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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. As I keep saying, I’m not in favor of this idea, but to think that everything else in our system will just the same is ridiculous. It obviously won’t. For starters, the entire tax code would evaporate, and with it, all the exemptions (loopholes) deductions, etc. So would all the pitting of one group against another. Think about it…..Have you ever heard ANYONE speak out against their ‘fair share’ when they buy a power tool at Home Depot? I never have. You just pay it, whether you’re rich or poor.
  2. I love this sort of thinking. Whenever I look at a Mock Draft, I immediately go to the teams right after the Bills just to see who the author believes the Bills will have passed up.
  3. What’s really funny is that according to BillStime, his family members left the school because of a book that was NOT in the library. Couldn’t they have just gotten that book for their children on their own? Now they have to buy them ALL the books, even the ones that ARE in the school library. Oh well.
  4. Yikes…..That seems like a really long list. Does anyone know what the league average looks like? Or how this year’s number compares to recent Bills’ rosters?
  5. So here’s the thing, if you’ll actually listen. All EVERYONE really cares about is their take home pay. This is true whether you are rich, poor, or somewhere in the middle. If we evolve to a national sales tax, which I don’t support, everyone’s take home pay would evolve to compensate for the significant change in our system. Would it be done without a ton of jabbering…nope. But it would evolve. Once again, you pay a local sales tax every single day and you don’t give it a moments thought. You just pay it. Why? Because over time it’s become part of the built-in American taxation system. And for what it’s worth, the reason we have the system we have now is NOT to benefit the rich! It’s to allow the political class to hold power over the electorate by using the tax rates as campaign fodder.
  6. Gene, I watched her actually speak. Unlike many on here who prefer to get their information from second hand nitwits on Twitter.
  7. Travel safe! I was going to open with some one liners about the Big Guy, but this is California, so ya have to know your audience. 😂
  8. So Gene, you trust the system as it is NOW? Including the thousands of pages of tax code? As I’ve said, I’m not actually in favor of a national sales tax. It unevenly taxes those who spend almost of their monthly income on purchases. But….do you ever question your local sales tax? Nope. You just pay it. Everyone does. Why? Because there are little to no loopholes. Put another way; you’re swimming in water and don’t even realize you’re wet. 😉
  9. I’m doing great! It’s a bit chilly here in California today, but bright and sunny. Speaking at a conference later this afternoon if you’d like to come on out.
  10. Who are the ‘them’ and the ‘us’? By the way, you do realize the same untrustworthy ‘thems’ are running things now, right? 😉
  11. Your skepticism is well warranted Gene. But this sort of a change is so big you’d be a fool to think it could ever be enacted without other connected changes to pay scales, the tax code, etc.
  12. Here’s what you’re missing: If you make a major change in the taxation system, you’re also going to see other major changes at the same time, and/or over the following few years. It’s foolish fear mongering to think that everything else in the American economic system would remain the same. Again, I do not support a national sales tax.
  13. While don’t support a national sales tax, the tweet is typical unserious thinking.
  14. I watched some of her interview on Hannity. Note, that I’ve already called her a clown. But…what she’s talking about is ‘divorcing’ the states from the federal government, not from one another. While in-artful in her presentation, as is usual, she’s expressing concern from her constituents over the ever expanding over arching authority of the centralized DC power base. Now THAT is a discussion worth having. Or…you guys can keep screaming at each other about muskets and fighter jets.
  15. Okay…so ‘you’ have the bulky pulpit now. How about if Biden knocks it off? Do we have a deal?
  16. You’re a reasonable guy Goose. Did you REALLY think that elected officials could call American citizens every name in the book, and it NOT end up with some people getting REALLY pissed off? Really?
  17. Sure Goose. You must be right. You’re always right….in your mind.
  18. The democrats have their own lunatic fringe in the House. Again, most folks just ignore them.
  19. She’s a clown. But pointing to her as having coming out of nowhere is naive. She’s a product of my earlier post. You can’t keep calling people worthless trash without them eventually taking offense.
  20. If Allen is the generational talent we all believe he is, you invest in the O Line to protect him and let Allen’s talent improve the WR roster.
  21. Silly conservatives! Everyone knows the appropriate thing to do is walk into a black church and start talking like a gospel preacher! Then go down the street to the Hispanic community and make taco references. Geez people…it isn’t that hard to pander!
  22. Don’t sugar coat it. Tell us how absolutely screwed we really are. 😉
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