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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. We can keep going back and forth with me on this but the Bills are living on borrowed time if they don’t hit on their top picks this year.
  2. An NFL roster is made up of players acquired from a wide array of places. It’s always in flux. Teams both ascend and descend. Right now, at this very moment, the Bills need to be really careful. They’ve gotten by with subpar drafting by plucking a few agent here and there. But now they’re walking a cap tight rope. The last few drafts have put them in a real bind. It isn’t great but it is what it is and it has NOTHING to do with what any other teams are doing. The equation you’re trying to assert has way too many variables.
  3. Geez you guys are good at this stuff! I just leave it to OBD to figure it out. They are writing it all down, right?
  4. No he wasn’t. Obama said so. And I always believe Obama. He was never wrong. 😉
  5. Let me see if I have this straight. Your defense of the Bills drafting prowess is to cite other teams that are equally not very good at it? Using your logic we’d be better off trading down every year so we can take twenty guys in Rounds 5-7 and then just wait a couple years to ***** up the leftovers from around the league via free agency. Although, now that I type this, it might not be a bad strategy. 😉
  6. That’s correct. They are not good at drafting. They’ve just recently spent three top round picks on the D Line and still don’t have much of a pass rush to speak of. What draft picks are you watching? Now, this isn’t to say that those young guys can’t eventually become top players but they definitely aren’t there yet. And yes, the scheme papers over those deficiencies. You can maintain its egg and chicken. I’m sticking with chicken and egg. 😉
  7. This is not hard to understand. On defense, they play a deep cover prevent style strategy which papers over their lack of pass rush (though they’ve expended tons of draft capital trying to create one) . On offense, they have a super star QB who can run the ball when he’s in trouble which papers over their lack of an actual running game /offensive line. No matter how you slice it this Team is simply not a stacked roster of successful draft picks. That doesn’t mean they haven’t been winning. The two realities are not mutually exclusive.
  8. Aren’t the Packers owned by the community? Are they all going to relocate to Austin? 😉
  9. Very nice internet book report. We weren’t talking about Crimea? Were we?
  10. If Romney right, it’s purely accidental. 😂 But even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
  11. I don’t think there’s any way they’re planning on going with Klein at MLB for a seventeen game schedule. I actually like Klein in a reserve role but he’ll absolutely run out of gas as a consistent starter. And I wish I shared your optimism on Dodson, at such a key role in the defense but at this point I’ll take just about anyone who can stop a RB dead in his tracks.
  12. Hilarious So you believe our current strategy can only work when the battle line is drawn some arbitrary 60 miles INSIDE the Ukrainian border? Yeah that makes all kinds of sense….not.
  13. We forecasted EXACTLY what we were going to do when our pathetic leader told the world that a small incursion would be our limit. Now 310 pages later you see the result of that! Way to go Brandon.
  14. You and I are apparently the same person! Who knew?
  15. I think everyone agrees, but you still can’t play defense with TEN guys. 😉
  16. So in your world view we needed to first watch him level a country, displace millions of innocent people, and kill thousands of young men and women just to make this point? Wouldn’t it have been far better to stop him BEFORE any of that happened?
  17. That’s exactly what I’m thinking. As it stands right now we don’t have a MLB or defensive signal caller. I’m certainly no draft expert but I’d love to see what some of the people on here are thinking.
  18. As the smoke begins to clear you have to think they’re drafting a MLB in the first round now….no? If not, who do we actually have as the center of the defense?
  19. Hey! It took an entire minute to type all those Mississippis! 😁
  20. One Mississippi Two Mississippi Three Mississippi …. Okay, now what? 😉
  21. It seems to me that so far Beane has done the absolute minimum he could do this offseason. To date he’s simply restructured contracts for existing players and agreed to a bunch of special team filler slots. Is there anything LESS he could’ve done? Not a criticism….just reality.
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