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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Good ‘ol CNN. Now there’s a reliable source!
  2. So once again, you believe Putin will be marching on Paris? Let me know when because I’m planning to go to London to see the Bills in October. 😉
  3. So we’ve turned the page on the Williams era, and are on to the Allen era? Good to know.
  4. Is that the same administration that just proposed forgiving debts from millions of students? Are they also on that list? I submit the more overarching theme here is that nobody, regardless of class or influence, is ever held accountable for their poor financial decisions or risks.
  5. So you think Hitler was just making it up as he went along? Okie w
  6. I’m guessing he did, but not for the contract any other team was willing to give him.
  7. Not a bad move. You can only plug so many holes in any one offseason, and the Bills have plenty of them.
  8. Sure! As if were so, so many other teams pounding down the door looking for an over the hill one armed safety. 😉
  9. Tibs It’s your opinion that Putin is interested in marching on Paris? Okie Dokie
  10. Note that I never said the government will fix it. The poignant debate is about whether they should have in this case, or should have a role in the future.
  11. Morning Tibs So as our resident expert on all things Ukraine, what do you think this means for the coming year?
  12. Love the Buffet quote. Hilarious…and true. I take slight exception to the ‘addicted’ take. Most in this sector have never known anything but low interest rates. The real problem here is that people who claimed to be running this bank were supposed to know what to do when and if those rates increase.
  13. At that formative age? I seriously doubt it. What they’ll remember is that after months and months of practice and dedication their success was taken from them by forces beyond their control. Most of them are going to be forever pissed off!
  14. Not sure why this is a shock to anyone. A bank is a business. This one was very poorly run and when the music stopped they were left without a chair. The question is whether there are or should be safeguards in place to keep this from happening. THAT is the real debate.
  15. I firmly disagree with your first sentence. These are exactly the sort of life experiences that shape, scar, and stick with people for the rest of their lives. Sad.
  16. Reading all of the back and forth calculus on here I’m praying to God that someone at OBD has this all written down somewhere. 😉
  17. This is exactly why I never bought a yacht. I didn’t want to wake up, look next door, and see Jerry Jones lying there shirtless. 😳
  18. And you believe this photo shows what exactly?
  19. We’re already at almost double our annual rainfall total. Yes, we’re accustomed to actually monitoring it out here…go figure. We’ll get a bit more rain in the remaining two weeks of March and then believe it or not it literally won’t rain at all until November. The problem we have is they’ve done nothing to increase our storage capacity…even though we passed a huge initiative to spend billions doing just that almost a decade ago. Yep…you guessed it….environmentalists killed the progress on any storage reservoirs.
  20. Nice try Tibs. No, I think the remainder of the so-called Free World are being absolutely ridiculous with both their actions and rhetoric while they stand by and watch a civilized country get shelled.
  21. I’ve never been in combat but I think this ‘war’ is nothing short of immature, ridiculous behavior by ALL involved.
  22. I find it interesting that you and this Twitter moron believe ANY of that is an example of White Supremacy.
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