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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You of course never know how a schedule will truly play out but I’ve always said that it depends a lot on the mentality of the team from week to week. So I like the 2023 schedule on paper anyway. I’d rather it be backloaded like it appears to be, meaning that the Bills ‘should’ get off to a winning record as opposed to every game on the back half being a must win like it turned into just a couple of years ago when they slumped to something like 7-6 if I recall correctly, and had to win out down the stretch just to make the playoffs.
  2. In the same London hotel with my wife while Augie apparently snores away on the pull out sofa. 😁
  3. I hear ya….but meddling is different from observing. Meddling is where you and your wife are standing in the kitchen all day getting in the way, chatting with the workers, or asking them “why are you doing that now?” or “when are you going to do that?” every hour or so. 😉 Believe me when I tell you that even on large public works projects the Owner can hire on-site representatives that are a total pain in the arse. In my experience it all comes down to the people assigned to the project. (Builder, Architect, and Owner)
  4. Looks like our ‘home game’ in Detroit is either against Dallas or New England.
  5. If it takes two years to complete that works out to $2,000,000 per day! Quick, someone go out there and see if they’re keeping up!
  6. I understand your concern but neither the world (nor the NFL) revolves around the Buffalo Bills home schedule. I believe they like to get these Europe games played BEFORE weather and travel become issues, and BEFORE the games become more critical later in the season. And finally obviously BEFORE holiday travel conflicts get in the way for fans.
  7. You got that right. It’s shameful bringing her back in. Have you seen the video of them helping her out of her car? What is this….”Weekend at Bernie’s”? Sheeesh!
  8. I didn’t watch a second of it but reading all the back and forth on here is absolutely PRICELESS!
  9. The Bills will travel to London early in the week. They won’t be experiencing jet lag by Sunday afternoon.
  10. Sounds like you’ll fit right in! The more the merrier. Hope you don’t mind taking in a match, and a couple of shows.
  11. I’m gonna have to google that. Starting in London, then Paris, Lille and Bruges/Ghent.
  12. Flights and hotels…booked!
  13. If true it seems rather reasonable to me. There are no long stretches of away games. There’s a bye week before playing the Chiefs. We don’t go to Miami in the heat. And we already knew there’s only one west coast trip. Again, if true….I’ll take it!
  14. Still vividly remember being stuck in traffic on the thruway bridge, being able to see the lights of the stadium, and listening on the radio while Washington ran the opening kickoff back. Classic!
  15. So now we’ve veered into the NFL being a business and not some sort of local community nonprofit recreation league? I thought everyone already knew that….but I guess I was wrong.
  16. I have absolutely no idea what any of that means.
  17. And as I said, the Owner can either be quick or slow to pay each month. And the Owner can either meddle in the day to day construction activity or they can leave the Builder alone. It’s no different from having your kitchen remodeled. The Owner’s participation is critical to keeping things on schedule.
  18. As I explained in an earlier response, most public works construction projects have what’s called a ‘liquidated damages’ clause meaning that the contractors pay a stipulated financial penalty for every day the project goes beyond the contract term. That penalty, along with prompt monthly payments from the Owner, and limited Owner directed changes, are what drive the construction team to stay on schedule.
  19. I trust you know this is all in good fun. In life you have to pick things to get upset about. The Bills playing a game overseas twice a decade is way, way, way down on my list. And I’ll easily trade it for adding back that fourth preseason game we suffered through every year.
  20. We’ll put you down as a ‘no’ on this one. Got it!
  21. We may be of the same era. I was there when MNF first came to town for the Bills vs KC. It was a rainy pregame, but all of WNY felt they had finally made the big time! (BTW....we all wore our rain gear, sat outside, and nobody complained. It was a glorious night!)
  22. So I'll mark you down as a definite "no" then. Thanks for clarifying any unintentional ambiguity you may have previously relayed on here.
  23. The Bills wandered in the NFL desert for almost twenty years. Oh how the faithful have forgotten. Nobody cared and nobody around the country wanted to watch them…except maybe for a good chuckle. During those two decades Bills fans routinely complained about the lack of prime time exposure. Enjoy it while it’s here! It will NOT last forever. Go Bills
  24. Thanks. You’re correct. Notice that I didn’t say it was a ‘rivalry’. My point was that those were the games you really wanted to see, even if you knew we were big underdogs. I can’t recall an era where anyone felt that way about the Jets. Unfortunately the Rodgers era is going to be short lived.
  25. My wife was dragging that day, but when we turned the corner and I showed her the Eiffel Tower I thought she was going to cry.
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