest stadiums are back to being ‘buildings’ again but now with a decidedly forward looking aesthetic. Much different from even the newest baseball stadiums which typically draw from a more nostalgic looking aesthetic.
  12. With teams building their rosters from many different sources these days the only criteria I put on our first, and maybe second, round draft picks is that they be players who will play…immediately and often. Period.
  13. OJ Simpson….talk about a ‘reach’!
  14. When Zach Ertz gets mentioned we’ll know it’s about to go down.
  15. I'm none of those things, but I did sleep on Purple mattress last night. It's the best!
  16. I thought I would try this…so bear with me: “Eh. I feel like small market sports franchises are having the same issues as other businesses. Nobody wants to pay big money to attend games in person when you can easily get everything you need online and it’s much easier to deal with. But big market teams will always have a home. The small market teams may soon be gone so long as online streaming continues and expands.” Not too shabby, huh? I did that thumb typing on a cell phone. 😁 Let me guess. You were hoping for some gothic columns and stone arches? 😉
  17. No they don’t….not yet. Funny thing is that Barnes and Noble already does. While buying a paperback the other day I was asked if I was a loyalty customer, and when the guy then offered me the ‘deal’ I learned it came with an annual fee…and that was just to buy a book for $9.95. Sheeesh! 😉
  18. Blasphemy! 😉
  19. Yes, I only selectively read this and every thread. I jump over here occasionally going back and forth from the football side as we get closer to the draft. I’m a true Bills fan. Not sure what others are doing on here. 😉
  20. Interesting reference to Taylor Mays. That’s a name I’d almost forgotten. He looked for all the world to be a sure thing coming out of college. And then…nope.
  21. It’s obvious you don’t even know what your cute acronymical slur stands for. And I have no idea what the “false identity” thing is supposed to mean. Time to step away from the keyboard. (By the way…did you get your new one? 👍)
  22. Isn’t it obvious? Beane has been monitoring the real time TSW Mock Draft and is clearly not happy with how things are panning out.
  23. I’ll accept the apology. I know that wasn’t easy for you. Now as regards to the overly generalized MAGA slur, is it that you oppose the idea of America being great?
  24. Nice try at backing out of it Hawk. You could just do the adult thing and admit you were wrong…which you were. But no, it’s far easier to repeat the DNC sponsored media lie in hopes of scoring cheap points with the uninformed masses. It’s not biggie, but the fact you want to double down on this clearly blatant piece of true misinformation speaks volumes….unfortunately.
  25. How about you actually READ the story you posted? You can read, right?
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