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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Couldn’t agree more. It far better to stay married in an abusive relationship where one side calls the other side, deplorable, Neanderthal terrorists. 😉
  2. You really crack me up. But that’s why we luv ya!
  3. Yikes! You’ve never heard of Mollie Hemingway? She’s probably one of the smartest, calmest voices on the media scene today.
  4. I’ll be happy if he just comes out of his bedroom long enough to see his shadow. 😉
  5. More accurately…thanks to the American taxpayers.
  6. If I close my eyes I can still hear the glass beer bottles rolling down the stairs inside the stadium. Classic!
  7. We did the same back in the day at the Rockpile. Good times!
  8. Thanks. I figured that would be it. Are you in the private or public side of urban planning. (My nephew is about to get his Masters degree.)
  9. I’m guessing he’s either been in all day negotiations on that whole Zach Ertz deal…or trying to track down a couple more stadium renderings. It’s either one or the other.
  10. I’m dying to find out. How is making our cities better, part of your job? Not trying to be snarky…just curious.
  11. Looking back on it and seeing where the team sits now in relation to the cap, signing Von Miller may prove to have been a HUGE mistake.
  12. Yes I do….and Brady rose above their deficiencies. As I tried to explain, I’m not pro or anti Davis specifically, but if you read through enough of these threads you’d come away with the impression that the Bills are actually the Texans in disguise. Upgrading the offensive line, get another year under the OCs belt, are priorities 1 and 2 in 2023.
  13. You may know more about how this all works than me, but can’t the Bills just make him an offer? If he wants to test free agency, it seems like he’s already got one foot out the door. The franchise tag seems like the absolute wrong approach for a team up against the cap.
  14. Yeah, but Edmunds was only sixteen back then. 😉
  15. I think one of the biggest, hidden problems with our pass rush is staring the scheme right in the face. The rotation concept is clearly not working. Put your best DEs on the field and let them get a good long sequence of plays under their belt. It takes that repetition to set up the opposing lineman for an inside swim move, straight up bull rush, or outside bending move.
  16. I’m still not sure I understand your strategy. Doesn’t the tag last for just one year? If you’re desperate to keep him, why not negotiate a long term, back loaded contract so next year’s hit would be something/anything less than the Top Five at his position?
  17. How does that help the Bills? Doesn’t it just force them to pay him the boatload of money they probably don’t want to pay him?
  18. I find these discussions interesting. By most people’s accounts on here the Bills are a ‘pass happy’ offense. And yet again according to many, they get little to no production out of: WR2 TE Slot WR RB screens Kinda makes ya wonder where are all the yards and points coming from then? 😉
  19. I’ll stick up for you on this one Tibs. You’re certainly not the ONLY one who posts idiotic stuff on here. I often have to skim through page after page of ‘idiotic stuff’ in order to bring my infamously renowned clarity to any given discussion!
  20. Whereas you apparently prefer, as do many, to get wrapped around the axle of dissecting every detail of every topic. My life experience has shown me that dealing first with the rule, instead of focusing on the thousands of conceivable exceptions, is a better approach to both getting things done and to unclutter your thought process/ decision making.
  21. Then the drug company should be sued for fraud! Selling drugs to people who suffer from a condition that is not cured by the drug should be illegal.
  22. All of which is why nobody on the Left should be making an issue out of this. It’s the 21st Century! Believe me, a kid can find a book on the internet before he/she would even think to look for one in the school library. Just another ridiculous attack on DeSantis.
  23. Ha! You might want to rethink that response…that’s the actual definition of a ‘policy maker’. Feel free to rephrase. 😉
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