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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Ya lost me on that one. There’s been quite a bit of ridiculous knee-taking these past few years. You’ll have to be more specific.
  2. So the next time you go to a Bills game and bunch of people start acting like drunken numbskulls, we can depend on you to be the first one out the gate….right? Sure!
  3. And apparently Joe Biden just visited a ‘war zone’ in a business suit. Let that sink in for a bit.
  4. Called out? No idea what that comment has to do with your really odd need to be ignored. But I’ve come to expect nothing less from you. Just more bullshef.
  5. It’s funny you mentioned those comments right after the Super Bowl ended. I watched virtually none of the postgame coverage but I did see Reid say that, and thought to myself….geez that’s an odd thing to say at that moment.
  6. Thanks Colorado Pretty amazing how much turnover there is year over year, and the vast majority comes in free agency. By the time they get to camp just about all of the roster spots are set in stone, with the infamous ‘camp battles’ coming down to just a couple of special team reserves who’ll rarely contribute much of anything.
  7. I think you just did. 😉 But…to set up a bunch of ridiculous government programs and then club people over the head for accepting the money that comes from them, has always seemed a bit odd to me. If you don’t want to give ‘red states’ the money…kill the programs.
  8. I have absolutely no idea who that is or how it relates to your ridiculous desire to scream from on top of a tall tower in hopes that everyone will ignore you. If you’re going to scream, just accept that people are going to tell you to shut up now and again. Unless you’re a twelve year old, I’d have thought you’d have learned that by now.
  9. And there it is! Come on here day after day asking to be ignored. Ya gotta love it! Classic.
  10. Everyone knows where he was. Trying to sell it as a war zone, like it demonstrates some sort of courage or body armor, is asinine. Even the President didn’t take it as such. He was wearing a blue business suit! Mind you, I give him props for going…but let’s not make it into something it clearly wasn’t.
  11. A war zone? You make it seem like he was in foxhole. Come on Frank. It was a long trip for sure but he wasn’t dodging enemy fire.
  12. I’m often dying to find out what people on here actually did/do for a living.
  13. And you think we should cut them off? I’m not sure where you’re going with this.
  14. Everyone immediately jumps to Beane in these threads, but I have to wonder how much Josh’s opinion is sought out with regards to WRs. Josh isn’t a rookie anymore. Does management ask him what he thinks he needs or who he thinks he can work with?
  15. Come on! It was windy…again. He appears to need a front end alignment. He pulls to the left a bit. 😉
  16. And in the other thread you’re criticizing someone for space lasers? You have a palpable fear of ‘them’. Gene….it’s a SALES TAX. You pay one now! The problems with shifting to a national sales tax are certainly significant but the concept remains a very simple one.
  17. Hey! I thought the Bills were going to win the Super Bowl this year, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong about everything! 😂
  18. And that’s your purgative, but then also don’t misquote her if you never actually listened.
  19. Agreed. I never look at the guys picked AHEAD of the Bills selection. I only look at who we had to choose from when it was our turn at the podium.
  20. I’ve been waiting for this thread. I loved Robert Woods both in college and as a professional. He’s bounced around a lot but has always looked productive to me.
  21. She is a clown. But even a clown deserves to be heard, not misrepresented or misquoted. She’s trying to make a point about the one size fits all approach that emanates from Washington these days. Which was not what the Founding Fathers envisioned when they formed a union of states.
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