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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. A little architectural firm trivia….the sports venue design industry took off when HOK Sport was first formed in Kansas City as a spin off from HOK architects, one of the largest architectural firms in the world. They really made their name with the design of Camden Yards ballpark in Baltimore. Prior to Camden Yards sports venue design had little fanfare or personality as was evidenced by the old multi-use stadiums in Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. Ever since HOK Sport made headlines, Kansas City has been the home to both HOK Sport and their primary competitors. So every time a new large commission would come in they’d ‘steal’ each other’s staffs to prepare the final drawings…which are a tremendous undertaking. HOK Sport then rebranded, losing the tie to the main HOK office and is now Populous, headquartered in Kansas City. There you have it!
  2. That’s because I keep a low profile on here. Ya never know who’s surveilling a Buffalo Bills related Message Board. 😉
  3. I think you’re missing the sentiment here. Yes, everyone has been thrilled with the recent success. But…there comes a time when even the most devoted fans say “been there, done that”. The drought ended over half a decade ago now. It’s time to get to the next level, and going into 2023 with nothing more than more of the same is a bit too little for many fans to look forward to. It’s not personal. The Team simply has to take another step forward.
  4. You know the yellow line isn’t always accurate, right? 😉
  5. If he’s coming back for the new stadium, somebody better tell him the renderings indicate the sidelines are NOT under the roof overhang. 😂
  6. I think they were trying to be respectful enough to allow him to field offers from other teams, without the stain of being fired on his resume. That clearly didn’t happen. All the other teams already have a date to next season’s dance. So now they came up with another way to put a positive spin on it. The Bills are clearly trying very hard to be a classy, ‘we’re a family’, franchise. I certainly appreciate that noble sentiment, but I’m praying it’s not getting in the way of the ultimate goal.
  7. You certainly toss around a lot of words on here. Are Russians considered to be ‘enslaved’?
  8. I’m not sure I know what that means, but it definitely made me chuckle. 😉
  9. Yesterday I mentioned the yet to be revealed Concourse areas, and after looking at the renderings close up it’s clear that a good portion of them are indeed NOT enclosed (heated/cooled). If you look through the openings in the grandstand areas you can clearly see the exterior glass skin of the stadium itself. So…while they’ll surely be wider, they aren’t going to be truly out of the elements…which to me will be rather disappointing.
  10. I’m not sure that’s totally true Hawk. I’m willing to bet that someone is looking at the bottom line, even over there.
  11. I’ve mentioned this before on here. Everyone needs to watch the original Star Trek episode entitled “A Taste of Armageddon”. Yes, that series was purposefully made corny at times for mass consumption, but they were spot on in predicting so many of the future technologies and the issues of today.
  12. What news source doesn’t ultimately need to make a profit? It doesn’t make them evil, it makes them normal. I’m not sure what people think profits are, but without them, you don’t have a business…period!
  13. Thanks Gene. So if I understand correctly you just convinced a bunch (or a few) people to invest money in your company/idea prior to you actually producing a product…otherwise known in your industry as ‘funding’. Good luck with it. Be really careful listing the two countries on here. 😉
  14. For the record, I’m good with profits. Always have been.
  15. Yep it has seats and a field alright. 😉 Other than that I’m definitely not seeing the Baylor connection…and I was just in Waco a few months ago.
  16. Architectural style is definitely in the eye of the beholder. I'm guessing the Pegulas wanted to break away from the industrial-style motif that many mentioned they like at Indianapolis. And, as I mentioned in an earlier email, I'm guessing that they're not quite happy with the interior Concourse designs yet....but based on the higher quality image of this latest aerial rendering, we should see something really, really soon.
  17. It’s interesting you mention style. As has been mentioned many times on here, the architects are the same firm that designed Tottenham in NE London. I’ve walked around that stadium, and it’s ultra modern exterior gives the impression that a spaceship has landed in a neighborhood of old Buffalo-like brick row houses. You can only get far enough away from the stadium to appreciate the architecture from one adjacent street. With all of that said, It is REALLY well done. The alternative would be Cowboy Stadium in Arlington whose singular form can actually be seen when you’re taxing in at the airport some 10 to 15 miles away. (Of course Central Texas has way more open vistas than Orchard Park) So there is something to be said for creating a large form and placing it in a big open field where you visualize the entire structure. With regards to the demolition of the old stadium, my ballpark estimate is that’ll take as much as a calendar year to demo it, fill it, and then repurpose it as parking.
  18. Love the aerial view in the context of the neighborhood’. It’s definitely the best overall view they’ve shared to date.
  19. Yes, it’s really puzzling. These renderings are not made by a dude with a water color easel and brush. They’re simply snap shots of the full architectural computer model of the stadium. They can literally create hundreds of them in a few hours. All I can think of is that the Bills Magmt isn’t quite happy with what the architects have come up with for those concourse areas, and so they’ve asked them to present a few more options before releasing to the public…but that’s just my guess, speaking as someone in the industry. Thanks Augie….and you’re 100% correct. In an outdoor venue the architects better be taking into account the layers of clothing people will need to wear to the game, and then make the seat WIDTHS appropriate. Likewise, if the row spacing is just an inch or two deeper it can make all difference for both legroom and the need to get up every time someone exits your row.
  20. I don’t think you’re a jerk by any means. Your concerns however appear to be single minded…no dome:no good. I’m trying to point out that after you get passed that single issue there are many, many other factors that are going to either be done well, or not. Most of them are the hands of the stadium architects. I sure hope that the ones I listed up above are being given their due consideration or it REALLY won’t be a success on any level. What has me somewhat amazed is that the renderings released address VERY FEW of those fan related design factors. I’m reserving judgement until we’re shown much, much more.
  21. Fair enough. What I think you’re missing is that the new stadium is a complete do-over, so things that you’ve taken for granted all these years might actually be compromised in the new stadium. Most people don’t realize that the biggest single factor in stadium venue design is the width of the seats and the spacing of the rows. The new facility will most certainly not have bench seating but instead individual bucket seats. If the designers try and squeeze in an additional seat per row or additional row per seating level it will have a significant impact on your game day experience. Likewise, on a raining, windy, or really cold afternoon, having heated, wide concourse areas both before the game and during halftime will be a much welcomed improvement.
  22. We most definitely disagree there. If you eliminate the dome roof (which appears to have long ago been eliminated from the amenities) the next things in order would be: 1. Seat width and leg room 2. Restroom availability 3. Concourse width 4. Concession quality and variety 5. Sight lines (hardly a factor in a football only facility) 6. Scoreboard/in-stadium technology (hardly a factor in a modern facility) 7. Exterior appearance (hardly a factor out in the suburbs) Number 2, 3 and 4 are all in the concourses. I’m curious where you’d rank them.
  23. I literally have no idea how this is a response to my post. I didn’t say the PLAYERS would care about the concourses. I said that the FANS will no doubt experience a significant upgrade there. Now, as regards to the players, I’m guessing the locker rooms will be somewhat of an upgrade as well, although I know they did a remodel to them in the last renovation project. Make sense?
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